AOC Now A Millionaire.....Thanks To Netflix Deal With Obama

Right. Trump isn't making any suggestions. Noooooooo. He still has ownership. His kids run it.

So nothing on charging the Secret Service for use of the elevators, charge for golf carts, using his poffice & setting policy for personal gain.

This is DURING his Presidency.

How they earn afterwards is not important as long as they aren't lobbying.

People paid more to rub elbows & gain influence with Trump,. He might as well put up a sign, "President access, $20k."

I love it how you pretend to love this aspect of Trump. This is what has made you...pathetic.

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have their families and their own lives. It isn't like these two men are liberal snowflakes living in Ivana's basement. Very accomplished men, both millionaires in their own right.

They aren't on the government payroll at all. They also pay their taxes, and if the Secret Service or other agency wants to use their property, why should they be paid?
Trump still owns those facilities. You act like Jr could sell it without Trump's approval.

The Trump Organization owns the facilities, not the President individually.

But why would Donald Jr. sell a tremendous property unless he could get a tremendous price?
More fear from the right.
"A fool and their money will soon part ways" and AOC is a total dingbat.
And since this good fortune was gifted; she'll likely blow through it fast.
So I don't see a lot of righties being in fear of AOC's newfound windfall.

LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.​
The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.​
Breitbart reported,​
The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.
Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.
The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.
The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.​
Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.​
Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.​
Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.
The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.

So AOC goes to Congress to represent the middle class and becomes a millionaire in the process? LOL. You can’t make this shit up.
Nobody isn't that stupid. That is straight pay-off money. Even though, that George Soros doesn't owns Netflix anymore. But when he bought it in 2017. He put his own minions to run it when he is gone. He sold it so that it will not leave a paper trail that leads to him. Amy Schumer has been paid off through Netflix with a million dollar contract and a few others celebs, for their promotions of attacks on Pres.Trump.

Elitist George Soros’ Most Concerning Investments: Netflix, Google, & More
I think I am going to get rid of my television. If Soros invested in it there has to be a political spy in every home. What better way than using the family tv to ruin peoples' privacy. It's just getting to be too easy to place everyone under Hillary's information obsession with control freaking everyone in the world. They better bury her far away from city water sources because of the number of her victims who would like to piss on her grave because of the hateful things she has done to divide free people into the slavery harness that Marxist policies have become under her long claw thumb into her adversaries voters even.
If somebody does not shoot her
That would be the worst possible outcome. First of all it would be a murder, and no one should endorse that.

Unless it's after a Military Tribunal that determines she's a traitor, then they could use a 120mm shotshell for all I care.

Also she would become a martyr for the bed wetters.

Good guys wait for green lights, the lawyers, guns and money to all be aligned.

LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.​
The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.​
Breitbart reported,​
The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.
Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.
The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.
The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.​
Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.​
Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.​
Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.
The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.
Duh Ho Go 4 duh Dough

Alexandrinista is a gold-digger, so a million dollars is pin money to her. Liberal Glowbully Bill Gates is up for grabs, having dumped Melinda and looking to increase his Progue image still further with this participation-trophy wife.

Billygoat would be re-modeling himself after Ted Turner. Both had suffered decades of shaming from their anti-Capitalist classmates. So they virtue-signaled back: Turner with Jane Fonda, Gates if he grabs this hot Latina.
And they can slobber about how they and those like them have it so bad and have had it so bad.
Wonder if she will stand by her "tax the rich" dress she so proudly showed off. Or will she say "well billionaires are rich" kind of like Bernie Sanders did when he was all about taxing millionaires, then when he became one he reclassified the rich as billionaires.
The number one goal in capitalism is to make as much money as possible. By any means within the law. Too bad every person isn't a multi millionaire. The economy would be roaring and nobody would be working low wage jobs as they would be phased out.

LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.​
The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.​
Breitbart reported,​
The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.
Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.
The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.
The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.​
Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.​
Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.​
Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.
The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.
Good for her. Not the most well deserved in history, but certainly not the least.
For some reason, I shouldn't care unless she has a romantic interest in me?

LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.​
The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.​
Breitbart reported,​
The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.
Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.
The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.
The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.​
Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.​
Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.​
Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.
The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.
Stay cool! That doesn't detract from Trump claiming (without proof) to be a billionaire.
Stay cool! That doesn't detract from Trump claiming (without proof) to be a billionaire.
You're a liar.
Trump can prove that he's a billionaire.
He's released his financial statements.
He also can say that he's one of the only politicians in Washington that left Washington being worth less than when he arrived.
They are all professional grifters now…or just prostitutes now. AOC is going to be paid handsomely for her destruction of America. This is what Dems do.

LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.​
The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.​
Breitbart reported,​
The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.
Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.
The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.
The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.​
Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.​
Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.​
Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.
The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.
Always remember leftwing extremist politicians always end up rich while in office. They never sacrifice; they never do without.

LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.​
The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.​
Breitbart reported,​
The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.
Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.
The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.
The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.​
Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.​
Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.​
Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.
The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.
You don't need achievement. You don't need intelligence. All you need is to be able memorize lines given to you from the Marxist left while playing a victim. It worked for Cortez. It worked for Hogg. It worked for Thuneburg.

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