
We have a P courses and honors courses in the US as well. A lot of the image of the super busy students in the countries you mention comes from parents who enroll their students and after school programs that can be quite rigorous. Because it had gotten a little out of control, countries in Asia are now passing laws to limit the times and amount that students can spend after school at such places. China recently passed a law outlawing private profitable education centers outside of the school system

Yes that is partially true, but AP, or P courses simply do not compare.

Higher programs in Asia are immersive.

As for China they primarily passed that law as a power move for CCP members, and as a backlash against unnecessary western influence.

What do you think has happened to all of the English academies in China?

Same thing.
I am sorry that you live in the People's Republic of Massachusetts. Perhaps you should consider moving to the United States of Flyover Country.
The man can't take his business elsewhere in his own home, because of the broken-down POS monopoly model of "education" that you're here defending, and the best you can tell him is to leave the state?

Man, you monopolists are some seriously callous sombitches.
Our education system has been largely unchanged since the 1950s.
It is amazingly tragic that this is the case.
Perhaps getting private industry involved would be the best solution to both get the unions and the government out of education.
We need to treat students as individuals. With an effort especially on identifying gifted students. As well as identifying students who simply cannot learn well in a "normal" class sitting... but blow other students out of the water in testing.
Our education system treats kids like little robots. As if every "model" is the same. Same lessons, taught the same way, at the same speed with ZERO regard for how well/poorly individual students do.
The University Must Be Replaced With Highly Paid Professional Training

As an 18-year-old genius at playing baseball, Derek Jeter got a million-dollars up-front to put himself through the minor leagues, WHICH IS BASEBALL'S EQUIVALENT TO COLLEGE EDUCATION for other businesses. That is the model we must follow if we want to succeed economically.

Suppose, instead, that baseball imitated the talent-hating slavery that Low-IQ corporate big-shots mandate for us. Tell the talented, like Jeter wasn't told or he never would have turned pro, that they should pay the minor leagues to train them and get by in a miserable lifestyle with money earned in the off-season in some menial low-paying job.

If High IQs ever manned up, they would make the plutocracy pay for not paying them in college. If they're truly smart and have any pride, they would hack into its bank accounts.
Mind-Candy Is What Turns High IQs Into Neurotic Desperate Nerds

The university is work without pay. Therefore, it is only for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. Avoiding adult responsibilities has nothing to do with mental talent, despite the fact that everybody who preaches "The university is not for everyone" is brainwashed to believe the untalented, rather than the naturally maturing are the ones who don't belong there. Don't be misled by pushing the assumption that working without pay is only for smart kids, because "they like studying so much they'll do it for free."
I 'preach' that but believe university is not for everyone for a different reason.

Unless society determines that you REQUIRE university level credentialing to perform your chosen vocation (doctor, engineer) you shouldn't be there.

Therefore, university is genuinely not for everyone.

As for working without pay...that's for rich kids.

Sadly, poor ones have been enticed to follow the hype to their detriment.

Years of crippling debt.
$45k a year? Many teacher's wish they made that much. I retired after 21 years. I made $50K 4 out of those 21 years and 3 were in an inner city middle school. The other gave me day for day credit for 11 years military service.
I'm pretty sure you're solidly right wing. You also seem to understand the situation quite well because you're a retired teacher. What do you think about this notion that we should end public schooling?
Nearly everyone who wants one...In fact, many of the "poor" see to it that they get the most expensive and flashy one that they can afford.

Now, tell us why the hell are you fucking around here during school hours?

I starting get the feeling that you can't 'splain why you're here stealing from the taxpayers, when you should be doing your fucking job.

Most folks have more sympathetic leanings toward teachers than they do towards administrators and politicians.

I do believe Unk probably WAS a teacher, and that some system does employ him, but, as he involves himself in politics, he is probably now more a policy wonk than an educator. A principle, board member or superintendent would have the free time to bandy about on the boards, while also looking for creative solutions for these problems.

It would also explain why he refuses, because of cognitive bias, to absolutely not consider, some solutions.
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Yes that is partially true, but AP, or P courses simply do not compare.

Higher programs in Asia are immersive.

As for China they primarily passed that law as a power move for CCP members, and as a backlash against unnecessary western influence.

What do you think has happened to all of the English academies in China?

Same thing.
The a P courses here do compare. Like the advanced courses in many of the Asian nations to which you are referring, more material is presented at a faster rate and students are rigorously tested on it in preparation for a very high stakes test at the end of the year. As for the language schools in China, the CCP certainly is trying to make sure free market capitalism doesn’t get too far if there is money to be made, the central government wants to be sure they get the bulk of it themselves. A lot of the teachers who were working at these after school academies are now kind of living in a black market underworld where the parents who used to take their kids to these very well appointed expensive academies are hiring the foreign teachers and other tutors directly.
Imagine what would happen if, instead of sending children to conventional schools where their natural ways of learning are curtailed, we provided them with the resources that would allow their curiosity, playfulness, and other natural ways of learning to flourish. That is Self-Directed Education (SDE): education that derives from the self-chosen activities and life experiences of the learner.

The Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to normalizing and legitimizing Self-Directed Education, to make it available to everyone who seeks it.

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991​

Imagine what would happen if, instead of sending children to conventional schools where their natural ways of learning are curtailed, we provided them with the resources that would allow their curiosity, playfulness, and other natural ways of learning to flourish. That is Self-Directed Education (SDE): education that derives from the self-chosen activities and life experiences of the learner.

The Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to normalizing and legitimizing Self-Directed Education, to make it available to everyone who seeks it.

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991​

No money in it for the career monopolist educrat......So the OP will dismiss this out-of-hand.
I 'preach' that

Therefore, university is genuinely not for everyone.

As for working without pay...that's for rich kids.

Sadly, poor ones have been enticed to follow the hype to their detriment.
Anyone Who Lives Like a Child When He Is Not One Will Wind Up With the Mind of a Child

The worst crippling is working without pay, not student debt, so you're being led into unnatural assumptions again. Because of mandated student poverty, a college student lives like a child. That stunts his emotional growth and, no matter how much his submission to slavery pays off in financial success, he will have personal failures for the rest of his life.
Does anyone really want to discuss education?
"Does anyone really want to discuss education?"
I'd like to discuss how illegal wetbacks have taken public schools in California from among the best in the nation to the very worse.
I'd like to discuss how/why you and many others seem to be accepting of the aforementioned?
My bet is you'll avoid such discussion as it's scary as fuck, doesn't fit your retarded narrative and makes you want to pee yourself...right?

No money in it for the career monopolist educrat......So the OP will dismiss this out-of-hand.
Some of the shit my kid actually spent time learning from his friends and the other kids in school. . . because the stuff the STATE was propagandizing them with was useless and boring?


That fact of the matter is, educrats in the age of the technocracy? They are among the first to become redundant and irrelevant, and they are at the front lines of trying to brainwash folks, to convince everyone that the technocracy is a GOOD thing.

I'd recommend every teacher assign Vonnegut's Player Piano.

. . . but then? That would involve making the students actually read.


It is a tragic irony, it really is.

"Does anyone really want to discuss education?"
I'd like to discuss how illegal wetbacks have taken public schools in California from among the best in the nation to the very worse.
I'd like to discuss how/why you and many others seem to be accepting of the aforementioned?
My bet is you'll avoid such discussion as it's scary as fuck, doesn't fit your retarded narrative and makes you want to pee yourself...right?

Hey, welcome.

I assume you're probably all about public school as long it's done to the best benefit of citizens only?
Hey, welcome.

I assume you're probably all about public school as long it's done to the best benefit of citizens only?
The public school system here in Mexifornia must be destroyed and rebuilt.
Plyler v. Doe has fucked California taxpayers into oblivion....let the money follow the student...let wetback kids go to wetback schools with nothing but wetbacks...Allow all decent REAL Americans the opportunity to choose.
Maybe people that are actual teachers can help me explain to your ignorant ass that kids aren't just wasting their time at school. They're learning things.
They are definitely "learning things"...they are learning to hate their country, to hate white people and the laws of their country...they are learning social construct and how to advocate for societal realignment. FUCK THAT!
Anybody decent who sends their child to a public school in a Dem run shithole is a fucking idiot...period!

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