AOC....will be a one term congresswoman and here's why

Interesting OP. I think unless the following changes, AOC gets reelected. Besides, republicans have already made the mistake of underestimating her.

"Crowley lost because of the changing demographics in his district, which had been redrawn considerably after 2010 and is now only 18 percent white.”
Data Suggest That Gentrifying Neighborhoods Powered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Victory
Crowley lost because he arrogantly assumed the position that his incumbency was the only thing that mattered....He got outworked, plain and simple.
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.
/—-/ The Swamp will send this Dingbat packing in 2020.

I agree. Those that voted her in are now seeing what a dingbat she is.
That certainly doesn't guarantee anything. I mean, they keep sending Louie Gohmert back in Texas.
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.

She was done after this happened,

And this,

The skinny and the haji got the message. Notice they have shut up and stepped in line? AOC know she is out. That’s why she keeps on.
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.
/—-/ The Swamp will send this Dingbat packing in 2020.

I agree. Those that voted her in are now seeing what a dingbat she is.
That certainly doesn't guarantee anything. I mean, they keep sending Louie Gohmert back in Texas.

Texans are weird that way. They say “build that wall, just keep wet backs coming because we need the cheap slave labor to work out refinery’s”. Hell, Dick Perry put illegals over his citizens by giving wetbacks free collage. He even did it before half Black Jesus. Texas polititions are borne with the taste of Mexican cock in their mouths.
Those that voted her in on the hopes of getting rid of ICE so that their extended family would be safe. In the hopes of free healthcare and a living wage for doing nothing will be disillusioned with her. But since she has become the head of the Democrat party it will be hard to remove her.

Now watch people's heads explode.
Interesting OP. I think unless the following changes, AOC gets reelected. Besides, republicans have already made the mistake of underestimating her.

"Crowley lost because of the changing demographics in his district, which had been redrawn considerably after 2010 and is now only 18 percent white.”
Data Suggest That Gentrifying Neighborhoods Powered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Victory
Crowley lost because he arrogantly assumed the position that his incumbency was the only thing that mattered....He got outworked, plain and simple.
Unless your in a GOP gerrymandered district, the word is out....stop taking democratic voters for granted!! When democrats work for our votes, they will always come out on top
Those that voted her in on the hopes of getting rid of ICE so that their extended family would be safe. In the hopes of free healthcare and a living wage for doing nothing will be disillusioned with her. But since she has become the head of the Democrat party it will be hard to remove her.

Now watch people's heads explode.
Interesting OP. I think unless the following changes, AOC gets reelected. Besides, republicans have already made the mistake of underestimating her.

"Crowley lost because of the changing demographics in his district, which had been redrawn considerably after 2010 and is now only 18 percent white.”
Data Suggest That Gentrifying Neighborhoods Powered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Victory
Crowley lost because he arrogantly assumed the position that his incumbency was the only thing that mattered....He got outworked, plain and simple.
Unless your in a GOP gerrymandered district, the word is out....stop taking democratic voters for granted!! When democrats work for our votes, they will always come out on top

Yup. Smuggling Mexicans is tough business.
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.
Morning. Please say hello to the other tigerred for me. Thanks.
I'm still the same...I'm just calling it like I see it, pal.
Interesting OP. I think unless the following changes, AOC gets reelected. Besides, republicans have already made the mistake of underestimating her.

"Crowley lost because of the changing demographics in his district, which had been redrawn considerably after 2010 and is now only 18 percent white.”
Data Suggest That Gentrifying Neighborhoods Powered Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Victory
Celebrating the Amazon loss, is gonna doom this chic....I just wish she would lay low, learn a bit and then come gun blazing. She's the kind of young blood the party needs...what we don't need is a super star, we need aggressive headstrong smart leaders, plain and simple
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.
Morning. Please say hello to the other tigerred for me. Thanks.
I'm still the same...I'm just calling it like I see it, pal.
Either there are two or more folks posting as tr, or you’ve got a very serious drug and/or alcohol problem. That’s the only way to explain the many nearly incoherent threads/posts that show up as tigerred.
"AOC....will be a one term congresswoman and here's why"

No, here's the REAL reason why.
After two years of this girl, enough of the districts voters will come to their fucking heads, and will throw the ditz out !
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.
I can't be the only one who enjoyed the irony of this post. I don't know if you are a Trump supporter but you might think long and hard.

She "shows no humility in her ignorance": Trump famously said he knew more about the military than the general. He continues to believe he knows more than the rest of the intelligence community.

"Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils. ": How much time has Trump spent Tweeting about how successful he is and how bad everyone else is?

"She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats": Trump is the ultimate narcissist and newbee. He has done little to bring unity or cohesiveness to the political discourse. History will decide who is the doom of who.
We all join in on the excitement of being the first...the youngest voted into congress....the fact she acts her age and shows no humility in her ignorance, will doom this young girl as a one time only. Instead of joining the congress and laying low for a least a few months until you've learned...she immediately took to twitter to inform her constituents of her highs and lows...and that's okay, its cool...but you were sent there to do a job, not detail your hardships and perils.

She has learned the hard way, that when you crave center stage, especially under Trump's world, the limelight will sting a bit. Sadly she's not alone and to all our regret, she along with many of the newbee's who crave a voice in a system that demands unity and cohesiveness, will undoubtedly be the doom, once again of democrats.....for some reason we can not hold on to a good thang for long.

Oh no! AOC is a rising star! I don't doubt she'll run for President in 2024. She represents the current mindset of the Democratic party. She's here to stay.
/—-/ The Swamp will send this Dingbat packing in 2020.

And just curious......
Do you and all those agreeing with you actually believe the push for Socialism will stop there?

I say,...even IF she is sent packing in 2020, she'll be replaced by another...and another...and another....until they finally get what they want.
As much as I don't want her kind in Congress, America's demographics are changing (reality check) and stupid is the new voter. Millions of them.
They're got more than a slim chance at this point imo. we'll see in 2020.

They are a supremely tenacious lot of leeches hell bound determined to ruin our great nation.
/—-/ The Swamp will send this Dingbat packing in 2020.

And just curious......
Do you and all those agreeing with you actually believe the push for Socialism will stop there?

I say,...even IF she is sent packing in 2020, she'll be replaced by another...and another...and another....until they finally get what they want.
As much as I don't want her kind in Congress, America's demographics are changing (reality check) and stupid is the new voter. Millions of them.
They're got more than a slim chance at this point imo. we'll see in 2020.

They are a supremely tenacious lot of leeches hell bound determined to ruin our great nation.
/——/ No it won’t stop the Prog agenda but even democRATs see her as a handicap and will primary her out.
Unless your in a GOP gerrymandered district, the word is out....stop taking democratic voters for granted!! When democrats work for our votes, they will always come out on top

Unfortunately, a LOT of Right wingers live in their comfortable rural huggy bubba bubbles, shielded from the realities of the Blue creep that's even closing in on Florida and Georgia and other traditionally Red states..... where they sit around in the back woods at hunting stands chewing tobacco and talking guns all day and drinking their Billy beer assuring one another with a good ole boy slap on the back that they could take out the entire Democrat party in one day......IF THEY WANTED TO. :rolleyes: It's actually a state of denial.....the ostrich with it's head in the sand.

In that bubba bubble, they've become over confident, relying on the fantasy of armed resistance and it's why many of them don't even feel the need to vote or get involved in any meaningful way.
/——/ No it won’t stop the Prog agenda but even democRATs see her as a handicap and will primary her out.

I pray you're correct....but have you considered the millions of stupid Millennials coming of voting age that the Left has nurtured and brought up to be good little America haters and even better Communists?

What if...the Democrat party as we knew it....morphs into this new "Green Radical" party?

The Feinsteins and Pelosis are fading....Oscasio is the new look they want.
Hell, I can't turn on the radio or TV without hearing her name or seeing her face.

This little witch has traction like no other US Socialist ever has.

Can't quite put my finger on it...but there something eerily "Hitler-esque" about her in terms of her passionate political speaking style.....reincarnate - in female form?
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Unless your in a GOP gerrymandered district, the word is out....stop taking democratic voters for granted!! When democrats work for our votes, they will always come out on top

Unfortunately, a LOT of Right wingers live in their comfortable rural huggy bubba bubbles, shielded from the realities of the Blue creep that's even closing in on Florida and Georgia and other traditionally Red states..... where they sit around in the back woods at hunting stands chewing tobacco and talking guns all day and drinking their Billy beer assuring one another with a good ole boy slap on the back that they could take out the entire Democrat party in one day......IF THEY WANTED TO. :rolleyes: It's actually a state of denial.....the ostrich with it's head in the sand.

In that bubba bubble, they've become over confident, relying on the fantasy of armed resistance and it's why many of them don't even feel the need to vote or get involved in any meaningful way.
/——/ DemocRATs live in Liberalpropagandaville hanging out in Starbucks waiting for their free stuff.
/——/ DemocRATs live in Liberalpropagandaville hanging out in Starbucks waiting for their free stuff.

Tru dat.
But as a whole, they are MUCH more passionate about getting out and voting. It's emotional for them.

You're not in one of those "bubba bubbles" are ya ? :dunno:

Hey, I'm on your side.....I just wish our side would get off it's azz already. This BS is getting serious.

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