Anyone Who Thinks Baltimore Is Not an Infested Sh^thole I Offer a Deal

And a darned good one!

because it fits your talking point?

Exactly! Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it. Trump is a Kiss White, Kick Brown kind of guy.

Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it.

and, of course, no reasonable arguments FOR it.

Thanks for portraying a partisan fool.

You're all Birthers, now.

Remember when they were the lunatic fringe?

You're all Birthers, now.

Seriously, that's your comeback?

More of a loser than I thought

I grant you it's not up there with dismissing an opinion as an opinion.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

What do you think? Not racist?
Meanwhile, Trump has a plan to fix Baltimore!
I was reading about it and I think it might work.

1) scrape the entire city into rubble.
2) load trash barges with the scrap
3) dump all the scrap onto the continental shelf, 100 miles east of Ocean City
4) rebuild on the mound that emerges
5) use the old city location as a giant land fill for hazardous material
because it fits your talking point?

Exactly! Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it. Trump is a Kiss White, Kick Brown kind of guy.

Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it.

and, of course, no reasonable arguments FOR it.

Thanks for portraying a partisan fool.

You're all Birthers, now.

Remember when they were the lunatic fringe?

You're all Birthers, now.

Seriously, that's your comeback?

More of a loser than I thought

I grant you it's not up there with dismissing an opinion as an opinion.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

What do you think? Not racist?


why do you see it as racist?

oops, nevermind.

The WORLD knows why.

(Orange Man Bad)
Meanwhile, Trump has a plan to fix Baltimore!
I was reading about it and I think it might work.

1) scrape the entire city into rubble.
2) load trash barges with the scrap
3) dump all the scrap onto the continental shelf, 100 miles east of Ocean City
4) rebuild on the mound that emerges
5) use the old city location as a giant land fill for hazardous material

Americans won't do that kind of work.
Meanwhile, Trump has a plan to fix Baltimore!
I was reading about it and I think it might work.

1) scrape the entire city into rubble.
2) load trash barges with the scrap
3) dump all the scrap onto the continental shelf, 100 miles east of Ocean City
4) rebuild on the mound that emerges
5) use the old city location as a giant land fill for hazardous material

Americans won't do that kind of work.

Oh, I don't know about that.

I think some would voluntarily do it for free.
Exactly! Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it. Trump is a Kiss White, Kick Brown kind of guy.

Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it.

and, of course, no reasonable arguments FOR it.

Thanks for portraying a partisan fool.

You're all Birthers, now.

Remember when they were the lunatic fringe?

You're all Birthers, now.

Seriously, that's your comeback?

More of a loser than I thought

I grant you it's not up there with dismissing an opinion as an opinion.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

What do you think? Not racist?


why do you see it as racist?

oops, nevermind.

The WORLD knows why.

(Orange Man Bad)

Orange man bad is one of the most retarded deflection memes you Trumpkins use.

I see it as racist because it says future black candidates will be judged by the color. Duh.
I can picture Trump debating Booker, "Dude, you're black! Fuhgeddaboutit! We tried that with Obama!"
Exactly! Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it. Trump is a Kiss White, Kick Brown kind of guy.

Well, that, and there are no reasonable arguments against it.

and, of course, no reasonable arguments FOR it.

Thanks for portraying a partisan fool.

You're all Birthers, now.

Remember when they were the lunatic fringe?

You're all Birthers, now.

Seriously, that's your comeback?

More of a loser than I thought

I grant you it's not up there with dismissing an opinion as an opinion.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

What do you think? Not racist?


why do you see it as racist?

oops, nevermind.

The WORLD knows why.

(Orange Man Bad)
And the mod has no defense for orange man. Perhaps the mod spits on POWs and mocks the handicapped too. Who knows? Perhaps you want orange man to grab your pussy too.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore. Man he just sets you guys up, and then you guys start repeating him. Do you have a mind of your own?

Because tramp put down Cummings now we can expect trash talk about Baltimore.
They've been trash talking Baltimore for years.

Even before a previous mayor, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, told the protestors to light it up.
The problem isn't so much that he belittled an American city, as unbecoming as that is; the problem is that every time he uses the word, "infested," he does so in regards to minorities. The man is a bigot, plain and simple.

more opinion
It's not opinion that the only targets of trump's "infested" comments were minorities.
I’ll put you up in a Motel 6 in downtown Baltimore for a night and you can go on CNN the next day and talk about what a great place this is to vacation.

If you think ‘infested’ is racist, let’s just say only a dog hears a dog whistle.

BTW - Bernie called Baltimore worse than North Korea.


Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to 'Third World' country
Hoping to reach out to African-American voters in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders arrived in Baltimore on Tuesday for a tour of the neighborhood where...

Bernie was talking about poverty in our inner cities and our lack of action to address it.

It didn't refer to them of an infestation like the Racist fuck-in-Chief said.

You mean Bernie the Socialist where everything is supposed to be free, except his book that made him millions? Talk about a liberal hypocrite.
Orange man bad is one of the most retarded deflection memes you Trumpkins use.

I see it as racist because it says future black candidates will be judged by the color. Duh.

Judging a member of a societal group based on his membership of that group, having just besmirched that group by allegations of inferiority, should be commonly recognizable as textbook racism. Whoever can't, or purports he can't, is an unreconstructed racist, or a liar, or both.

Yeah, both. And an idiot for believing he can get away with such demented nonsense, too.
Why can't any of you support the orange whore and the sexually-obsessed baboon from Indiana with some reasoned intelligence? Try to write something about your policies and the future of the United States, not just call people names. What do tramp, pigpence, and the rest do to put the American People forward?
Why can't any of you support the orange whore and the sexually-obsessed baboon from Indiana with some reasoned intelligence? Try to write something about your policies and the future of the United States, not just call people names. What do tramp, pigpence, and the rest do to put the American People forward?


Try to write something about your policies and the future of the United States, not just call people names.

Meet kettle

What do tramp, pigpence, and the rest
Why can't any of you support the orange whore and the sexually-obsessed baboon from Indiana with some reasoned intelligence? Try to write something about your policies and the future of the United States, not just call people names. What do tramp, pigpence, and the rest do to put the American People forward?
You guys are like old biddies. You have more nick names for people then Carter has liver pills. That is not love.

Yeah, Breitbart guzzler, you're on a broad-based swallowing trip, again?

However, Sanders sounded a different tune in 2015 when he likened Cummings’ West Baltimore district to a “Third World country.”

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation. You would think that you were in a Third World country,” Sanders said during a tour of the city in the aftermath of riots over the April 2015 death of Freddie Gray, an African-American man who died after falling into a coma while in police custody.​

A mere "neighborhood" does not equal Cummings's district. Sanders walked that neighborhood in the aftermath of a riot on the occasion of yet another police murder. Nowhere is there a hint to be found that he blames Cummings for the problems of this neighborhood, or denies he, Cummings, has a role to play in national policies unless the neighborhood evolves to become the equivalent of Switzerland.

You like your lies and distortions big. Really, really big, so that they are a challenge even for you to swallow, eh?


"If racist Elijah Cummings would focus more of his energy on helping the good people of his district, and Baltimore itself, perhaps progress could be made in fixing the mess that he has helped to create over many years of incompetent leadership. His radical “oversight” is a joke!" Donald J. Trump.

Trump, a life-long racist, from his discrimination against black would-be tenants to "someone has to do the raping" to his Birther bullshit to his attacks on The Squad, calls a giant in Congress "racist". In every nation that hasn't completely lost its mind, this would be immediately followed by excluding that asshole from polite company, indefinitely, not to mention a political defenestration.

JimBowie1958, the Breitbart guzzler, thinks this is exculpatory evidence. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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