AP Fact Checkers Confirm Michelle Obama Is A Propaganda-Pushing Liar After Checking Her DNC Convention Diatribe

Honestly, I'm so busy wondering why we're supposed to care about the opinion of someone who's just the wife of some retired guy who used to be important, I didn't even pay attention to the meaningless blather this meaningless bitch spewed.

Perhaps because Obama is not 'some retired guy who used to be important' but is instead the most criminal President in US history, who illegally spied on American / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC justices / presidential nominees / presidents and their team, who initiated and attempted to affect a political coup to overthrow the government of the United States...and so much more. The fact is that this bit@h is an accomplice to all of that and is still lying and spreading division.

Her husband should be in Gitmo, and she should probably be in a cell not far from him.

All of that is true; however, he is no longer President or anyone especially important. And Michelle is just the wife of someone who used to be someone. So why the hell is anyone supposed to care what she thinks?

I find it kinda sad how people on the left can never let go of the limelight and accept it when they become irrelevant.
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
Accusing someone of sticking children in cages when it was yur husband who built the cages and used them 1st as pens for children in not just a 'lie', snowflake. The fact that youcan't tell the difference is probably why you are a sheep/ snowflake who still defends this criminal family.
Obama administration never packed kids in cages..nice try.

FLOTUS of the most corrupt administration in modern times!
What gall!!
Honestly, I'm so busy wondering why we're supposed to care about the opinion of someone who's just the wife of some retired guy who used to be important, I didn't even pay attention to the meaningless blather this meaningless bitch spewed.

Perhaps because Obama is not 'some retired guy who used to be important' but is instead the most criminal President in US history, who illegally spied on American / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC justices / presidential nominees / presidents and their team, who initiated and attempted to affect a political coup to overthrow the government of the United States...and so much more. The fact is that this bit@h is an accomplice to all of that and is still lying and spreading division.

Her husband should be in Gitmo, and she should probably be in a cell not far from him.

Nobody but filth liberals gives a shit what she says or thinks.

Let's be honest. If she suddenly stopped singing the party song, they wouldn't give a shit what she says or thinks, either. THEY would be ones telling us how she's a nobody with no claim to relevance beyond having been married to someone who used to matter.
Honestly, I'm so busy wondering why we're supposed to care about the opinion of someone who's just the wife of some retired guy who used to be important, I didn't even pay attention to the meaningless blather this meaningless bitch spewed.

Perhaps because Obama is not 'some retired guy who used to be important' but is instead the most criminal President in US history, who illegally spied on American / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC justices / presidential nominees / presidents and their team, who initiated and attempted to affect a political coup to overthrow the government of the United States...and so much more. The fact is that this bit@h is an accomplice to all of that and is still lying and spreading division.

Her husband should be in Gitmo, and she should probably be in a cell not far from him.


And you're telling me that you spend a lot of time feeling proud because you found people on Twitter who agree with you because why?
Nobody but filth liberals gives a shit what she says or thinks.

Let's be honest. If she suddenly stopped singing the party song, they wouldn't give a shit what she says or thinks, either. THEY would be ones telling us how she's a nobody with no claim to relevance beyond having been married to someone who used to matter.

And she also failed to tout the first Black female VP nominee.
This fake Dimm convention so far looks like amateur hour.
Only Bernie was jazzed last night cause he knows he can realize his Commie revolution in the U.S. through his puppet Beijing Biden!
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
Accusing someone of sticking children in cages when it was yur husband who built the cages and used them 1st as pens for children in not just a 'lie', snowflake. The fact that youcan't tell the difference is probably why you are a sheep/ snowflake who still defends this criminal family.
Obama administration never packed kids in cages..nice try.
And you are so wrong!!!

Screen Shot 2020-08-18 at 5.59.27 PM.png
God bless Michelle. It shows he really loves us so we can ignore the great satanic beast that now lingers in our White House.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"

Some people disagree. Chris Wallace for example.

"It was a heck of a contribution,” Wallace said. “She really flayed, sliced and diced Donald Trump, talking about the chaos and confusion and lack of empathy, especially coming from this president and this White House, spoke more about the deficits of Donald Trump than the pluses of Joe Biden, but did talk about especially, not so much policies, but especially his empathy and what he has been through and his care for average Americans.”

“This was a very effective speech," Wallace added.

Biden/Harris is going to be Mondale/Ferraro 2:Electric Boogaloo

Trump/Pence is closer to being Mondale/Ferraro. The states that Trump is in trouble in continues to grow while Biden has seen no erosion from any state that Clinton won.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.
Micheal hates Whitey, but gets hair weaves and nose jobs in an attempt to look more White. :afro:
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
Accusing someone of sticking children in cages when it was yur husband who built the cages and used them 1st as pens for children in not just a 'lie', snowflake. The fact that youcan't tell the difference is probably why you are a sheep/ snowflake who still defends this criminal family.
Obama administration never packed kids in cages..nice try.

Then, what did they use those cages for and, why are there pictures taken in 2014, showing kids in those cages?
It came out some time ago, that the cages the democrats claimed Trump was using, were actually built and used in 2014 by the Obama administration.

I'm surprised Michelle had the balls to once again accuse Trump of it.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.


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