AOC: ‘Unacceptable’ We Are ‘Struggling to Cancel Rent’ In NY Where We Have Dem Governor, Dem-Run City Council


The property owners should burn the buildings and salt the land as they pull out of New York City. It'll help sterilize the place during the epidemic if it's really as bad a NY officials are reporting.



You know NY has the worst infected area in the world and you twits are wanting to make sure rent is paid...

Some fucking idiots... Europe generally just cancelled all evictions under health grounds...

Can sort out Rent afterwards...

Prepare for progressives to make calls of eminent domain for the government takeover of these rental buildings, at about a quarter or less the actual price, and cries for universal income for all as they nationalize the health care system.



You know NY has the worst infected area in the world and you twits are wanting to make sure rent is paid...

Some fucking idiots... Europe generally just cancelled all evictions under health grounds...

Can sort out Rent afterwards...
You pay for it then. Maybe all the Hollyweird moonbats can do a we are the world benefit concert. Or maybe you can move to Venezuela, you fuckwit.
Landlords are buying up condoms as we speak.It's the first of the month and the rents due.
Government taking property with no compensation or court process of eminent domain. Last I checked that violated the US Constitution.

Well the Dems sure as hell don’t care about those pesky constitutional rights. They do care about their campaign donors though, and my guess is that mega rich landlords are bigger donors than the tenants.
President Trump is openly encouraging AOC to run for Cryin Chuck Schumer's Senate seat...

"Cryin’ Chuck was on a late night show using a false talking point over & over again. “We don’t have enough testing ,” he would repeat, when he knows we have done a great job on Testing, just like we have on Ventilators and everything else. He lied, gave NY SALT. Run AOC!

Cryin Chuck, compared to what other Senators have brought home to their states, has brought very little back to NY. A totally overrated loser, the one thing he has given them is SALT. He never even called me to stop it. No wonder Cuomo & most others can’t stand him. AOC!"

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