AOC says 'The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense. Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
AOC says 'The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense. Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'
AOC and her Squad have taken the side of the genocidal maniac Islamic Terrorist.
AOC is comparing what Palestinians have experienced in the conflict to that of children at the United States' southern border.
Actually the Palestinians are genocidal maniacs who are being financed by the Iranians who were given $150 billion by Barry the Magnificent.
That is your tax dollars at work.
The reality is that Muslims have been trying to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Jews and Christians for hundreds of years.

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AOC says 'The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense. Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'
AOC and her Squad have taken the side of the genocidal maniac Islamic Terrorist.
AOC is comparing what Palestinians have experienced in the conflict to that of children at the United States' southern border.
Actually the Palestinians are genocidal maniacs who are being financed by the Iranians who were given $150 billion by the Barry the Magnificent.
That is your tax dollars at work.
The reality is that Muslims have been trying to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Jews and Christians for hundreds of years.

To the OP: sure, if Hamas won't rocket Israel.
The fact that the Hamas intentionally fired 7 rockets at the area near the western wall tells me that they do not hold the Temple mount to be sacred. Had even ONE of those rockets hit the golden dome, Muslims all over the friggin' WORLD would be drawn into the fight in one way or another. The fact that a Muslim launched the weapon would never be acknowledged. The guilt would always be laid at Israel's door. Truth no longer matters. Regional war is not only possible now, it's almost guaranteed.
One of the few good things about this awful pandemic scam -----

I so don't care WHAT is going on in the Mideast. Or anywhere else outside this country. It's a great relief, really, to feel that foreign news just doesn't matter anymore, we've got troubles enough of our own.

Well, until it affects us: but it hasn't yet, and probably won't, so I don't care. Look at that Syria mess, still going on year after year: but it just doesn't matter to us. Let them take care of it.

Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'​

Not if they keep working with Hamas to kill far there are 200 dead Palestinians compared to a small handful of dead Jews...stupid is what stupid does....
AOC says 'The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense. Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'
AOC and her Squad have taken the side of the genocidal maniac Islamic Terrorist.
AOC is comparing what Palestinians have experienced in the conflict to that of children at the United States' southern border.
Actually the Palestinians are genocidal maniacs who are being financed by the Iranians who were given $150 billion by Barry the Magnificent.
That is your tax dollars at work.
The reality is that Muslims have been trying to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Jews and Christians for hundreds of years.

No, your "tax dollars" have been hard at work enabling Israel for the past..oh five plus decades now with military aid and other financial incentives with a pat on the back "look the other way" brotherly love. All while making the whole convenient, but, but, but..IRAN!! And using that as justification for the continued slaughter. Israel gets hit by rocks and bottles, they respond with H-bombs. And nothing is said while the Israeli government enables the most militant of their population to evict Palestinians from their homes and take land that has belonged to them for hundreds of years.

In other words, Israel is the drunk little brother that doesn't want to grow up, play nice in the sandbox, and share any toys.
Cut em off....or drag their ass to table and make them sit down..even if they don't want to.
Both things are true but it might help both causes if the Palestine's didn't decide to fire 130 rockets into Tel Aviv first.

Just a thought.

Not that it will matter a jot to the usual suspects. Palestine can do whatever they like, then the minute Israel reacts the world class victim card comes out and the left fall over themselves in support of the "oppressed"
AOC says 'The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense. Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'
AOC and her Squad have taken the side of the genocidal maniac Islamic Terrorist.
AOC is comparing what Palestinians have experienced in the conflict to that of children at the United States' southern border.
Actually the Palestinians are genocidal maniacs who are being financed by the Iranians who were given $150 billion by Barry the Magnificent.
That is your tax dollars at work.
The reality is that Muslims have been trying to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Jews and Christians for hundreds of years.

She is a revolting horse faced terrorist
AOC says 'The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense. Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'
AOC and her Squad have taken the side of the genocidal maniac Islamic Terrorist.
AOC is comparing what Palestinians have experienced in the conflict to that of children at the United States' southern border.
Actually the Palestinians are genocidal maniacs who are being financed by the Iranians who were given $150 billion by Barry the Magnificent.
That is your tax dollars at work.
The reality is that Muslims have been trying to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Jews and Christians for hundreds of years.

AOC and the rest of the terrorists in her "squad" are Holocaust deniers, as well. This is what DemoKKKrats elect.
AOC says 'The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense. Do Palestinians have a right to survive?'
AOC and her Squad have taken the side of the genocidal maniac Islamic Terrorist.
AOC is comparing what Palestinians have experienced in the conflict to that of children at the United States' southern border.
Actually the Palestinians are genocidal maniacs who are being financed by the Iranians who were given $150 billion by Barry the Magnificent.
That is your tax dollars at work.
The reality is that Muslims have been trying to ethnically cleanse the Middle East of Jews and Christians for hundreds of years.

Fact is...that without Israel, the Palestinians would have nothing at all. Israel being there has bought them opportunity and international aid. The palestines would be nothing but nomads high on quat without the european jews moving to seize a middle eastern homeland.
One of the few good things about this awful pandemic scam -----

I so don't care WHAT is going on in the Mideast. Or anywhere else outside this country. It's a great relief, really, to feel that foreign news just doesn't matter anymore, we've got troubles enough of our own.

Well, until it affects us: but it hasn't yet, and probably won't, so I don't care. Look at that Syria mess, still going on year after year: but it just doesn't matter to us. Let them take care of it.
And yet, here you are. Reading and then posting.
<snip>And nothing is said while the Israeli government enables the most militant of their population to evict Palestinians from their homes and take land that has belonged to them for hundreds of years.
If you do not know the truth about the west bank, just don't. The properties in east Jerusalem that is claimed to be getting 'stolen' was bought and paid for by Israeli families way back the the 1880's. After Israeli independence, they went to court to affirm their ownership and title. But Jordan was given the West Bank after the war. Jordan proceeded to evict all the Jews and confiscate their properties and let Arabs live in them instead. They weren't known as 'Palestinians' then. Jordan even evicted and leveled the Jewish quarter of the old city of Jerusalem. There has been Jewish families living in Jerusalem for centuries. After the 1967 war when Israel regained control of the West Bank, again those families re-affirmed their ownership and title to those properties in the Israeli court.

And they have been trying to evict the squatters ever since.
Fact is...that without Israel, the Palestinians would have nothing at all. Israel being there has bought them opportunity and international aid. The palestines would be nothing but nomads high on quat without the european jews moving to seize a middle eastern homeland.
Hell, they always get so worked up over 'Al Qud' and Al Aqsa, but the Arabs really let Jerusalem run down including the Temple mount until the Jews started taking real interest in the 1800's.
The fact that the Hamas intentionally fired 7 rockets at the area near the western wall tells me that they do not hold the Temple mount to be sacred. Had even ONE of those rockets hit the golden dome, Muslims all over the friggin' WORLD would be drawn into the fight in one way or another. The fact that a Muslim launched the weapon would never be acknowledged. The guilt would always be laid at Israel's door. Truth no longer matters. Regional war is not only possible now, it's almost guaranteed.
I believe the events of the last year have clearly shown we are at the door of the third world war. God help us.

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