AOC Wasn’t Even in Capitol During Protest

Democrats yesterday- “AOC
Liberls, face it. AOC was not in the Capitol and she lied.

Period. Just call her a liar.

As usual, Trumpists LIE....Why can't you all, ever stop lying? Why oh why oh why?

AOC, was in Representative Katy Porter's office hiding during the attack.

Considering your and Trumpist's hatred towards her, her office was not a safe place from the capitol terrorists....

one of her tweets suggests otherwise
Missed it, can you repost it?

yes Ill look now. She is now claiming she was in the capital complex. Its a little different than being in the building that was attacked.

Didn't she say she was in her office when she was first told about the mobs breach? The mob knew where the offices were and how to get there.
And we know they were given that information by GOP Congresscritters.
Democrats yesterday- “AOC
Liberls, face it. AOC was not in the Capitol and she lied.

Period. Just call her a liar.

As usual, Trumpists LIE....Why can't you all, ever stop lying? Why oh why oh why?

AOC, was in Representative Katy Porter's office hiding during the attack.

Considering your and Trumpist's hatred towards her, her office was not a safe place from the capitol terrorists....

one of her tweets suggests otherwise
Missed it, can you repost it?

yes Ill look now. She is now claiming she was in the capital complex. Its a little different than being in the building that was attacked.

Didn't she say she was in her office when she was first told about the mobs breach? The mob knew where the offices were and how to get there.

How do you know the mob knew where her office is? The point is she wasn’t in the Capital building. Yesterday people on this board were saying she was, today it’s capital complex

Oh just a guess. LOL.

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yeah so how does that prove anyone knew where AOC’s office was? Furthermore no one was in the same building as her office. That’s kind of the big point you’re missing.

I don't believe the office doors are marked so it was a guessing game on whose office was where. She went to whatshernames nearby office first so there was other member there too. It can't be very far from the Chamber. They walked there during the first break.
Her office is hundreds of yards from the chamber. I’ve walked from her building to the Capitol underground. It’s a good 15 minutes when you add in the stairs.
Looks like a friend of mine from back in the 70's when good acid was still really cheap.

Alone he's a momma's boy. But I understand why a small woman, who the rabid right press has put a target on, would be afraid of an out of control rabid right wing mob rampaging through the Capitol Complex looking for certain Congress people..
So afraid she simply lied her ass off!

More false narratives from the rabid right rumor mongers. The claim is that she wasn't in the Capitol building and therefore not in harms way as she claims. However the office building she was in was evacuated. But the rumor mongers couldn't help themselves, like sharks smelling AOC blood in the water, they attacked viciously with claims of her faking her own death and comparison to some wackjob.

The flock, aka Dr. Tumpensteins Monster, apparently ate it all up.
It called the capitol it is not a capital.
I agree; she was in the capital. THREAD FAIL!
If you mean she was in DC yes she was in the Capitol, she was not in the Capital building so your response is an epic failure
DC is the Capital, the Capitol is the building. you've got it bassackwards.
She was in DC and not in the Capital Building, AOC is a lying twat
Looks like a Neanderthal Spear to me, with flag attached, Did they use bullhorns to beat and try to murder the cops too?
Death Toll Rises To An Estimated 30 Victims Since 'Mostly ...

WAR ON POLICE: Over 431 Police Officers Injured or Killed ...

From your link. Thanks.

“In the wake of George Floyd’s death, violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc and destruction on innocent victims,” Barr wrote.

“To state what should be obvious, peaceful protesters do not throw explosives into federal courthouses, tear down plywood with crowbars, or launch fecal matter at federal officers. Such acts are in fact federal crimes under statutes enacted by this Congress,” he added.

Barr also pledged to take legal action against those causing this destruction.
More false narratives from the rabid right rumor mongers. The claim is that she wasn't in the Capitol building and therefore not in harms way as she claims. However the office building she was in was evacuated. But the rumor mongers couldn't help themselves, like sharks smelling AOC blood in the water, they attacked viciously with claims of her faking her won death and comparison to some wackjob.

The flock, aka or Dr. Tumpensteins Monster, apparently ate it all up.
This is why I don't give you any credit for brains.
Evacuations are precautionary measures by definition. When a elementary school is evacuated due to
fears of a school shooting are the children. who are not there is danger? Or not?

Alexandra Ocasio Smollett was not only NOT in danger in the Capitol building, because she wasn't even there, but she was not in danger in this secondary building either (Cannon building) because it was not under assault and, according to you, it was evacuated anyway.

So where is your point? It's not there, just like Alexandria Ocasio Smollett in the Capitol building.
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From your link. Thanks.

“In the wake of George Floyd’s death, violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests to wreak senseless havoc and destruction on innocent victims,” Barr wrote.

“To state what should be obvious, peaceful protesters do not throw explosives into federal courthouses, tear down plywood with crowbars, or launch fecal matter at federal officers. Such acts are in fact federal crimes under statutes enacted by this Congress,” he added.

Barr also pledged to take legal action against those causing this destruction.
A crackdown on Antifa would be a welcomed sensible thing to do. To bad William Barr did none of that.
So where is your point? It's not there, just like Alexandria Ocasio Smollett in the Capitol building.

She never said she was in the Capitol Building. She said she was in her office,

Her description was totally subjective.

But this smear against her is based on a lie. Well, the propagandist who crafted it knows his audience will not care while they gleefully retweet and repost it, ad infinitum.
Her office is hundreds of yards from the chamber. I’ve walked from her building to the Capitol underground. It’s a good 15 minutes when you add in the stairs.
What ther fuck was this freak EVER doing in the tunnels that connect the Capitol to the Canon Office Bldg???
So where is your point? It's not there, just like Alexandria Ocasio Smollett in the Capitol building.

She never said she was in the Capitol Building. She said she was in her office,

Her description was totally subjective.

But this smear against her is based on a lie. Well, the propagandist who crafted it knows his audience will not care while they gleefully retweet and repost it, ad infinitum.
She said Ted Cruz tried to murder her. She has no credibility, not that it matters to you.
She never said she was in the Capitol Building. She said she was in her office,

Her description was totally subjective.

But this smear against her is based on a lie. Well, the propagandist who crafted it knows his audience will not care while they gleefully retweet and repost it, ad infinitum.
Her office in the Cannon Building which was NOT under attack?
I don't see how that makes her stories better.
Again. Let's be clear.

When the Capitol was under attack...when the MURDEROUS Mob was IN THE BUILDING... all members of both the Senate and the House were in that building. That includes AOC. She was there and she was a target.

Those members including AOC and PENCE were evacuated to the Canon bldg. They were all HIDING in the Canon bldg. AOC had no idea whether that building was ALSO breached by that MOB. She heard banging on doors and shouts of "Where is she".

Yes...that is a scary fucking thing.

Just stop
So where is your point? It's not there, just like Alexandria Ocasio Smollett in the Capitol building.

She never said she was in the Capitol Building. She said she was in her office,

Her description was totally subjective.

But this smear against her is based on a lie. Well, the propagandist who crafted it knows his audience will not care while they gleefully retweet and repost it, ad infinitum.
She said Ted Cruz tried to murder her. She has no credibility, not that it matters to you.

Runs in the family I guess. You know Ted's dad help Kill JFK too. At least that's what I heard. Lots of people were talking about it too.
But enough Trumpspeak let's look at what she really typed.

"Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren't trying to get me killed."

Neither one of these two represent my view on how Congressfolks should act.
Cruz and Hawley and others were RESPONSIBLE for what that murderous Mob yea
Only in your diseased mind. Cruz and Hawley were both exercising their Constitutional rights to
object to Biden's specious electoral "victory" (which was accomplished through massive election fraud).

Fools like yourself might as well try to hold the United States Constitution responsible for what
Antifa provocateurs did.
She absolutely WAS in the Capitol when the attack began. She was in the House Chambers as were all the other members of the House.

She fled to her office when that Chamber was evacuated.
Prove it, or stop lying.
Prove it?

You DO understand what was happening that day right?

The electoral votes were being the full membership of both Houses of Congress.

They were ALL there when the Capitol was attacked you stupid fuck
AOC said Cruz almost had her we find she wasn't even in the capitol building. Dems are 100% phony liars.
Dear BluesLegend
The most reasonable explanation is the Congress reps were evacuated by Capitol Police. This explains the frantic banging on doors to get everyone out. If so we should be applauding the police for doing their jobs. Getting everyone out to avoid any confrontation with the crowds of questionable intents and threats or risks of harm
Cruz and Hawley and others were RESPONSIBLE for what that murderous Mob yea
Only in your diseased mind. Cruz and Hawley were both exercising their Constitutional rights to
object to Biden's specious electoral "victory" (which was accomplished through massive election fraud).

Fools like yourself might as well try to hold the United States Constitution responsible for what
Antifa provocateurs did.
Cruz and Hawley were spreading that LIE and firing up that Mob so yea.

And ANTIFA has ZERO to do with any of this

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