I Believe It's Quite Possible That JD Vance Does Not Pay Taxes

It's not an excuse. You can't just say "All of A is good and All of B is bad". You know there are exceptions for everything so saying that childless single women should be taxed more is silly, not to mention possibly unconstitutional.
Don't let Tumblin Tumbleweed hear you say that. Sovereign Citizen!

He said it. There was a Charlie Kirk show he said it on. You can search it out. Trump has to have known about this before he picked Vance as his running mate.

JD Vance suggested America should 'punish' people for not having children​

This likely coming from the same crowd who thinks he f**ked a couch, right?
For all intents and purposes, the child credit for your kid is like the standard deduction for an adult. You exist, therefore your taxes are lowered by X amount.
Given JD Vance's rise from dirt poor beginnings to his Yale education and meteoric rise to Senator and VP he is clearly not an "idiot". You are a highly educated successful woman, you certainly know that is true. But this is the problem with divisive politics. By being a Democratic Black woman, you are compelled to HATE JD Vance. That is sad it shouldn't be that way.
Quit projecting your own foibles onto me especially since you I've told you all before that I'm not a democrat. I left the party when Grey Davis ran on a platform that proposed giving illegal immigrants driver licenses in California so not since the '90s have I been registered as such.

And why are you trying to make it seem like I'm the one being divisive simply because I prefer not to have another person so alike Trump possibly in a position of authority who could negatively impact my life. This has nothing to do with hate and you are lying to claim that it is.

Lots of people are able to achieve success in life and they all became successful in a myriad of ways. Some had more help than others but once they achieved their goals that doesn't mean they get a pass if they make a statement that shows that they don't realize that single childless people already pay more in taxes than people with children. This is something that many, many people who DIDN'T go to Yale, who aren't in politics, who may not be considered "highly successful" in their lives have in common and KNOW, so why doesn't he?

I don't like the feeling of insecurity that comes from having a leader who doesn't know how to lead or knows less about some things he should be MORE knowledgeable of.
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Yeah, that's how you get into Yale law school, by being stupid.

OTOH, the OP doesn't seem to understand the difference between tax RATES and tax EXEMPTIONS.
Apparently it must be. Yale is a college. No different than any other. There are some really smart students there, and there are some dumb asses.
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