AOC Is A Communist

In 2016 Trump said he was going to turn the GOP into the Worker's Party. What do you suppose he meant.

Trump wanted full blown communism, of course.
Trump wanted the jobs that were literally moved out of country moved back and for that was reprimanded.
BTW, that is why I will vote for trump over and over. Fk those who want to take ove my country. Fk em Danno
In 2016 Trump said he was going to turn the GOP into the Worker's Party. What do you suppose he meant…
Full blown communism, clearly.
Very funny, SeaMajor7 . But of course Trump is an “America First” nationalist, a populist, and a divisive demagogue. Without any real principles, he’s happy controlling the once great GOP, “ruling the roost.”

Trump is certainly a master of exploiting the fears and dissatisfactions of our nation’s white working classes. Though he has long supported the economic interests of fellow super-wealthy capitalists, he now feels aggrieved that so many of them — like the Koch brothers — have increasingly distanced themselves from him since Jan. 6th. Trump would happily bring the country to the edge of civil war and beyond just to satisfy his own ego, megalomania and sense of grievance.

Of course Trump now also wants to be President … to keep from going to jail, or being seen as a “loser.”

Unfortunately millions of white American workers are still so deluded and bedazzled by Trump’s “Big Lie” demagogery that they would follow him almost anywhere. If they were just a bit more “class conscious” plenty of men like self-described “Leninist” Steve Bannon would be happy to help Trump transform his “Trump Republican Party” into a MAGA “National Workers Party.” But Trump is not so stupid that he will drop the “Republican Party” name — not so long as he can personally dominate the party’s politics and force even most anti-Trump Republicans to shut up and pay him obeisance.
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Very funny, SeaMajor7 . But of course Trump is an “America First” nationalist, a populist, and a divisive demagogue. Without any real principles, he’s a master of exploiting the fears and dissatisfactions of our nation’s white working classes. Though he had long supported the economic interests of fellow super-wealthy capitalists (to ingratiate himself with them), he feels aggrieved that so many of them — like the Koch brothers — have increasingly distanced themselves from him since Jan. 6th. Trump would happily bring the country to the edge of civil war and beyond just to satisfy his ego and megalomania.

Unfortunately millions of white American workers are still so deluded and bedazzled by Trump’s “Big Lie” demagogery that they would follow him almost anywhere. If they were just a bit more “class conscious” plenty of men like self-described “Leninist” Steve Bannon would be happy to help Trump transform his “Trump Republican Party” into a MAGA “National Workers Party.” But Trump is not so stupid that he will drop the “Republican Party” name , not so long as he can personally dominate the party’s politics and force even most anti-Trump Republicans to shut up and pay him obeisance.
Says a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie.
Your hatred is clear, thanks. :rolleyes:
There is more than one way to the same method whether itis communism or fascism it is still an “ ism” …You do know that those countries you mentioned are known as the ” five eyes”. They are the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States… Dictatorships come in all forms shapes and sizes please keep that in mind…
ism doesn't mean a damn thing. Republicanism Americanism idealism. Makes an adjective into a noun. So what does the five eyes mean?....

Communists are for dictatorship, socialism is for fair capitalism. In every other non English speaking country- france Germany Sweden Etcetera Etcetera italy Spain they have had socialist parties and they won. Now they are socialist countries just like every modern country but us. You need at least health care for a society to be fair. Now we are the only modern country without health care day care paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. Because GOP are swine and their followers are brainwashed functional morons....
Politicizing the DOJ and FBI are you fucking serious ? I'm sure you think Democrats haven't been doing the exact same shit. Your a partisan hack and a hypocrite.
Oh really? You didn't see Bill Barr's whitewash of the Mueller Report? Or Trump systematically firing every agent associated with the report? Or his constant obstruction of justice?
The fact Trump was impeached twice but then totally exonerated, does not at all make him look bad in any way, but instead makes Congress look awful.

Rember the first impeachment was a claim of Russian collusion which turned out to be totally false, and Russia had no impact on the election at all.
The 2nd impeachment was a claim of demanding dirt on Hunter, but we all watched the video, and it clearly was just a request into why Burisma Holdings was being paid so much, and who illegally fired Shokin?

Until covid, Trump was doing average, so it is wrong to attack his business record.
And you are totally wrong about covid response.
Time has proven Trump was correct, that covid was no big deal, and it was Fauci who screwed everything up by "flattening the curve", which just prevented herd immunity and forced many more deaths than necessary.

While I agree Trump may be the most dishonest president we ever had, he started no wars, so was no worse than average.
The only real gripe I have with Trump was what he did to RoeVsWade.
trump was never exonerated, HUNTER was a trained international business lawyer, Covid was a big deal and Trump screwed up our reaction by pointing out every danger about the vaccine and calling Fauci ETC a liar and all kinds of stuff so that only 40% of Republicans got vaccinated and we are still suffering today... Trump left our great allies the Kurds and Syrians to the mercies of scumbags.... The Afghan ending was according to his plan...
The fact Trump was impeached twice but then totally exonerated, does not at all make him look bad in any way, but instead makes Congress look awful.

Rember the first impeachment was a claim of Russian collusion which turned out to be totally false, and Russia had no impact on the election at all.
The 2nd impeachment was a claim of demanding dirt on Hunter, but we all watched the video, and it clearly was just a request into why Burisma Holdings was being paid so much, and who illegally fired Shokin?

Until covid, Trump was doing average, so it is wrong to attack his business record.
And you are totally wrong about covid response.
Time has proven Trump was correct, that covid was no big deal, and it was Fauci who screwed everything up by "flattening the curve", which just prevented herd immunity and forced many more deaths than necessary.

While I agree Trump may be the most dishonest president we ever had, he started no wars, so was no worse than average.
The only real gripe I have with Trump was what he did to RoeVsWade.
russia hacked Hillary after Trump told them to in a speech, and those emails cost her the election because they were spUN as treason or some **** crap lOL poor America....
Trump may be a jerk, but I saw nothing illegal while in office.
The impeachments failed to find any crime.
The Mar-a-lago search failed to find any crime.
The Carroll trial failed to find any crime.
Saw nothing illegal in office? How about starting an innsurrection to overthrow the Constitution of the United States? The Impeachment proceedings proved beyond a shadow of doubt Trumps high crimes and misdemeanors, but the Republican congress derailed the vote and gave him cover. Taking classified documents that are not yours is a federal crime. And trying to solicit 11,000 votes out of Georgia is a felony!
Very funny, @SeaMajor7 . But of course Trump is an “America First” nationalist, a populist, and a divisive demagogue. Without any real principles, he’s happy controlling the once great GOP, “ruling the roost.”
so you are an internationalist. what is the difference?
Lenin was also a blood thirsty dictator and Stalin was also a communist

Communist government demands a despotic dictator and dictators are typically blood thirsty

Lenin was willing to do whatever it took to establish communism as the dominant government. Meanwhile, Stalin was just a plain dictator whom everyone was scared to death to cross.
Lenin was willing to do whatever it took to establish communism as the dominant government. Meanwhile, Stalin was just a plain dictator whom everyone was scared to death to cross.
Sure..................I don't see, nor hear of ONE country in the rest of the world, lining up to adopt the for-profit US healthcare system.

Over DECADES........................ THAT should tell people something.
The whole rest of the world uses government health care, and it is vastly better than the US greedy health care system that kills over 250 million patients a year with malpractice.
If public health care were just as bad as the VA, it would still be a vast improvement, since it would compete with private health care and bring the prices of private health care way down.
"250 million patients a year " ? Everyone of you morons championing government run healthcare should be forced to use the VA system, one visit and you fuckers would change your tune.
Lenin was willing to do whatever it took to establish communism as the dominant government. Meanwhile, Stalin was just a plain dictator whom everyone was scared to death to cross.
Lenin was a brutal dictator and mass murderer JUST LIKE stlain yes he watned to force communism on people while Stalin maintained it

That is what communism is by DESIGN

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