AOC Is A Communist

Just like the election was stolen and the Biden's are a crime family and the rich pay too much in taxes and global warming is a hoax and all the other crap you idiots believe....
The election was stolen. Biden is as corrupt as he is perverted. Global warming is a hoax to redistribute wealth and destroy capitalism. The only thing I want the rich to do is stay out our business.
Everything you learn from GOP propaganda is 100% wrong snap out of it.
Fake News.
Not one thing has been done for the citizens, Going green is not helping anyone.
Just cheaper medicine prices, Cheaper Medicare, Cheaper Obamacare, infrastructure, and a hell of a lot more blocked by Republicans who only care about cutting taxes on the rich and screwing everyone else, Super Duper... You people know nothing about anything and your ignorance is used to supposedly prove that the Democrats are doing nothing. Stupid...
Yes every respected journalist outlet in the world says you're nuts and you only have one TV channel and three newspapers in the entire world and a bunch of nuts on the Internet. It takes a lot of guts to be so ignorant.
There are very few journalists left. The ones that are do not agree with you.
WTF is wrong with poor people?
Why don’t they just study hard and get PhDs?

I have a degree in a dead end job. This means that I get treated worse than just a High School Grad. When I take a job, I don't mention my real background. I have 3 retirement funds coming in but I still am required to work at what is essentially min wage. And I don't get out of bed for a min wage job.
I have a degree in a dead end job. This means that I get treated worse than just a High School Grad. When I take a job, I don't mention my real background. I have 3 retirement funds coming in but I still am required to work at what is essentially min wage. And I don't get out of bed for a min wage job.
They will fire you for that.
The problem with Chavez was sanctions by the United States, which doesn't know the difference between socialism and Communism.

The sanctions were strictly place don individual people not on venezuala. The problem with Chavez was socialism which failed because of it's inherent nature
Marxism in reality has to be a dictatorship. Socialism is always democratic except in communist theory... Which is all a bunch of crap. Thank God the unions and socialists (NOT COMMUNISTS!) helped workers and fended off a revolution.....It's called the embourgeoisement of the working class- Turning the working class into the middle class, which is not true so much anymore after 40 years of GOP screwing them....

Socialism is also tyrannical in nature it alwasy must be imposed by force.

Unions and socialists did no such thing. There was never a threat of revolution here.
Who are all happier than we are with our worst inequality upward mobility homelessness Etcetera Ever anywhere after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, Super Duper.... Every modern country but us has a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and tax the rich for crying out loud. You have no idea what these countries are like you are a moron dupe lOL... And they would be better if the GOP would stop wrecking the world economy with their stupid bubbles and busts through corrupt deregulation.
Most people are

Your false stats mean nothing. Every modern nation is inferior forcing inferior healthh care and worthless eages on people

I am far better informed than brainwssshed simps like you
Mario Cuomo said that Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. Used to be known as the unfortunate. What we need is to finally tax the rich again and invest in cheap college and training so people can escape poverty Like in every modern country except US. We are not socialist, we are deluded and ignorant.....
Mario Cuomo is a retard.

We are superior and smarter. One needs no such crap to escape poverty all one needs is prudence. Graduate high school, get and maintain a job and avoid having kids untiil married and you will not be poor. And of course do not start using drugs
I'm discussing the WALTONS not the underpaid employees or the general stockholders.
Great wealth benefits from the economic, political, and legal structures and should, therefore, pay their fair share for that excess benefit.
The employees are not underpaid and the waltons are a TV show.

Great wealth takes individual initiative which should not be penalized.

You are not explaining fair you are explaining simple hatred and envy of the rich for being rich
Carl Marx never set up a national country. He wrote a thesis only. It was Lenon that bastardized the Carl Marx
The ideas of Karl MArx were only slightly tweaked by Lenin.

The Ideas of MArx are evil enough on their own
The ideas of Karl MArx were only slightly tweaked by Lenin.

The Ideas of MArx are evil enough on their own

Just slightly? tell us another one. This one is done, stick a fork in it. Marx wanted ALL government to be gone and replace with what amounts to a barter system where everyone gets the same amount. In itself, Marxism can't exist because it would only work in very small communities. What Lenin did was create a military movement so that ALL other governments would be overthrown either by military or .,......

It's not simple although you seem to be trying to make it simple.
Just slightly? tell us another one. This one is done, stick a fork in it. Marx wanted ALL government to be gone and replace with what amounts to a barter system where everyone gets the same amount. In itself, Marxism can't exist because it would only work in very small communities. What Lenin did was create a military movement so that ALL other governments would be overthrown either by military or .,......

It's not simple although you seem to be trying to make it simple.
Yes just slightly

Marx believed that the revolution would inevitably begin by itself without prompting. Essentially a spntaneous uprising. Lenin was smart enough to know that such ideas are laughable so he added the idea of a party to lead and foment the revolution. Only a minor change.

It is simole and aiming for the same result. The difference is akin to the difference between babtists and methodists.

Either eway you end with the same basic evil of tyranny and universal slavery before and after the the whithering away of the state.
Pubic service announcement.

The thread headline contains a typo.

It presently says,

AOC Is A Communist​

Onviously, it misspelled ****

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