AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period

Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist.
What diseases?

If humans weren't around, who did they affect?
What diseases?

The ones found in the fossil record.
please point to the link that provides the carbon levels in fossils during this period.

or shut the fuck up.

either is fine.
Evolutionary History of Atmospheric CO2 during the Late Cenozoic from Fossilized Metasequoia Needles

Thank you, no. I'm looking for a more simplistic answer, not 55 pages I don't have time to read.
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?
/----/ Pliocene period scientists taking environmental measurements.
So, you really dont understand that we can measure events of the past? Interesting. You know, we learn that in elementary school, here in the States.
/----/ No we can't. What we can do is make educated guesses using computer models that may or may not be manipulated to generate a given outcome. It's insidious because there is no way we can verify it - we're expected to take your word based on some fancy chart.
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Actually, we can drill core samples in ice sheets which give us an indication of atmospheric conditions in the past but I am pretty sure it doesn't go that far back.
Because I'm sure you did. :21:
Thank you, no. I'm looking for a more simplistic answer, not 55 pages I don't have time to read.

So, that's two folks who sat down to do your homework in order to fill some of the vast expanse of your ignorance with some knowledge, and you rather chose to keep your ignorance, and to insult all around. You can't even seem to understand how much you are degrading yourself.

Thinking about it... naw, there is no way on earth for you to degrade yourself.
Because I'm sure you did. :21:
Thank you, no. I'm looking for a more simplistic answer, not 55 pages I don't have time to read.

So, that's two folks who sat down to do your homework in order to fill some of the vast expanse of your ignorance with some knowledge, and you rather chose to keep your ignorance, and to insult all around. You can't even seem to understand how much you are degrading yourself.

Thinking about it... naw, there is no way on earth for you to degrade yourself.

Oh please, I know leftists more than anybody. When you paint yourself in a corner, you go Googling for topics you never read yourself, post it, and then say "HERE IS MY PROOF!"

When you can't answer a question, you simply call those you can't answer to the ignorant ones. The funny part is you think we can't see through it.
Wait, white capitalists were not walking the planet during the "pliocene period."

So, that just could not be.
you're giving credence that the 29 year old bartender knew what she said. if you showed her a garbage disposal, she wouldn't know what it was.
Oh please, I know leftists more than anybody. When you paint yourself in a corner, you go Googling for topics you never read yourself, post it, and then say "HERE IS MY PROOF!"

When you can't answer a question, you simply call those you can't answer to the ignorant ones. The funny part is you think we can't see through it.

You don't know anything about anything - but you exude supreme confidence solidly based on monumental ignorance. That is because you just hang out here to bellow at your betters, whereas I read Fort Fun's article. That's why I know there were at most ten pages (plus references), not 55, and that's why I know the article flew way over your pinhead, and that's why I learned something and thus am yet another step ahead of you. Not that it really matters, laggard. But then, you truly represent the Trumpleton caucus: A surplus of bile, and a surplus of ignorance, and both combined render you worthless as a debater. Perfectly, utterly worthless, and a waste of everyone's time.


Winner x 1

... here's another one of your very worthy caucus.
Oh please, I know leftists more than anybody. When you paint yourself in a corner, you go Googling for topics you never read yourself, post it, and then say "HERE IS MY PROOF!"

When you can't answer a question, you simply call those you can't answer to the ignorant ones. The funny part is you think we can't see through it.

You don't know anything about anything - but you exude supreme confidence solidly based on monumental ignorance. That is because you just hang out here to bellow at your betters, whereas I read Fort Fun's article. That's why I know there were at most ten pages (plus references), not 55, and that's why I know the article flew way over your pinhead, and that's why I learned something and thus am yet another step ahead of you. Not that it really matters, laggard. But then, you truly represent the Trumpleton caucus: A surplus of bile, and a surplus of ignorance, and both combined render you worthless as a debater. Perfectly, utterly worthless, and a waste of everyone's time.


Winner x 1

... here's another one of your very worthy caucus.
when one can't respect their opposition.
Oh please, I know leftists more than anybody. When you paint yourself in a corner, you go Googling for topics you never read yourself, post it, and then say "HERE IS MY PROOF!"

When you can't answer a question, you simply call those you can't answer to the ignorant ones. The funny part is you think we can't see through it.

You don't know anything about anything - but you exude supreme confidence solidly based on monumental ignorance. That is because you just hang out here to bellow at your betters, whereas I read Fort Fun's article. That's why I know there were at most ten pages (plus references), not 55, and that's why I know the article flew way over your pinhead, and that's why I learned something and thus am yet another step ahead of you. Not that it really matters, laggard. But then, you truly represent the Trumpleton caucus: A surplus of bile, and a surplus of ignorance, and both combined render you worthless as a debater. Perfectly, utterly worthless, and a waste of everyone's time.


Winner x 1

... here's another one of your very worthy caucus.

Yeah, well I guess that's what you can do when you don't have a job. Supreme confidence? I was asking questions, not being a pretentious blowhard like you. And if I make a claim to something that somebody questions, I don't have to go Googling for a link to answer for me. I answer it myself.
how she comes up with the idea that a country that contains less than 5% of the worlds population can change the climate of the entire planet?
That's a softball. For one, we account for over 14% of the planet's CO2 emissions. We,the EU, and China accou tfor over half the planet's greenhoise gas emissions. Second, we have a very large economy, so other countries will follow along with ideas in their economic interests. For example, if we can innovate and make other forms of energy more economical,other countries will buy and use those other methods.
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

Why are you asking questions, for which their NEW MESSIAH has no answers? What are you, raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaciiiiiiiiiiiiist!
Oh please, I know leftists more than anybody. When you paint yourself in a corner, you go Googling for topics you never read yourself, post it, and then say "HERE IS MY PROOF!"

When you can't answer a question, you simply call those you can't answer to the ignorant ones. The funny part is you think we can't see through it.

You don't know anything about anything - but you exude supreme confidence solidly based on monumental ignorance. That is because you just hang out here to bellow at your betters, whereas I read Fort Fun's article. That's why I know there were at most ten pages (plus references), not 55, and that's why I know the article flew way over your pinhead, and that's why I learned something and thus am yet another step ahead of you. Not that it really matters, laggard. But then, you truly represent the Trumpleton caucus: A surplus of bile, and a surplus of ignorance, and both combined render you worthless as a debater. Perfectly, utterly worthless, and a waste of everyone's time.


Winner x 1

... here's another one of your very worthy caucus.

I always get a nice chuckle when the left gets on their high horse and acts as if everyone else is beneath them intellectually. "Trumpleton caucus" huh? I;ve got news for you, just in case you haven't noticed, it is the left that most sheep like. They routinely believe anything that supports their ideology and reject anything that refutes their ideology. Their modus operandi is to get mad when challenged, instead of actually at least attempting to be wise and weigh the facts and opinions of the other side.

As for global warming, you are kidding yourself if you don't think scientists have an agenda. Most of them work to find proof that we are causing global warming but not to find proof to the alternative. They aren't funded to find out if man-made climate change exists, they are funded to prove that it does, true or not. Too much money on the line to prove otherwise. Funding from left wing organizations and the feds butters their bread and they know it. All you have to do is follow the money. The funds are justified by scaring and fooling people into this apocalyptic idea that the earth will be destroyed in the next decade or so unless we do something about it. We aren't causing it and we can't stop it. It is cyclical and every logical person could see this if they did elementary research on their own instead of listening to the pundits like AOC and Al Gore and the bulk of climatologists who have a clear conflict of interest. When a scientist speaks out against man-made climate change, he is quickly shot down. It is pretty sad really that so many folks are gullible enough to fall for it. It doesn't bode well for the future.

That stupid, special-needs-child, American-hating third-world-retard probably needs people to wipe ITS asshole every time IT takes a shit because this vegetable can't figure out the concept of asshole hygiene on its own. What a nightcrawling imitation of the female gender that glorified bartender is!

It's so stupid, when it WAS a bartender, I'll bet it put gravel in the drinks of people who ordered, "Such-and-such, on the rocks." She's living proof that the Third World really are the subhuman, parasitic dregs of humanity. Who deserve every misery these low-I.Q. CRETINS bring upon themselves.
As for global warming, you are kidding yourself if you don't think scientists have an agenda. Most of them work to find proof that we are causing global warming but not to find proof to the alternative.
That is so painfully stupid. They find what they find, and it shows what it shows. They make observations, and the evidence all points the same way. If it pointed a different way, then scientists would draw different conclusions.

But go ahead and search for rabbit fossils in the Cambrian,for example. Take all the time you need. You know, since we can just find whatever "evidence" we desire.

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