I Believe It's Quite Possible That JD Vance Does Not Pay Taxes

That's because it was never said. I've had this asshole following me atound accusing me of shIt that I am not doing. This is at least the 4th dfferent avatar he has used to harrass me. He's made up some cockamamie story about something I said in a forum I've never been in and now claims I am half of the liberal posters here. Someow I am so good at this, the moderators can't track my ip to find out that I am all these different people.
I wish these pricks would go back to their other safe spaces. USMB is full.
That's because it was never said. I've had this asshole following me atound accusing me of shIt that I am not doing. This is at least the 4th dfferent avatar he has used to harrass me. He's made up some cockamamie story about something I said in a forum I've never been in and now claims I am half of the liberal posters here. Someow I am so good at this, the moderators can't track my ip to find out that I am all these different people.
Oh, now look who is not on topic. Did you report yourself?

Anyhow, do you even remotely get accounting concepts? For all intents and purposes, exemptions/deductions/credits do the same thing. They lower your taxes in some way. Every person--adults and kids--get this by virtue of being a person.

So each adult (not itemizing) gets a fed deduction of ~14k. Each couple gets ~28k. Each child gets a credit of ~2k. In effect, single people and married people are exactly the same in that regard. The story about Vance is bogus.
Oh, now look who is not on topic. Did you report yourself?

Anyhow, do you even remotely get accounting concepts? For all intents and purposes, exemptions/deductions/credits do the same thing. They lower your taxes in some way. Every person--adults and kids--get this by virtue of being a person.

So each adult (not itemizing) gets a fed deduction of ~14k. Each couple gets ~28k. Each child gets a credit of ~2k. In effect, single people and married people are exactly the same in that regard. The story about Vance is bogus.
Why are you asking me these questions? I told your faggott ass that I'm not Newsvine.
So it was kind of hard to take him seriously when he stated unequivocally that

I don't know which is more stupid, that he believes the statement above (miserable so... miserable too) or that he believes that a cabal of childless cat ladies is the shadow government that actually runs the United States.

So I wrote him off as just stupid, possibly as lacking in brains as his running mate.

But they showed him on the evening news tonight making THIS statement:

He's what? Thirty-nine years of age and he's never had a tax return filled out or if he has, he doesn't know or understand what's on the return? People without children ALREADY pay more in taxes because if we don't have any dependents, we pay the maximum.

Vance has a wife and several children so how is it that he doesn't understand that he/they (married couples) pay significantly less in taxes than single tax filers?

Now whether or not what they save in taxes offsets the costs of raising children is a different subject but how much of a dumbass do you have to be to make the statement that he did. On second thought any of them that he did.
Just like Mit Romney! 🤪
Do you know what a "false persona" is? It doesn't mean what you think it means.

Vance is the guy creating a "false persona" here.
He's a chameleon. An opportunist who people can smell from a mile away.

Vance has no real beliefs. He certainly isn't conservative.

And this socialist tax thing of his is as non-conservative as it gets, as are all tax expenditures.
Yep. He has at least 30 more years to make libtard heads explode. :p
He'll be forgotten in less than five years.

He'll go back to Thiel's hedge fund and tell jokes around the office about Diet Mountain Dew.
youre looking at it from the wrong side of the fence,,

they arent being penalized,, the mothers and fathers because that are helping humanity to continue to exist are being rewarded,,
Government socialist engineering. Textbook central planning.

Vance has other ideas about government interference in the free market, too. He wants the government to pick winners and losers.

He's just warming up.
Oh, now look who is not on topic. Did you report yourself?

Anyhow, do you even remotely get accounting concepts? For all intents and purposes, exemptions/deductions/credits do the same thing. They lower your taxes in some way. Every person--adults and kids--get this by virtue of being a person.

So each adult (not itemizing) gets a fed deduction of ~14k. Each couple gets ~28k. Each child gets a credit of ~2k. In effect, single people and married people are exactly the same in that regard. The story about Vance is bogus.
Yeah I forgot to post the link to the story because I watched him say this on TV. Nonetheless people with children pay less taxes than people without children.

I've heard people lamenting "I need to get married, I need some tax deductions" lol :
JD Vance wanted higher taxes for childless people, video shows
You would be shocked too at who exactly Trump supporters are outside of your bullshit NARRATIVES.
No-one cares "who" YOU are.
Trump supporters are poor deluded people incapable of independent thought.

They bleev they are conservatives.

Is it conservative to cheat on three wives including with a Playmate and a porn star?

Is it conservative to run up $8 trillion of debt in half the time it took your predecessor?

Are far left protectionist tariffs conservative?

Is it conservative to turn our backs on our allies?

Is it conservative to create a fake university to steal from the elderly?

Is it conservative to bust into underaged girls dressing rooms to catch them naked?

Is it conservative to bear false witness against others nearly every time one opens one's mouth?

Is it conservative to attempt a coup and nearly bring down our 244 year old democracy?

Nope! Not even close. It's just plain evil through and through which is why I will be writing in my best friend for president and his wife for vice president, or vice versa.

Out of every possible Republican, the Trump party reached down and scraped the slimiest scum from the bottom of the barrel and made it their nominee.

It's bizarre they are making the election into a culture war. The irony of a cult of personality doing this is astounding.

A total lack of self-awareness.

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