I Believe It's Quite Possible That JD Vance Does Not Pay Taxes

When it comes to taxes, it should be very simple.

Everyone earning identical incomes should be paying the exact same amount in tax.

Same with corporations.

No exemptions. No credits. No deductions. Those are costing us more than one and a half TRILLION dollars a year.

You would be amazed how low our tax rates can be if we did that.

And we actually could file our taxes on a postcard.
Oh, now look who is not on topic. Did you report yourself?

Anyhow, do you even remotely get accounting concepts? For all intents and purposes, exemptions/deductions/credits do the same thing. They lower your taxes in some way. Every person--adults and kids--get this by virtue of being a person.

So each adult (not itemizing) gets a fed deduction of ~14k. Each couple gets ~28k. Each child gets a credit of ~2k. In effect, single people and married people are exactly the same in that regard. The story about Vance is bogus.
Every single exemption, credit, and deduction has to be offset by higher tax rates and by deficit spending (borrowing from China, etc).

It is the furthest thing from conservatism there is.
Trump supporters are poor deluded people incapable of independent thought.

They bleev they are conservatives.

Is it conservative to cheat on three wives including with a Playmate and a porn star?

Is it conservative to run up $8 trillion of debt in half the time it took your predecessor?

Are far left protectionist tariffs conservative?

Is it conservative to turn our backs on our allies?

Is it conservative to create a fake university to steal from the elderly?

Is it conservative to bust into underaged girls dressing rooms to catch them naked?

Is it conservative to bear false witness against others nearly every time one opens one's mouth?

Is it conservative to attempt a coup and nearly bring down our 244 year old democracy?

Nope! Not even close. It's just plain evil through and through which is why I will be writing in my best friend for president and his wife for vice president, or vice versa.

Out of every possible Republican, the Trump party reached down and scraped the slimiest scum from the bottom of the barrel and made it their nominee.

It's bizarre they are making the election into a culture war. The irony of a cult of personality doing this is astounding.

A total lack of self-awareness.
Your gaslight theatre and projection is.......cute. :itsok:
He said it. There was a Charlie Kirk show he said it on. You can search it out. Trump has to have known about this before he picked Vance as his running mate.

JD Vance suggested America should 'punish' people for not having children​

In response to Vance's comments, Vance spokesperson William Martin told ABC News, "The policy Senator Vance proposed is basically no different than the Child Tax Credit, which Democrats unanimously support.”

I wonder if liberals on this forum even bother to read their own links?

Or do they just shamelessly lie?
I can barely remember him.


Take as directed.
Quit projecting your own foibles onto me especially since you I've told you all before that I'm not a democrat. I left the party when Grey Davis ran on a platform that proposed giving illegal immigrants driver licenses in California so not since the '90s have I been registered as such.

And why are you trying to make it seem like I'm the one being divisive simply because I prefer not to have another person so alike Trump possibly in a position of authority who could negatively impact my life. This has nothing to do with hate and you are lying to claim that it is.

Lots of people are able to achieve success in life and they all became successful in a myriad of ways. Some had more help than others but once they achieved their goals that doesn't mean they get a pass if they make a statement that shows that they don't realize that single childless people already pay more in taxes than people with children. This is something that many, many people who DIDN'T go to Yale, who aren't in politics, who may not be considered "highly successful" in their lives have in common and KNOW, so why doesn't he?

I don't like the feeling of insecurity that comes from having a leader who doesn't know how to lead or knows less about some things he should be MORE knowledgeable of.
I just call it like it is. The Democratic Party is fundamentally dishonest and they rely heavily on their media machine to anger their supporters. You are the one who called JD Vance an "idiot" which is obviously not true but that is exactly the angry reaction they want from their supporters. You may not be a registered Democrat but you will clearly vote for Kamala or whoever the Democrats put up.

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