AP Fact Checkers Confirm Michelle Obama Is A Propaganda-Pushing Liar After Checking Her DNC Convention Diatribe

The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
That's odd because photos from 2014 show kids only in cages. Where is the rest of their family?
I don't know and I'm guessing nobody else does either anymore. Per the Obama policy, they would fall in one of two categories. Or they where unaccompanied minors. Or their parents have serious criminal offenses to their names.
So Barry DID have a policy of separating kids from parents.
Yes he did.
The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

If you don't see the difference between a policy designed to protect children from harm and just separating a child from its parents as a matter of course. There is nothing I can say to help you understand.
Feel free to link us up to that "policy" of only separating kids from parents with serious criminal histories.
In recent years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and DHS have taken a variety of actions to increase enforcement of immigration laws. (See Exhibit 1.) On April 11, 2017, the Attorney General issued a memorandum instructing Federal prosecutors to prioritize prosecution of certain immigration offenses. 7 From July through November 2017, the El Paso sector of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within DHS, implemented new policies that resulted in 281 individuals in families being separated. 8 On April 6, 2018, the Attorney General formally instituted a “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which addresses attempts by an individual who is not a U.S. citizen to enter the country at an improper time or place. 9 The Attorney General described this policy in a May public speech, announcing that DHS was now referring all adults making illegal Southwest Border crossings to DOJ for prosecution and that DOJ would accept those cases.10 Under these policies, when a child and parent were apprehended together by immigration authorities, DHS separated the family, with the parent being placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service within DOJ to await prosecution for immigration offenses. With the detained parent unavailable to care for his or her child, the child was treated as a UAC and transferred to ORR.

Note the use of the term new policy. Feel free to post a link proving that Obama held children that didn't fall under the categories I described.
I asked you to back up your claim about Obama's policy. I didn't ask about Trump's policy.

Try again
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
That's odd because photos from 2014 show kids only in cages. Where is the rest of their family?
I don't know and I'm guessing nobody else does either anymore. Per the Obama policy, they would fall in one of two categories. Or they where unaccompanied minors. Or their parents have serious criminal offenses to their names.
So Barry DID have a policy of separating kids from parents.
Yes he did.
The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

If you don't see the difference between a policy designed to protect children from harm and just separating a child from its parents as a matter of course. There is nothing I can say to help you understand.
Feel free to link us up to that "policy" of only separating kids from parents with serious criminal histories.
In recent years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and DHS have taken a variety of actions to increase enforcement of immigration laws. (See Exhibit 1.) On April 11, 2017, the Attorney General issued a memorandum instructing Federal prosecutors to prioritize prosecution of certain immigration offenses. 7 From July through November 2017, the El Paso sector of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within DHS, implemented new policies that resulted in 281 individuals in families being separated. 8 On April 6, 2018, the Attorney General formally instituted a “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which addresses attempts by an individual who is not a U.S. citizen to enter the country at an improper time or place. 9 The Attorney General described this policy in a May public speech, announcing that DHS was now referring all adults making illegal Southwest Border crossings to DOJ for prosecution and that DOJ would accept those cases.10 Under these policies, when a child and parent were apprehended together by immigration authorities, DHS separated the family, with the parent being placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service within DOJ to await prosecution for immigration offenses. With the detained parent unavailable to care for his or her child, the child was treated as a UAC and transferred to ORR.

Note the use of the term new policy. Feel free to post a link proving that Obama held children that didn't fall under the categories I described.
I asked you to back up your claim about Obama's policy. I didn't ask about Trump's policy.

Try again
Ok https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-BL-18-00511.pdf
Historically, these separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as the parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
That's odd because photos from 2014 show kids only in cages. Where is the rest of their family?
I don't know and I'm guessing nobody else does either anymore. Per the Obama policy, they would fall in one of two categories. Or they where unaccompanied minors. Or their parents have serious criminal offenses to their names.
So Barry DID have a policy of separating kids from parents.
Yes he did.
The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

If you don't see the difference between a policy designed to protect children from harm and just separating a child from its parents as a matter of course. There is nothing I can say to help you understand.
Feel free to link us up to that "policy" of only separating kids from parents with serious criminal histories.
In recent years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and DHS have taken a variety of actions to increase enforcement of immigration laws. (See Exhibit 1.) On April 11, 2017, the Attorney General issued a memorandum instructing Federal prosecutors to prioritize prosecution of certain immigration offenses. 7 From July through November 2017, the El Paso sector of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within DHS, implemented new policies that resulted in 281 individuals in families being separated. 8 On April 6, 2018, the Attorney General formally instituted a “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which addresses attempts by an individual who is not a U.S. citizen to enter the country at an improper time or place. 9 The Attorney General described this policy in a May public speech, announcing that DHS was now referring all adults making illegal Southwest Border crossings to DOJ for prosecution and that DOJ would accept those cases.10 Under these policies, when a child and parent were apprehended together by immigration authorities, DHS separated the family, with the parent being placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service within DOJ to await prosecution for immigration offenses. With the detained parent unavailable to care for his or her child, the child was treated as a UAC and transferred to ORR.

Note the use of the term new policy. Feel free to post a link proving that Obama held children that didn't fall under the categories I described.
I asked you to back up your claim about Obama's policy. I didn't ask about Trump's policy.

Try again
Ok https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-BL-18-00511.pdf
Historically, these separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as the parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety
Your link is from 2019.

Another fail.

Try again.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
That's odd because photos from 2014 show kids only in cages. Where is the rest of their family?
I don't know and I'm guessing nobody else does either anymore. Per the Obama policy, they would fall in one of two categories. Or they where unaccompanied minors. Or their parents have serious criminal offenses to their names.
So Barry DID have a policy of separating kids from parents.
Yes he did.
The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

If you don't see the difference between a policy designed to protect children from harm and just separating a child from its parents as a matter of course. There is nothing I can say to help you understand.
Feel free to link us up to that "policy" of only separating kids from parents with serious criminal histories.
In recent years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and DHS have taken a variety of actions to increase enforcement of immigration laws. (See Exhibit 1.) On April 11, 2017, the Attorney General issued a memorandum instructing Federal prosecutors to prioritize prosecution of certain immigration offenses. 7 From July through November 2017, the El Paso sector of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within DHS, implemented new policies that resulted in 281 individuals in families being separated. 8 On April 6, 2018, the Attorney General formally instituted a “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which addresses attempts by an individual who is not a U.S. citizen to enter the country at an improper time or place. 9 The Attorney General described this policy in a May public speech, announcing that DHS was now referring all adults making illegal Southwest Border crossings to DOJ for prosecution and that DOJ would accept those cases.10 Under these policies, when a child and parent were apprehended together by immigration authorities, DHS separated the family, with the parent being placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service within DOJ to await prosecution for immigration offenses. With the detained parent unavailable to care for his or her child, the child was treated as a UAC and transferred to ORR.

Note the use of the term new policy. Feel free to post a link proving that Obama held children that didn't fall under the categories I described.
I asked you to back up your claim about Obama's policy. I didn't ask about Trump's policy.

Try again
Ok https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-BL-18-00511.pdf
Historically, these separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as the parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety
Your link is from 2019.

Another fail.

Try again.
Oh my god, you think a link of the Inspector General of the HHS, The department tasked with this issue isn't capable of commenting on the policy prior to Trump?

How does that work in your head? Do you even try to come up with an actual argument?

You challenged me to support my assertions. I didn't rely on articles but provided you with an official report supporting what I said. There is absolutely no further evidence required of me.
You challenged me to support my assertions. I didn't rely on articles but provided you with an official report supporting what I said. There is absolutely no further evidence required of me.
So you are still trying to claim that Obama and Biden did not place children in cages / cells, the same ones the media tried to use photographs of in a hit piece on Trump, the same ones Michele attacked Trump's administration for using that were left over from the Obama administration?

'nuff sad.

You challenged me to support my assertions. I didn't rely on articles but provided you with an official report supporting what I said. There is absolutely no further evidence required of me.
So you are still trying to claim that Obama and Biden did not place children in cages / cells, the same ones the media tried to use photographs of in a hit piece on Trump, the same ones Michele attacked Trump's administration for using that were left over from the Obama administration?

'nuff sad.

reading comprehension problems?
Oh where do you see me arguing that?
Yes he did.
The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.
Don't put positions in my mouth that you can't back up. I'm interested in an honest conversation and as such would like to be judged on what I say. Not on what you hope I said.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
That's odd because photos from 2014 show kids only in cages. Where is the rest of their family?
I don't know and I'm guessing nobody else does either anymore. Per the Obama policy, they would fall in one of two categories. Or they where unaccompanied minors. Or their parents have serious criminal offenses to their names.
So Barry DID have a policy of separating kids from parents.
Yes he did.
The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

If you don't see the difference between a policy designed to protect children from harm and just separating a child from its parents as a matter of course. There is nothing I can say to help you understand.
Feel free to link us up to that "policy" of only separating kids from parents with serious criminal histories.
In recent years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and DHS have taken a variety of actions to increase enforcement of immigration laws. (See Exhibit 1.) On April 11, 2017, the Attorney General issued a memorandum instructing Federal prosecutors to prioritize prosecution of certain immigration offenses. 7 From July through November 2017, the El Paso sector of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within DHS, implemented new policies that resulted in 281 individuals in families being separated. 8 On April 6, 2018, the Attorney General formally instituted a “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which addresses attempts by an individual who is not a U.S. citizen to enter the country at an improper time or place. 9 The Attorney General described this policy in a May public speech, announcing that DHS was now referring all adults making illegal Southwest Border crossings to DOJ for prosecution and that DOJ would accept those cases.10 Under these policies, when a child and parent were apprehended together by immigration authorities, DHS separated the family, with the parent being placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service within DOJ to await prosecution for immigration offenses. With the detained parent unavailable to care for his or her child, the child was treated as a UAC and transferred to ORR.

Note the use of the term new policy. Feel free to post a link proving that Obama held children that didn't fall under the categories I described.
I asked you to back up your claim about Obama's policy. I didn't ask about Trump's policy.

Try again
Ok https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-BL-18-00511.pdf
Historically, these separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as the parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety
Your link is from 2019.

Another fail.

Try again.
Oh my god, you think a link of the Inspector General of the HHS, The department tasked with this issue isn't capable of commenting on the policy prior to Trump?

How does that work in your head? Do you even try to come up with an actual argument?

You challenged me to support my assertions. I didn't rely on articles but provided you with an official report supporting what I said. There is absolutely no further evidence required of me.
FYI, Barry wasn't in office in 2019.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
Where is your proof that Obama's separation policy was not Trump's "zero tolerance" policy? Please y9ou tout being logical, fact checking.. where is your links substantiating your subjective TDS attitude?
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

I'm just marveling at the hubris and lack of self-awareness necessary for the likes of you to claim moral superiority.

Not only that, you're also illiterate, since he didn't say a word about anyone's morality. He said Michelle Obama called Democrats immoral. You're pretty long on conceit, and VERY short on any reason you deserve it.
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
The truth is a lie to the msm reporter who has to follow orders from the democrat deep state. Therefore, lies matter.
I can tell that the truth is not what you seek.
What a POMPOUS person you are! YOU can tell the truth? Are you a omniscient God? YOU know what the inner motivations are a person? You know what you are? A LIAR! Because if YOU are so knowledgeable that YOU "can tell that the truth" of someone you wouldn't be lowering yourself to this message board! Do you understand when YOU make dumb ass comments like that you are proving how dumb you are!
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
Where is your proof that Obama's separation policy was not Trump's "zero tolerance" policy? Please y9ou tout being logical, fact checking.. where is your links substantiating your subjective TDS attitude?
Already answered that.
Ok https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-BL-18-00511.pdf
Historically, these separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as the parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
I'm always interested in facts, so I decided to click your link. Weirdly enough I didn't end up in an actual fact check by AP, but rather an opinion piece by someone on Fox news. Me still being interested in facts decided to click the link provided by the article. Again weirdly enough that link didn't lead me to AP either. Instead I ended up in an article by the Seatle Times. So I decided to read that article. Again weirdly enough the article contained a paragraph that the Fox News contributer ommited. Namely that although Obama did use those cages to on occasion separate children from their families but that it was only in high risk situations and not a general policy as under Trump.

So my fact check of your article citing a fact check by AP shows me you've been duped.

Try again some other time.
Most of the major networks ran the story, all citing how Michele lied her ass off / misled the American people, just like her hubby did for 8 years. Thank you for your OPINION on the Fact Checking of Michele's bs. You, of course, did not look at any of them, it seems, because you don't want to be reminded of the truth. Poor snowflake....

I find it hilarious that you are attempting to claim that Barry and Biden did NOT put kids in cages, that the cells used by the Trump administration were NOT used by Barry and Joe 1st, something that has been undeniably proven already - it's not even a question.

I looked at it a hell of a lot closer than you did. I checked the link you provided. I checked the link provided in your article. And I checked the actual fact check by AP. AP FACT CHECK: Michelle Obama and the kids in 'cages'

The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border.

The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar.
Obama had no such policy.
That's odd because photos from 2014 show kids only in cages. Where is the rest of their family?
I don't know and I'm guessing nobody else does either anymore. Per the Obama policy, they would fall in one of two categories. Or they where unaccompanied minors. Or their parents have serious criminal offenses to their names.
So Barry DID have a policy of separating kids from parents.
Yes he did.
The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

If you don't see the difference between a policy designed to protect children from harm and just separating a child from its parents as a matter of course. There is nothing I can say to help you understand.
Feel free to link us up to that "policy" of only separating kids from parents with serious criminal histories.
In recent years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and DHS have taken a variety of actions to increase enforcement of immigration laws. (See Exhibit 1.) On April 11, 2017, the Attorney General issued a memorandum instructing Federal prosecutors to prioritize prosecution of certain immigration offenses. 7 From July through November 2017, the El Paso sector of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), an agency within DHS, implemented new policies that resulted in 281 individuals in families being separated. 8 On April 6, 2018, the Attorney General formally instituted a “zero-tolerance policy” for offenses under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a), which addresses attempts by an individual who is not a U.S. citizen to enter the country at an improper time or place. 9 The Attorney General described this policy in a May public speech, announcing that DHS was now referring all adults making illegal Southwest Border crossings to DOJ for prosecution and that DOJ would accept those cases.10 Under these policies, when a child and parent were apprehended together by immigration authorities, DHS separated the family, with the parent being placed in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service within DOJ to await prosecution for immigration offenses. With the detained parent unavailable to care for his or her child, the child was treated as a UAC and transferred to ORR.

Note the use of the term new policy. Feel free to post a link proving that Obama held children that didn't fall under the categories I described.
I asked you to back up your claim about Obama's policy. I didn't ask about Trump's policy.

Try again
Ok https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-BL-18-00511.pdf
Historically, these separations were rare and occurred because of circumstances such as the parent’s medical emergency or a determination that the parent was a threat to the child’s safety
Your link is from 2019.

Another fail.

Try again.
Oh my god, you think a link of the Inspector General of the HHS, The department tasked with this issue isn't capable of commenting on the policy prior to Trump?

How does that work in your head? Do you even try to come up with an actual argument?

You challenged me to support my assertions. I didn't rely on articles but provided you with an official report supporting what I said. There is absolutely no further evidence required of me.
FYI, Barry wasn't in office in 2019.
No but the HHS was in charge of minors before Trump took office.
Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated

yes that is the major distinction that Trumpidiots fail to get in their cult programming. Families were not separated during the Obama Administration. There was a flood of unaccompanied children dropped off at the boarder. Those kids were moved to safe shelters around the country to the absolute horror of the future Trump cult members due to their fears of non-white children growing up and robbing murdering and raping them when they don’t have their guns handy.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated and kids were not crammed together in cages at the disgusting level Trump's people took it. The only time children were pulled apart from a group was when there was a question of possible child trafficking in that the peope they were with were not their actual parents. No comparison to Trump's brutal seperation policy. Nice try.
MSM hid Obabas abuses. Nice try back atcha.
Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated

yes that is the major distinction that Trumpidiots fail to get in their cult programming. Families were not separated during the Obama Administration. There was a flood of unaccompanied children dropped off at the boarder. Those kids were moved to safe shelters around the country to the absolute horror of the future Trump cult members due to their fears of non-white children growing up and robbing murdering and raping them when they don’t have their guns handy.
Safe shelters they were dragged to never once replaced a parent's sheltering. OBABBLE SET A PRECEDENT HERE.
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
The truth is a lie to the msm reporter who has to follow orders from the democrat deep state. Therefore, lies matter.
I can tell that the truth is not what you seek.
Surely ye jest, sir. Back when Christine Blasie Ford was creaming demmie pants with her false diatribe against Judge Kavenaugh, the DNC's panaceas were "women have to be believed" and the Pelosi gang popularized their defense with the words. "truth is only an option."

Democrats set justice back ten millenia with the Blasey-Ford fantasy. SUCKERS!
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
The truth is a lie to the msm reporter who has to follow orders from the democrat deep state. Therefore, lies matter.
I can tell that the truth is not what you seek.
Surely ye jest, sir. Back when Christine Blasie Ford was creaming demmie pants with her false diatribe against Judge Kavenaugh, the DNC's panaceas were "women have to be believed" and the Pelosi gang popularized their defense with the words. "truth is only an option."

Democrats set justice back ten millenia with the Blasey-Ford fantasy. SUCKERS!
Democrats and Republicans both do it...There is no denying that fact which is the truth...
Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated

yes that is the major distinction that Trumpidiots fail to get in their cult programming. Families were not separated during the Obama Administration. There was a flood of unaccompanied children dropped off at the boarder. Those kids were moved to safe shelters around the country to the absolute horror of the future Trump cult members due to their fears of non-white children growing up and robbing murdering and raping them when they don’t have their guns handy.
"boarder"?? Don't believe anyone who doesn't know the distinction "boarder" and "border"! That plus NO proof! Where are your links to prove your statements? Zero. Consequently totally unbelievable as it is YOUR personal, uninformed and totally BIASED opinion!
Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated

yes that is the major distinction that Trumpidiots fail to get in their cult programming. Families were not separated during the Obama Administration. There was a flood of unaccompanied children dropped off at the boarder. Those kids were moved to safe shelters around the country to the absolute horror of the future Trump cult members due to their fears of non-white children growing up and robbing murdering and raping them when they don’t have their guns handy.
Safe shelters they were dragged to never once replaced a parent's sheltering. OBABBLE SET A PRECEDENT HERE.
Which makes Trump and Oblama abuses of human rights and the dignity of God's children and anti-Biblical. In the Bible it tells us to treat foreigners with kindness.

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