AOC gets head ripped off in Primary

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera will destroy her in all of her debates. AOC's days are numbered. :)
Not if the other person is perceived as attacking AOC’s family. That shit don’t fly.

How is speaking the truth attacking OAC's family attacking them?
You dims are all only hate the truth when your ox is being gored.
Who the fuk cares if her mother moved to Florida?
Her mother is part of the working class that was forced to move because of high taxes that AOC wants to raise. The candidate that was debating AOC was standing up for ppl like AOC’s mom.

Is she going to protect against Florida’s warmer winters?

AOC has nothing to do with NY taxes

her mom specifically stated she left the state because of high taxes.

And AOC wants to raise everyone’s income taxes to the federal government . If the state taxes are so high then why is she working to increase the tax burden on the bottom lines of her constituents?

AOC wants things like universal healthcare, a safe environment, low cost education, higher wages.

Not just for New Yorkers but for all Americans

And just how do you think that can be provided? That's right, higher taxes. Much higher taxes.
We can start by repealing Trumps trillion dollar gift to billionaires
Working Americans have been ignored for a generation and have seen wages and benefits sacrificed in the search for tax cuts for the wealthiest among us

What trillion dollar gift?

Let's say you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went to church, I snuck into your home and took 50 dollars. So if after a while I started feeling guilty about it, and stopped taking that 50 dollars a week, does that mean I gave you a 50 dollar a week gift?

If we are going to start anywhere when it comes to money, let's stop funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS for starts.
Let’s say you and I are neighbors.
Our fathers used to get a wage where they used to support a family on one salary. They could afford healthcare, to send their kids to school without going into debt, retire with a nice pension.

In the 1980s, we switched to supply side/trickle down with a promise of prosperity for all. It didn’t work. Instead of a rising tide lifting all boats, it only lifted the yachts

God forbid if we were neighbors.

Many of our fathers worked long hours and went without in order to save and to provide. There was no such thing as internet, cell phones, Starbucks, no one drove a BMW and if you even had a television there wasn't cable.

My father had a HS Diploma and got a union job at 18. On that salary he was able to raise four kids on a single salary, had good health benefits, a pension and retired at 60 with no debt. He sent four kids to college without going into hock.

Today’s kids have no shot at that American Dream. AOC wants to bring some of that back.
What? Your Dad from the greatest generation worked and paid to put food on the table, sent kids to school,
paid for healthcare for the family and retired with a pension. That is great and glad to hear it.
AOC wants to give it all for 'free', You are something else, RW
He sure did
And he received a fair wage with benefits
Something AOC supports

Republicans want to limit your ability to earn wealth. Restricting wages, labor rights, cutting benefits while the cost of healthcare and education keeps rising
You're avoiding what I'm stating, AOC wants it 'free'. Stop with your dodging, RW
No she doesn’t want it free
She wants workers to get a fair wage like they used to. A wage they could support a family on.
She doesn’t want Americans to go bankrupt if they get seriously sick or injured, she wants Americans to send their kids to college without massive debt, she wants to protect the environment.

Anyone who doesn’t want those things has seriously corrupt values
Oh BS, she wants 'free' education, 'free' healthcare, guarantee a federal job.
You are at least a socialist, RW, and probably a communist.
I doubt that was your Fathers vision when he was a union worker.

She is an economics major. She understands what free means. She also understands the existing distribution of wealth and where the money is.
She advocates government taking a larger role in healthcare, education and the environment.
Not a very good try with the playing of words. She is what she is, no matter how much lipstick you put on that pig.
She is what she is

A politician who supports universal healthcare, low cost higher education and protecting the environment.

Positions that have made her the enemy of conservatives

Universal healthcare is unaffordable. Low cost college simply means somebody else is going to pay for it, and the environment is a bottomless money pit.

Other nations manage to afford both universal healthcare and low cost/free college.

Comes down to priorities. They don’t pay for a military that is bigger than the next eight nations combined

And look what they drive and live in.
My cousin from Canada cant believe all the new high end vehicles and nice homes here in Houston.
And boats? They all run 20 year old pieces of shits.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera will destroy her in all of her debates. AOC's days are numbered. :)
Not if the other person is perceived as attacking AOC’s family. That shit don’t fly.

How is speaking the truth attacking OAC's family attacking them?
You dims are all only hate the truth when your ox is being gored.
Who the fuk cares if her mother moved to Florida?
Her mother is part of the working class that was forced to move because of high taxes that AOC wants to raise. The candidate that was debating AOC was standing up for ppl like AOC’s mom.

Is she going to protect against Florida’s warmer winters?

AOC has nothing to do with NY taxes

her mom specifically stated she left the state because of high taxes.

And AOC wants to raise everyone’s income taxes to the federal government . If the state taxes are so high then why is she working to increase the tax burden on the bottom lines of her constituents?

AOC wants things like universal healthcare, a safe environment, low cost education, higher wages.

Not just for New Yorkers but for all Americans

And just how do you think that can be provided? That's right, higher taxes. Much higher taxes.
We can start by repealing Trumps trillion dollar gift to billionaires
Working Americans have been ignored for a generation and have seen wages and benefits sacrificed in the search for tax cuts for the wealthiest among us

What trillion dollar gift?

Let's say you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went to church, I snuck into your home and took 50 dollars. So if after a while I started feeling guilty about it, and stopped taking that 50 dollars a week, does that mean I gave you a 50 dollar a week gift?

If we are going to start anywhere when it comes to money, let's stop funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS for starts.
Let’s say you and I are neighbors.
Our fathers used to get a wage where they used to support a family on one salary. They could afford healthcare, to send their kids to school without going into debt, retire with a nice pension.

In the 1980s, we switched to supply side/trickle down with a promise of prosperity for all. It didn’t work. Instead of a rising tide lifting all boats, it only lifted the yachts

God forbid if we were neighbors.

Many of our fathers worked long hours and went without in order to save and to provide. There was no such thing as internet, cell phones, Starbucks, no one drove a BMW and if you even had a television there wasn't cable.

My father had a HS Diploma and got a union job at 18. On that salary he was able to raise four kids on a single salary, had good health benefits, a pension and retired at 60 with no debt. He sent four kids to college without going into hock.

Today’s kids have no shot at that American Dream. AOC wants to bring some of that back.
What? Your Dad from the greatest generation worked and paid to put food on the table, sent kids to school,
paid for healthcare for the family and retired with a pension. That is great and glad to hear it.
AOC wants to give it all for 'free', You are something else, RW
He sure did
And he received a fair wage with benefits
Something AOC supports

Republicans want to limit your ability to earn wealth. Restricting wages, labor rights, cutting benefits while the cost of healthcare and education keeps rising
You're avoiding what I'm stating, AOC wants it 'free'. Stop with your dodging, RW
No she doesn’t want it free
She wants workers to get a fair wage like they used to. A wage they could support a family on.
She doesn’t want Americans to go bankrupt if they get seriously sick or injured, she wants Americans to send their kids to college without massive debt, she wants to protect the environment.

Anyone who doesn’t want those things has seriously corrupt values
Oh BS, she wants 'free' education, 'free' healthcare, guarantee a federal job.
You are at least a socialist, RW, and probably a communist.
I doubt that was your Fathers vision when he was a union worker.

She is an economics major. She understands what free means. She also understands the existing distribution of wealth and where the money is.
She advocates government taking a larger role in healthcare, education and the environment.
Not a very good try with the playing of words. She is what she is, no matter how much lipstick you put on that pig.
She is what she is

A politician who supports universal healthcare, low cost higher education and protecting the environment.

Positions that have made her the enemy of conservatives

Universal healthcare is unaffordable. Low cost college simply means somebody else is going to pay for it, and the environment is a bottomless money pit.

Other nations manage to afford both universal healthcare and low cost/free college.

Comes down to priorities. They don’t pay for a military that is bigger than the next eight nations combined

That's true because none of those 8 are the worlds superpower. We are. None of them are the world police. We are.

But don't kid yourself. Every healthcare industry in the world is having some kind of problem. If it's not being void of lifesaving equipment and medication, it's the ability to keep paying for it. If it's not waiting times for ER and doctors visits, it's high taxation that leaves people with little else.

But the nice thing about not having government healthcare is that government has less control of the people like they do in other places. That's one of the reasons why we on the right don't want that here.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera will destroy her in all of her debates. AOC's days are numbered. :)
Not if the other person is perceived as attacking AOC’s family. That shit don’t fly.

How is speaking the truth attacking OAC's family attacking them?
You dims are all only hate the truth when your ox is being gored.
Who the fuk cares if her mother moved to Florida?
Her mother is part of the working class that was forced to move because of high taxes that AOC wants to raise. The candidate that was debating AOC was standing up for ppl like AOC’s mom.

Is she going to protect against Florida’s warmer winters?

AOC has nothing to do with NY taxes

her mom specifically stated she left the state because of high taxes.

And AOC wants to raise everyone’s income taxes to the federal government . If the state taxes are so high then why is she working to increase the tax burden on the bottom lines of her constituents?

AOC wants things like universal healthcare, a safe environment, low cost education, higher wages.

Not just for New Yorkers but for all Americans

And just how do you think that can be provided? That's right, higher taxes. Much higher taxes.
We can start by repealing Trumps trillion dollar gift to billionaires
Working Americans have been ignored for a generation and have seen wages and benefits sacrificed in the search for tax cuts for the wealthiest among us

What trillion dollar gift?

Let's say you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went to church, I snuck into your home and took 50 dollars. So if after a while I started feeling guilty about it, and stopped taking that 50 dollars a week, does that mean I gave you a 50 dollar a week gift?

If we are going to start anywhere when it comes to money, let's stop funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS for starts.
Let’s say you and I are neighbors.
Our fathers used to get a wage where they used to support a family on one salary. They could afford healthcare, to send their kids to school without going into debt, retire with a nice pension.

In the 1980s, we switched to supply side/trickle down with a promise of prosperity for all. It didn’t work. Instead of a rising tide lifting all boats, it only lifted the yachts

God forbid if we were neighbors.

Many of our fathers worked long hours and went without in order to save and to provide. There was no such thing as internet, cell phones, Starbucks, no one drove a BMW and if you even had a television there wasn't cable.

My father had a HS Diploma and got a union job at 18. On that salary he was able to raise four kids on a single salary, had good health benefits, a pension and retired at 60 with no debt. He sent four kids to college without going into hock.

Today’s kids have no shot at that American Dream. AOC wants to bring some of that back.
What? Your Dad from the greatest generation worked and paid to put food on the table, sent kids to school,
paid for healthcare for the family and retired with a pension. That is great and glad to hear it.
AOC wants to give it all for 'free', You are something else, RW
He sure did
And he received a fair wage with benefits
Something AOC supports

Republicans want to limit your ability to earn wealth. Restricting wages, labor rights, cutting benefits while the cost of healthcare and education keeps rising
You're avoiding what I'm stating, AOC wants it 'free'. Stop with your dodging, RW
No she doesn’t want it free
She wants workers to get a fair wage like they used to. A wage they could support a family on.
She doesn’t want Americans to go bankrupt if they get seriously sick or injured, she wants Americans to send their kids to college without massive debt, she wants to protect the environment.

Anyone who doesn’t want those things has seriously corrupt values
Oh BS, she wants 'free' education, 'free' healthcare, guarantee a federal job.
You are at least a socialist, RW, and probably a communist.
I doubt that was your Fathers vision when he was a union worker.

She is an economics major. She understands what free means. She also understands the existing distribution of wealth and where the money is.
She advocates government taking a larger role in healthcare, education and the environment.
Not a very good try with the playing of words. She is what she is, no matter how much lipstick you put on that pig.
She is what she is

A politician who supports universal healthcare, low cost higher education and protecting the environment.

Positions that have made her the enemy of conservatives

Universal healthcare is unaffordable. Low cost college simply means somebody else is going to pay for it, and the environment is a bottomless money pit.

Other nations manage to afford both universal healthcare and low cost/free college.

Comes down to priorities. They don’t pay for a military that is bigger than the next eight nations combined

Great, get them to pay for our military, that is helping protect their countries. Then we can talk about allocating some of those funds to healthcare and college.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera will destroy her in all of her debates. AOC's days are numbered. :)
Not if the other person is perceived as attacking AOC’s family. That shit don’t fly.

How is speaking the truth attacking OAC's family attacking them?
You dims are all only hate the truth when your ox is being gored.
Who the fuk cares if her mother moved to Florida?
Her mother is part of the working class that was forced to move because of high taxes that AOC wants to raise. The candidate that was debating AOC was standing up for ppl like AOC’s mom.

Is she going to protect against Florida’s warmer winters?

AOC has nothing to do with NY taxes

her mom specifically stated she left the state because of high taxes.

And AOC wants to raise everyone’s income taxes to the federal government . If the state taxes are so high then why is she working to increase the tax burden on the bottom lines of her constituents?

AOC wants things like universal healthcare, a safe environment, low cost education, higher wages.

Not just for New Yorkers but for all Americans

And just how do you think that can be provided? That's right, higher taxes. Much higher taxes.
We can start by repealing Trumps trillion dollar gift to billionaires
Working Americans have been ignored for a generation and have seen wages and benefits sacrificed in the search for tax cuts for the wealthiest among us

What trillion dollar gift?

Let's say you and I were neighbors, and once a week when you went to church, I snuck into your home and took 50 dollars. So if after a while I started feeling guilty about it, and stopped taking that 50 dollars a week, does that mean I gave you a 50 dollar a week gift?

If we are going to start anywhere when it comes to money, let's stop funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS for starts.
Let’s say you and I are neighbors.
Our fathers used to get a wage where they used to support a family on one salary. They could afford healthcare, to send their kids to school without going into debt, retire with a nice pension.

In the 1980s, we switched to supply side/trickle down with a promise of prosperity for all. It didn’t work. Instead of a rising tide lifting all boats, it only lifted the yachts

That's what happens when you have a 3 inch hole in your boat.

Very true

Republicans policies have put a 3 inch hole in the boats of all workers. Where once they could depend on their boat for support, they now must spend their time bailing it out trying to stay afloat

In the 1980s, we switched to supply side/trickle down with a promise of prosperity for all. It didn’t work.

False. All people, at all income levels did better under the 1980s and 1990s, when this economic plan was in place.

And honestly it is ridiculous to think otherwise.

If you have a job... that's trickle down economics in action.
If you own anything of value... that's trickle down economics in action.

Look around your house. Name one thing you own, that has value, that wasn't made by a rich person?
Look around the entire country. Name one job, either high paying, low paying, or middle class income, that is provided by an impoverished beggar? No such jobs exist.

Jobs are provided by the wealthy. Wealth itself, is provided by the wealthy.

Trickle down is how the world works.

By the way, Trickle down is how even socialist countries work. Even in Venezuela today, the only jobs that still exist, are still provided by the wealthy. What little wealth they have, is still provided by the wealthy.

Trickle down, is how the entire planet works. It worked in the 80s. Worked in the 90s. Working that way today.
I don’t own a single thing in my house that was made by a rich person. The profit went to a rich person
Yeah, there's that pesky thing called capitalism. The opportunity for one to amass wealth.
Socialism and communism doesn't afford the opportunity. That's you, apparently
What we have is unrestrained capitalism with our government siding with the capitalists

Myth. Total Myth. First, if there was unrestrained Capitalism, a ton more banks would have gone into bankruptcy, during the sub-prime melt down, including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest bailouts of the entire crash.

There is no such thing as unrestrained capitalism in America. In fact, Switzerland, Denmark, and quite a few others, are higher on the economic Freedom index, than the US is.

Some of the countries Democraps point to as being a model for the US, are less regulated than the US.

As for government siding with business.... stop voting for such people. It was Tea Party protesters that were utterly against all bailouts. It was the conservative caucus in the House, that presented a plan to avoid all bailouts.

It is left-wing people to this day, that claim the bailouts prevented a great depression. It was left-wingers that claim Obama's huge money give-away to corporations and political supporters, saved the economy.

Stop supporting those people.

Practice what you preach all the time.
Leftists only know what they're told to know.

God she has a punchable face,add her blathering And I dont think I could stop myself.

Latinas from The Bronx are tough. be careful

Oh...I was engaged to an hispanic girl so there's not much you can warn me about that I dont already know.

ryan garcia is hispanic. the best boxer on the planet

Never heard of him and dont see how he is pertinent to the conversation.

God she has a punchable face,add her blathering And I dont think I could stop myself.

Latinas from The Bronx are tough. be careful

Oh...I was engaged to an hispanic girl so there's not much you can warn me about that I dont already know.

ryan garcia is hispanic. the best boxer on the planet

Never heard of him and dont see how he is pertinent to the conversation.

6 million views. AOC should marry him to protect herself from you!

God she has a punchable face,add her blathering And I dont think I could stop myself.

Latinas from The Bronx are tough. be careful

Oh...I was engaged to an hispanic girl so there's not much you can warn me about that I dont already know.

ryan garcia is hispanic. the best boxer on the planet

Never heard of him and dont see how he is pertinent to the conversation.

6 million views. AOC should marry him to protect herself from you!

Is he bullet proof?

God she has a punchable face,add her blathering And I dont think I could stop myself.

Latinas from The Bronx are tough. be careful

Oh...I was engaged to an hispanic girl so there's not much you can warn me about that I dont already know.

ryan garcia is hispanic. the best boxer on the planet

Never heard of him and dont see how he is pertinent to the conversation.

6 million views. AOC should marry him to protect herself from you!

Is he bullet proof?


This little girl is in over her head and it is now beginning to show. She was never much more than a pretty face with a shortage of brains behind it but now even her political brethren have had enough of her duplicitous opportunism and uninformed banter. She may get re-elected this time but her primary oppoenents are making it clear that she does not just OWN the seat and is going to have to step up to the plate and actually start swinging the bat.

I'm not sure who is more dangerous to the democrats....their republican opponents or their own Political brethren.....I have yet to see anything as down and dirty as the way Bernie got treated both this year and four years ago.....the GOP has no counterpart for that kind of deep rooted and bloodthirsty treachery.....maybe that will be their downfall in the end.


Pretty face? My mule is prettier and better teeth.

God she has a punchable face,add her blathering And I dont think I could stop myself.

Latinas from The Bronx are tough. be careful

Oh...I was engaged to an hispanic girl so there's not much you can warn me about that I dont already know.

ryan garcia is hispanic. the best boxer on the planet

Never heard of him and dont see how he is pertinent to the conversation.

6 million views. AOC should marry him to protect herself from you!

Is he bullet proof?


I dont believe you.....


  • B67D85BF-8A8C-477E-8172-DC2F6E13A9A6.jpeg
    308.2 KB · Views: 36

This little girl is in over her head and it is now beginning to show. She was never much more than a pretty face with a shortage of brains behind it but now even her political brethren have had enough of her duplicitous opportunism and uninformed banter. She may get re-elected this time but her primary oppoenents are making it clear that she does not just OWN the seat and is going to have to step up to the plate and actually start swinging the bat.

I'm not sure who is more dangerous to the democrats....their republican opponents or their own Political brethren.....I have yet to see anything as down and dirty as the way Bernie got treated both this year and four years ago.....the GOP has no counterpart for that kind of deep rooted and bloodthirsty treachery.....maybe that will be their downfall in the end.


Pretty face? My mule is prettier and better teeth.

I don't think she's a bad looking girl at all. Her looks are not her problem.

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