I Believe It's Quite Possible That JD Vance Does Not Pay Taxes

Vance knows the democrats are inherently anti-family, so he is manipulating them into being triggered. Make your opponent react the way you want and you control the exchange.
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IM-Mariyam. Dude. Every person gets a deduction/credit for being a person. Kids are people. Therefore, deduction.
Look motherfucker, we;'re 2 different peopLe. Now stay on topic because every time you do this from this point on I'm reporting you.
Look motherfucker, we;'re 2 different peopLe. Now stay on topic because every time you do this from this point on I'm reporting you.
You don't even understand basic tax principles. Every person gets a deduction/credit by virtue of being a person. Babies can't work, hence the child credit.

And I wasn't the one who brought up Glock.
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Punishing people for not reproducing. Tracking pregnant women if they cross the borders of the state.

Talk about an out of control authoritarian.

Gee, I wonder which dystopian novel republicans are taking their cues from.
I didn't see that. Link?
That's because it was never said. I've had this asshole following me atound accusing me of shIt that I am not doing. This is at least the 4th dfferent avatar he has used to harrass me. He's made up some cockamamie story about something I said in a forum I've never been in and now claims I am half of the liberal posters here. Someow I am so good at this, the moderators can't track my ip to find out that I am all these different people.

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