AOC is so stupid and says so many outlandish things that I think she needs her own sub forum.

A catch all if you will. A place to goto for the latest and greatest one liners. And let's not forget it would be the greatest repository of political memes!

Who's with me?!
AOC Derangement Syndrome is in full effect!

We simply can’t stop laughing her and her supporters
She's using the same tactics her fellow New Yorker the orange clown used to get attention. You all are ensuring she gets a US Senate seat someday, maybe even the Presidency.

A little 29 year old nobody is now a household name, thanks to deranged people like you. :lol:

My balls. She’ll get primaried out next election cycle and get a job at MSNBC
She defeated a ten term incumbent in her very first try.

So hand them over. Your balls.

So what? That was before she had any national exposure. There’s no way any half rational person who has been exposed to her idiocy would consider giving her more power. And she’s killing the democrat party with her nonsense. The establishment will take her down and preserve face.
A catch all if you will. A place to goto for the latest and greatest one liners. And let's not forget it would be the greatest repository of political memes!

Who's with me?!

Sorry, Gramps – given your idiocy and consistently being wrong, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘stupid.’
There’s something about the Democratic Party that attracts people who aren’t willing to help themselves.
I would disagree, Dem pols seem quite adept at helping everyone else's money, goods, and efforts.
Dems do have an uncanny talent of reaching deeper into the pockets of the working class to support their base.

Look, AOC represents less then 1/4 of 1% of the House. There's got to be a different Democrat you guys could shine the light on, no? There's over 200 other options. It gets old, it does.
I’m good with people like AOC flocking to the Democratic Party. They’re helping to highlight the ignorance we’ve been seeing.
A catch all if you will. A place to goto for the latest and greatest one liners. And let's not forget it would be the greatest repository of political memes!

Who's with me?!
Yes, it's own forum. Not one ginormous thread, but it's own forum. Yes.

Have you seen any of the lefties criticize her stances?

I haven't, but I have so many on ignore. They all give me stomach cramps.
I'd rather we just add AOC to the Kardashian-HoneyBooBoo-Marriage Bootcamp channel and cancel the whole thing.
Yesterday I suggested a subforum related to Donkey Face Cow Farts be generalized as "Justice Democrat Follies" or something since the "Justice Democrat" handlers write the scripts for their four main stooges in Congress and the intend to steal more elections!

Never A Dull Moment From This Girl
A catch all if you will. A place to goto for the latest and greatest one liners. And let's not forget it would be the greatest repository of political memes!

Who's with me?!

The identity politics of the Democrats created Occasionally-Correct.....and now they'll pay for it.

She may very well be a poison pill....

"The fear in Nancy Pelosi’s eyes is what I’ll always remember about the Ilhan Omar Affair

Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 9:10pm
Nancy Pelosi doesn’t turn away from a fight, but turned away from a fight with Omar. That tells you how serious the situation is.


The repeated antisemitic comments from Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, while condemnable, are all too familiar to those of us who have closely followed the anti-Israel movement.

The fear in Nancy Pelosi's eyes is what I'll always remember about the Ilhan Omar Affair

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