AOC under attack from within her own base

AOC under attack from within her own base​

The Left's bogus house of cards is now starting to crumble as they always do sooner or later, it has all been built on years and years of lies and fraud to the american people held up with hot air. This Nov. 8 will be just the beginning of a total collapse as the Left have betrayed everything the democrat party once stood for. I just hope that those who have been living on the slopes of the lahar realize what always happens to the useful idiots living at the bottom. Shit always runs straight downhill.

You support sending arms and billions of our tax dollars to fund a war with Russia. Republicans and democrat elites costing the American taxpayers again. Never ending war.
Support Ukraine?
Yes, and so do most Americans
A growing number of Americans do not. When politicians from both parties showed up there that was a red flag to me. We spend money like drunken sailors on liberty. We print it up and charge the taxpayers for it.
Speaking as one Democrat in conjunction with all of her supporters, I like AOC because she thinks like a child and conducts herself like a movie star.
If she loves this country so much, why does she want to change it into a socialist shithole like the others?


That starts with loving We the People
AOC understands the struggles of the people and wants to help wherever she can

We all know Republicans only LOVE the wealthy

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