Anyone Watching The Powell Hearing?Maxine Waters Asks Irrelevant&Ridiculous Questions.How Pathetic!

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:290968001256257790-final: Right now they are holding a hearing with Powell as members on the panel is asking Powell various questions that pertain to our current financial/economic situation. Did anyone catch Maxine Waters when it was her turn? The lawmakers were asking complex questions that invloved MATH!,,,and when it was Maxine Waters time to speak, it was pretty obvious that she was the dumbest person on the panel {and maybe even in the white house} when she was asking about diversity when it came to those chosen to work in the Fed. She pretty much wanted to know why there weren't "Any Brothers" working in the same department Powell was representing.
What a dork!
in another way to look at this, its like a bunch of very intelligent white guys asking Powell all of these questions pertaining to our current financial situation using all of these "Hard Words" that most 18-24 year olds have never heard of in their questioning. Kinda like that classic scene when Chevy Chase said,,"It was to my understanding that there wouldn't be any math"....Maxine Waters may as well have asked,,,,,,"How Much Is 1 + 2 ??". That's pretty much how I saw it.
I don't watch anything with Maxine on it.

Every time I do, I look at that wig and I wind up putting on a James Brown DVD.
I don't watch anything with Maxine on it.

Every time I do, I look at that wig and I wind up putting on a James Brown DVD.
its like watching an SNL sketch,,u have all of these guys on the panel asking Powell these questions,,throwing facts,figures, ect. at him..real intelligent stuff that only us smarter deplorables can decipher {like me},,,and then its Maxines Turn to ask a question pertaining to the Fed,,and she had to ask was why there arent any black people working in the Fed dept. lol
That old bald headed negress is stupid as fuck
i wish her wig would of fell off as she was complaining
I don't watch anything with Maxine on it.

Every time I do, I look at that wig and I wind up putting on a James Brown DVD.
they should of said,,,,something like,,,,,"The Panel will now hear from the butthead from Los Angeles"
I feel that we should be very patient with Representative Waters.

She is an elderly lady. She deserves respect for her age, at the very least.

She is obviously very hurt and angry about the injustices that she and her ethnicity once suffered.

I have learned that she has represented three different Congressional districts here in California. Apparently, because of changing demographics, she has been forced to find a district that will elect her.

There is no law that forces you to listen to her. Just do what I do -- turn to another channel.

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