AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

It appears your confusion stems from what comprehensive immigration reform is. It was amnesty. Scuttled by Republicans and never to be seen again.

I know what it means, it means letting more of them in. The problem is these people are not assimilating in the country, they are actually changing our country.

We allow a million people a year to become citizens here, that's on top of the generous near million green cards and Visa's we provide outsiders to take advantage of our educational system and ability to work and make money. We've done more than our share to help others outside of our country.
Unions are the biggest factor in companies going overseas.

The Unions is often all there is to protect the work force who were abused for years and years before they organized to improve working conditions and get a better wage. The Wealthy owners no longer could squeeze all the profits they could out them even cause deaths to come by in their thirst for ever more profits.

Unfortunately, once the Unions gets well established and did the initial improvement on workers' health and wage situation corruption sets in and criminals begin to use the Union funds for their own purpose and get into partisan politics that reduces their drive to maintain support for the Union work force.

It was the nefarious excesses of Jack Ass Morgan, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford and other over wealthy jerks of a Century ago who squeezed their work force dry to pad their bottom line finally caused the workers to start Unions as a means to demand safer work conditions, eliminate child labor, institute an 8-hour workday and better wages.

Unions exist today because most workers learned NOT to trust the Wealthy owners who has a long poor record of treating their work forces fairly and decently.
Reagan admitted that was his worst mistake of his presidency. He only did it because the Dem Congress at the time said they would take measures to reduce border crossings, which of course they didn't even try.

So you knew how it could be done.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

Yep she is a very smart lady I totally agree with her point of view. AOC is brillant in my opinion.
The Unions is often all there is to protect the work force who were abused for years and years before they organized to improve working conditions and get a better wage. The Wealthy owners no longer could squeeze all the profits they could out them even cause deaths to come by in their thirst for ever more profits.

Unfortunately, once the Unions gets well established and did the initial improvement on workers' health and wage situation corruption sets in and criminals begin to use the Union funds for their own purpose and get into partisan politics that reduces their drive to maintain support for the Union work force.

It was the nefarious excesses of Jack Ass Morgan, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford and other over wealthy jerks of a Century ago who squeezed their work force dry to pad their bottom line finally caused the workers to start Unions as a means to demand safer work conditions, eliminate child labor, institute an 8-hour workday and better wages.

Unions exist today because most workers learned NOT to trust the Wealthy owners who has a long poor record of treating their work forces fairly and decently.

Union membership has been on the decline for many years now. They out priced American products from the world market. They do exist here and there, mostly with the UAW and government unions, but outside of that, Americans finally realized non-union jobs are better than no jobs.

Dingbat AOC tells us all what her definition of Capitalism is in an interview with Yahoo Finance. Here is the key quote: "So to me, capitalism, at its core, what we're talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost."

There are so many things I could say in response to this quote but I will it to you. Discuss.

About as understandable as was Nikita Khrushchov with :
" Capitalism isn't just an unjust economic system,
it's a way of life that leads to a corruption of
important values.Television is only one example. "

Therefore it would be inconsistent to make the case that
a person who loves to act like a boob and be seen and
heard every chance she gets be part of the TV Problem.
All I gotta say is :
Where is Curly when Capitalism calls :
" Woo-woo-woo Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk Soitenly!
Perhaps you live in the middle of nowhere.
Corporations are saving money by using efficient waste collection technology.
Very troubling and touchy topic.Like where does all
that garbage go.Even it put in some high tech furnace
it still has objects and things that when burnt give off
silly amounts of deadly fumes.
Just burning cut down Poison Ivy is deadly.
The fumes are highly toxic.
Plus what about all the Garbage that gets sent out
to sea and dumped.I guess it could be dumped in large
areas where huge landscapers have carved out.
But that's supposed to be how Nuclear waste is handled.
Very troubling and touchy topic.Like where does all
that garbage go.Even it put in some high tech furnace
it still has objects and things that when burnt give off
silly amounts of deadly fumes.
Just burning cut down Poison Ivy is deadly.
The fumes are highly toxic.
Plus what about all the Garbage that gets sent out
to sea and dumped.I guess it could be dumped in large
areas where huge landscapers have carved out.
But that's supposed to be how Nuclear waste is handled.
Good post.
I will have to remember to ask.
You are not wrong in a sense, the "greatest generation" tried their level best to poison us all.

That said you can go overboard with regulation as the agencies grow and have pretty much unfettered power. The whole "climate change" hoax as a example.

Two whole generations have grown up knowing nothing but cleaner air and water when compared to what I grew-up with. I could tell the youngins' pollution stories that would curl their fuckin' hair.
And it's all due to the technological and infrastructural advances realized via the dynamics of capitalism.
I understand the AOCs view but studying history I have found Capitalism is how things work in any type of government. Even Communist and socialist countries use a form of Capitalism. Look at China and Vietnam.
For any organization to survive it has to take in more than it sends out. But as one poster said it needs regulation. {great discussion}
But as one poster said it needs regulation.

Does it? Or does it just need reliable laws against fraud, theft, pollution, liability, etc?

Because my understanding of what most people mean by "regulation" aren't laws protecting our rights. They're just rules mandating conformity, for convenience (always the convenience of some at the expense of others).

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