AP Fact Checkers Confirm Michelle Obama Is A Propaganda-Pushing Liar After Checking Her DNC Convention Diatribe

The point is that there was no proof that the kids were actually the children of the adults they came with, and of course there were thousands of kids who came, unaccompanied. Throw them in "cages," or allow them to be victimized by the criminals in the adult border-jumpers.

Are Democrats stupid or evil? It is a tough question.
Maybe she was referring to the looting, burning, attacking of supposed dems going on right now; the suppression of speech by those one does not agree with; the hatred by dems, etc
I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
In all fairness, there was plenty to criticize there, but it's almost impossible to believe she said "unlike." That would have made no sense in the context of her statements and the audience she was speaking to. Definitely a poor job of articulating her words
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"And like so many of you...."

Funny, seeing her lectured on this topic by a Trumpster.

You obviously wouldn't and didn't do as I and many others have done... we've played her video from this web site:

SHE clearly and after playing at least six times I heard her say "unlike so many of you, Barack and I have tried.."

But when you go to the CNN website and READ her supposedly transcript...
"And like so many of you, Barack and I have tried "

BUT you and your BIASED MSM seem to think the FACTS that she said "UNLIKE so many..."
Disdain. Disgust. Those of us deplorables! How f...king pompous! And then she points her finger skyward!!! HOW
totally hypocritical!
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

Great speech for a Bad Lip Reading.
If Michelle Obama were so concerned about the practice of family separation and children into cages, why didn’t she do anything about it to stop it when her husband’s administration initiated and continued the practice?
LIttle fact that the lefties can check...
Obama broke up more familes, deported more immigrants, than any other Presidents before him.
Not sure why she didn't mention this??
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

OP is malignant or dumb or both?

she clearly is not saying "unlike".

Did you play the 6:02 segment?
She clearly pompously said "UNLIKE so many of you!!!

yeah, no. seek help.

Who should seek help as those of you that believe Obama is as HE said back in 2008...you need counseling!
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"

Color me shocked.

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