AOC Is A Communist

Have you seen her townhalls? That is not what her constituents say. Stop fucking lying. AOC shouted down during chaotic NYC town hall: ‘You’re a piece of s–t!’
There are plenty of frustrated Trump-supporting MAGA Republicans who love to disrupt meetings — even in NYC — shouting crude insults like you & other MAGAnuts do here on USMB. Especially whenever New York Post cameramen are conveniently present!

You are the moron if you think these photos prove AOC is now politically vulnerable. She has proven herself to be a savvy politician, winning the support of Progressive Democratic forces and defeating and outmaneuvering well connected centrist and “elitist” DNC opponents & national leaders like Joe Crowley (who supported Bush’s Iraq Invasion).

Despite being outspent by a margin of 18 to 1 … in 2018 she managed to defeat “the 10-term [Democratic] incumbent by almost 15 percentage points … The result shocked … political commentators and analysts and immediately garnered nationwide attention.”,Pappas's%2014%25%20(17%2C762).

AOC went on to consolidate her position, defeating Republican challengers easily in 2018, 2020 and 2022.

You may not like her politics, but she will probably be around for a long while. Of course she is not … “a Communist.”
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Mario Cuomo said that Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. Used to be known as the unfortunate. What we need is to finally tax the rich again and invest in cheap college and training so people can escape poverty Like in every modern country except US. We are not socialist, we are deluded and ignorant.....
What you're actually saying is that there's a segment of society that's too lazy and stupid to make something of themselves, and it's everyone else's responsibility to get them off of their asses and push them along. Nobody handed me a friggin' thing. I got to choose to do something with my life and when I made that decision I started working for it.

Here's reality: In the animal kingdom (rabbits all the way up to polar bears) survival is of the fittest. The strong survive and the weak die off. It's simply a fact of life. I do believe in charity and helping others when they fall on hard times, but I don't believe we do anyone any favors if we coddle them day after day after day from their birth until their death. Helping is one thing. Enabling poor behavior is quite another.
Doesn’t work like that Skippy
About half of all jobs are low skill or menial in nature.
You don’t just get to wave your hands and turn them all into brain surgeons

Exactly. We can just wave a wand and make anyone anything at all. They get to make something of themselves. If they keep going to their menial job on time and do what's asked of them routinely and go the extra mile, then they move up the ladder until they reach a management position. When they do that for a couple of years and build their resume, then they switch to a company that pays a little more. If they take online classes or night classes and earn some college credits, then their bosses take note, and they move up again. That's how it works. It's a fight-kick-and-stratch world. Nothing is free. (Or it shouldn't be free).

If and when I look for work, I get to pick and choose which jobs suit me. If it doesn't pay enough ... don't apply.
This is a lie.

AOC is not a ‘communist.’

She’s not even a ‘socialist.’

Nothing in her agenda is ‘socialism’; advocating for necessary, proper government regulation as authorized by the Constitution is neither 'socialism' nor 'communism.'

Conservatives are as ignorant as they are dishonest.

Progs are deceitful lying scum who even have to lie to themselves about what they are.
Progs are deceitful lying scum who even have to lie to themselves about what they are.
Basically in the United States nobody knows the difference between communism and socialism, they just know it's evil. Are deluded and ignorant. A OC is a socialist and thus for Democratic fair capitalism for a change... About as radical as taxing the rich more like their fair share and day care LOL. everyone in the world knows that the New BS GOP and Murdoch are the biggest liars ever except for you people....
Basically in the United States nobody knows the difference between communism and socialism, they just know it's evil. Are deluded and ignorant. A OC is a socialist and thus for Democratic fair capitalism for a change... About as radical as taxing the rich more like their fair share and day care LOL. everyone in the world knows that the New BS GOP and Murdoch are the biggest liars ever except for you people....
Trust me. AOC just LOVES the money she's making. You can rest assured that she'll "capitalize" on all that sweet income. Just like Bernie Sanders and his three, nice, big houses. When's the last time AOC shared HER wealth with the poor, street people?
We were discussing the present. That history lesson is irrelevant

Then you shouldn't be talking about either a socialist government or a Fascist government. They died about 50 years ago with the death of Franco and when Franco's troops overthrew the Socialists of Spain.
Basically in the United States nobody knows the difference between communism and socialism, they just know it's evil. Are deluded and ignorant. A OC is a socialist and thus for Democratic fair capitalism for a change... About as radical as taxing the rich more like their fair share and day care LOL. everyone in the world knows that the New BS GOP and Murdoch are the biggest liars ever except for you people....

I'll go with Marx on this one.

For Marxists, socialism or, as Marx termed it, the first phase of communist society, can be viewed as a transitional stage characterised by common or state ownership of the means of production under democratic workers' control and management, which Engels argued was beginning to be realised in the Paris Commune of 1871 ...
I'll go with Marx on this one.

For Marxists, socialism or, as Marx termed it, the first phase of communist society, can be viewed as a transitional stage characterised by common or state ownership of the means of production under democratic workers' control and management, which Engels argued was beginning to be realised in the Paris Commune of 1871 ...

The main obstacle that you run into with your misinformation, Socialism can't pay for itself. And once a country gets a certain size, someone has to pay the bills. Anytime you have a Nation, Socialism doesn't work until you add in Capitalism. One cannot exist without the other.
I'll go with Marx on this one.

For Marxists, socialism or, as Marx termed it, the first phase of communist society, can be viewed as a transitional stage characterised by common or state ownership of the means of production under democratic workers' control and management, which Engels argued was beginning to be realised in the Paris Commune of 1871 ...

Carl Marx never set up a national country. He wrote a thesis only. It was Lenon that bastardized the Carl Marx ideas.
The main obstacle that you run into with your misinformation, Socialism can't pay for itself. And once a country gets a certain size, someone has to pay the bills. Anytime you have a Nation, Socialism doesn't work until you add in Capitalism. One cannot exist without the other.

I am a Conservative, save your diatribe for the other side.
Carl Marx never set up a national country. He wrote a thesis only. It was Lenon that bastardized the Carl Marx ideas.'re dismissed

Lenin said:

Accounting and control – that is the main thing needed to achieve the ’smooth working,’ the correct functioning of the first phase of communist society [socialism].... The accounting and control necessary for this have been simplified by capitalism to the extreme and reduced to the extraordinarily simple operations – which any literate person can perform – of supervising and recording, knowledge of the four rules of arithmetic, and issuing appropriate receipts.

No it is not fair as they provide jobs and goods and services wich people need and want . Not to mention doing more to help people in need than the government does.

The ownerds are massive numbers of common people who own stock

Your claim of fairness is a cowardly lie you simply hate people and want to take their money. You do not even want to do anything with their money just take it and burn it
I'm discussing the WALTONS not the underpaid employees or the general stockholders.
Great wealth benefits from the economic, political, and legal structures and should, therefore, pay their fair share for that excess benefit.
Democracy? Democrats don't believe in democracy. People like AOC actually call themselves socialists.
Says the people who tried to destroy our democratic government not 3 years ago.
DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST is the term you're looking for to describe AOC.
FASCIST is the term you need to describe today's GOP.
Says the people who tried to destroy our democratic government not 3 years ago.
DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST is the term you're looking for to describe AOC.
FASCIST is the term you need to describe today's GOP.

Oh look.....another Moron.

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