Anyone Who Thinks Baltimore Is Not an Infested Sh^thole I Offer a Deal

This is just the lestest ignorance out of the orange slut. Ever be there? The harbor (where I took my late father (WWII vet) on the only submarine he had ever been on. Harbor Place? Federal Hill? Greek Town (great food), Little Italy (more delicious food), Ten Thousand Villages, Lexington Market? One of my favorite bars to hoist a pint, The Horse You Road in On. There is so much more. The orange whore is full of shit.

A lot of people like living in cesspools. Ask Bernie, he says Baltimore is a third world country.
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It's not a cesspool in the U.S. Worst cesspool I've even been in the U.S. is Selma, Alabama. Talk about Third World. I don't come from Baltimore, but I used to live there some 20-30 miles south. I took silversmithing classes there. Still, one of my favorite bars is the Horse You Road In One. By the waterfront.

But,what is the guy whose pretending to be the president of all of us Americans (not!) attacking one of our great U.S. cities? Please explain to all of us. Please explain to Mr. Blackwell. No. Idiot. Nothing happened to our cars in the city of Baltimore. We visited and dined pleasantly.

Who's pretending? Like it or not, if you're an American, the president is your president.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?
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Naw, we can talk about any liberal run city and come up with the same ending.
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Dan Gilbert would be upset with you for calling his city of Detroit a dump. Tramps trade war didn't help Baltimore,

Now you are not just talking about Baltimore , you are talking about all cities tramp doesn't like and also all people he doesn't like.
Trump works for all Americans. That's why American hating liberals like yourself hate him.

The orange whore works only for his base. He has repeatedly denigrated people who support the Democratic Party, which is supported by huge numbers of Americans. He does not work for the American People. Just review the videos of his speeches. Review the list of his appointees. We have had only two viable political parties in the U.S., but one of them has been destroyed by idiotic right-wingers who have turned it into some sort of white-trash party. Gone are the days when the republican party was led by intelligent, respectable people whom we could vote for. There is only one party left upright; the one that doesn't chant stupidity and doesn't seek to make all of us into Texas or Alabama. Not all of us are crude and primitive people.

Nope you're all in for shithole Murder city Baltimore , Dead men walking Detroit and catch a case of Cholera California all bastions of Liberal leadership and Despair.

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