AOC....will be a one term congresswoman and here's why

Those that voted her in on the hopes of getting rid of ICE so that their extended family would be safe. In the hopes of free healthcare and a living wage for doing nothing will be disillusioned with her. But since she has become the head of the Democrat party it will be hard to remove her.

Now watch people's heads explode.
Interesting OP. I think unless the following changes, AOC gets reelected. Besides, republicans have already made the mistake of underestimating her.

"Crowley lost because of the changing demographics in his district, which had been redrawn considerably after 2010 and is now only 18 percent white.”
Data Suggest That Gentrifying Neighborhoods Powered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Victory
Crowley lost because he arrogantly assumed the position that his incumbency was the only thing that mattered....He got outworked, plain and simple.
Unless your in a GOP gerrymandered district, the word is out....stop taking democratic voters for granted!! When democrats work for our votes, they will always come out on top
Work for votes? I have a feeling you must be joking. So far they seem to running on allow more illegals so there are more people competing for minimum wage and under jobs, jobs they say are disappearing anyway and do not have a living wage. The new "green deal" that is financially and technically impossible. Free healthcare which they have no plan on how to finance. And even on a notion of raising minimum wage which will cause inflation which puts the higher minimum wage eventually even with the old wage. In other words they are feeding unicorn hopes and dreams.
Anytime I see trumptards opining about how dumb AOC is and how she is too dumb to be in congress....I am just going to post this remind them of how they should never ever in life impugn someone's intelligence....

AOC has got you POTUS apologists exactly where she wants you. Deliriously demonizing her as a socialist and keeping her in the headlines. Too funny. Her generation of politicians has learned from the best. DJT.

Now on to the next fabricated crisis.
Anytime I see trumptards opining about how dumb AOC is and how she is too dumb to be in congress....I am just going to post this remind them of how they should never ever in life impugn someone's intelligence....


It's quite possible for two things to be correct at once.
AOC....will be a one term congresswoman and here's why

We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.


Wrong again

Looks like you underestimated the stupidity of many muricans
FOX news went after AOC for...get this...paying a living wage. She`s obviously a commie.
Fox News Host Slams Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez For Raising Her Office's Starting Salary
FOX news went after AOC for...get this...paying a living wage. She`s obviously a commie.
Fox News Host Slams Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez For Raising Her Office's Starting Salary
Living wage? You mean a wage that instills complacency and the lack of desire to improve, right?
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.
You dumbass democrat voters will vote her right back into office, just like you voted for this idiot Hank Johnson, who literally thinks islands can tip over. :laugh:


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