AP Fact Checkers Confirm Michelle Obama Is A Propaganda-Pushing Liar After Checking Her DNC Convention Diatribe

Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated

yes that is the major distinction that Trumpidiots fail to get in their cult programming. Families were not separated during the Obama Administration. There was a flood of unaccompanied children dropped off at the boarder. Those kids were moved to safe shelters around the country to the absolute horror of the future Trump cult members due to their fears of non-white children growing up and robbing murdering and raping them when they don’t have their guns handy.

TOTAL LIE!!! Families were separated! First of you have NOT supplied and facts!
2nd... Here are the FACTS!
The Obama administration did not separate families as a matter of policy, as the Trump administration did as part of its “zero tolerance” border policy in 2018, but separations occurred on a case-by-case basis for parents being prosecuted on more serious charges than illegally crossing the border or in cases when an adult was suspected of not being a child’s parent, according to CNN.
Children were also placed in cages in some cases under the Obama administration, and Obama-era images of children in such structures have been mislabeled as occurring under the Trump administration on several occasions.
Total lie proven by above LINK! Please provide counter your LIE "Families were NOT separated during the Obama Administration"! THEY WERE!
the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

Lying again Red?

Trumpybears purpose was akin to collective punishment for all migrants and asylum seekers. Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.
the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

Lying again Red?

Trumpybears purpose was akin to collective punishment for all migrants and asylum seekers. Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.

I just heard you say, "It was good when Obama did it, because I liked him and everything I like must automatically be good! It's bad when Trump did it, because I don't like him and everything I don't like is automatically evil!"
the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

Lying again Red?

Trumpybears purpose was akin to collective punishment for all migrants and asylum seekers. Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.

I just heard you say, "It was good when Obama did it, because I liked him and everything I like must automatically be good! It's bad when Trump did it, because I don't like him and everything I don't like is automatically evil!"
You hear what you want to hear. Obama didn't separate families simply because they crossed the border as a warning to others.
the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

Lying again Red?

Trumpybears purpose was akin to collective punishment for all migrants and asylum seekers. Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.

I just heard you say, "It was good when Obama did it, because I liked him and everything I like must automatically be good! It's bad when Trump did it, because I don't like him and everything I don't like is automatically evil!"
You hear what you want to hear. Obama didn't separate families simply because they crossed the border as a warning to others.

Nope. I hear the truth that you're trying to hide from with your spin. Don't blame me if you don't like hearing the facts behind your euphemisms.
the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

Lying again Red?

Trumpybears purpose was akin to collective punishment for all migrants and asylum seekers. Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.
OH what a God Obama is.
By the way, is he living in his mansion less than a mile by the Atlantic because HE knows when he was elected that the ... well here in his own words...
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

Nope, that was Michelle...idiot.

You are the idiot. Trump supporters using the word morality is hilarious as Trump has none.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated and kids were not crammed together in cages at the disgusting level Trump's people took it. The only time children were pulled apart from a group was when there was a question of possible child trafficking in that the peope they were with were not their actual parents. No comparison to Trump's brutal seperation policy. Nice try.
"kids"...16 year olds are not "kids"
Actually, I'd like to know when someone is no longer a 'kid".
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

I'm just marveling at the hubris and lack of self-awareness necessary for the likes of you to claim moral superiority.

Not only that, you're also illiterate, since he didn't say a word about anyone's morality. He said Michelle Obama called Democrats immoral. You're pretty long on conceit, and VERY short on any reason you deserve it.

You are the ignorant asshole. Donald Trump and the Republican Party have no morality. That includes his supporters. I hold people accountable. I found Bill Clinton to have a lack of morals and that was disqualifying to me. I see Republicans claiming that Obama's EOs were wrong and they praise Trump for doing the same thing.

You are the one who is VERY short on brains. Voters agree that Trump is dishonest and untrustworthy. They also agree he is racist. You have no morals either.
Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.


When Trump puts kids in holding facilities it's disgusting and shameful..... But when Obama did the exact same thing it was humane.

ANY person who believes that narrative is dumber than a box of rocks.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

Nope, that was Michelle...idiot.

You are the idiot. Trump supporters using the word morality is hilarious as Trump has none.

Leftists using the word "morality" is hilarious, since they actively oppose any such concept.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

I'm just marveling at the hubris and lack of self-awareness necessary for the likes of you to claim moral superiority.

Not only that, you're also illiterate, since he didn't say a word about anyone's morality. He said Michelle Obama called Democrats immoral. You're pretty long on conceit, and VERY short on any reason you deserve it.

You are the ignorant asshole. Donald Trump and the Republican Party have no morality. That includes his supporters. I hold people accountable. I found Bill Clinton to have a lack of morals and that was disqualifying to me. I see Republicans claiming that Obama's EOs were wrong and they praise Trump for doing the same thing.

You are the one who is VERY short on brains. Voters agree that Trump is dishonest and untrustworthy. They also agree he is racist. You have no morals either.

You just wasted time lecturing me about "No, I'm morally superior, and I don't approve of you, and you can't support Trump because I say it makes you a bad person." What have I ever said to make you believe that if you were on fire, I'd waste the urine to piss on you and put you out?

I'm going to say you're still the one short on brains, and always will be until you realize that telling people they respect you and care about your opinions doesn't actually make it true.
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
Please give us an example of a First Lady delivering such a partisan attack on an opposition President.

Sorry but Trump attacked Obama regularly over the last 3.5 years... He fired the first shots along time ago... Many of Trump's accusations have been lies...

This is a simple case of you can give it but not take it...

By the way here is another lie:
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

Nope, that was Michelle...idiot.

You are the idiot. Trump supporters using the word morality is hilarious as Trump has none.

Imagine that, I didn't use the word morality....dumbass.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

Nope, that was Michelle...idiot.

You are the idiot. Trump supporters using the word morality is hilarious as Trump has none.

Leftists using the word "morality" is hilarious, since they actively oppose any such concept.

The trouble is that I am not a leftist. If opposing Trump makes you a leftist then Republicans are in trouble. 55% of America are leftists.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

I'm just marveling at the hubris and lack of self-awareness necessary for the likes of you to claim moral superiority.

Not only that, you're also illiterate, since he didn't say a word about anyone's morality. He said Michelle Obama called Democrats immoral. You're pretty long on conceit, and VERY short on any reason you deserve it.

You are the ignorant asshole. Donald Trump and the Republican Party have no morality. That includes his supporters. I hold people accountable. I found Bill Clinton to have a lack of morals and that was disqualifying to me. I see Republicans claiming that Obama's EOs were wrong and they praise Trump for doing the same thing.

You are the one who is VERY short on brains. Voters agree that Trump is dishonest and untrustworthy. They also agree he is racist. You have no morals either.

You just wasted time lecturing me about "No, I'm morally superior, and I don't approve of you, and you can't support Trump because I say it makes you a bad person." What have I ever said to make you believe that if you were on fire, I'd waste the urine to piss on you and put you out?

I'm going to say you're still the one short on brains, and always will be until you realize that telling people they respect you and care about your opinions doesn't actually make it true.

You are the one who is short on brains. That is a characteristic of all Trump supporters. My opinion is shared by a majority of voters. I have not sold my values down the river just for power.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

A Trump supporter talking about morality. That is a joke.

Hmmm, let's take a look at my post. Where did I express my morality or her morality. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension...dumbass.

You suggested Demoocrats have no morals. It is Republicans who are immoral. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

I'm just marveling at the hubris and lack of self-awareness necessary for the likes of you to claim moral superiority.

Not only that, you're also illiterate, since he didn't say a word about anyone's morality. He said Michelle Obama called Democrats immoral. You're pretty long on conceit, and VERY short on any reason you deserve it.

You are the ignorant asshole. Donald Trump and the Republican Party have no morality. That includes his supporters. I hold people accountable. I found Bill Clinton to have a lack of morals and that was disqualifying to me. I see Republicans claiming that Obama's EOs were wrong and they praise Trump for doing the same thing.

You are the one who is VERY short on brains. Voters agree that Trump is dishonest and untrustworthy. They also agree he is racist. You have no morals either.

You just wasted time lecturing me about "No, I'm morally superior, and I don't approve of you, and you can't support Trump because I say it makes you a bad person." What have I ever said to make you believe that if you were on fire, I'd waste the urine to piss on you and put you out?

I'm going to say you're still the one short on brains, and always will be until you realize that telling people they respect you and care about your opinions doesn't actually make it true.

You are the one who is short on brains. That is a characteristic of all Trump supporters. My opinion is shared by a majority of voters. I have not sold my values down the river just for power.

Good for you, too bad Biden and Harris don't feel the same way, they both sold whatever values they had, years ago.
the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

Lying again Red?

Trumpybears purpose was akin to collective punishment for all migrants and asylum seekers. Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.

I just heard you say, "It was good when Obama did it, because I liked him and everything I like must automatically be good! It's bad when Trump did it, because I don't like him and everything I don't like is automatically evil!"
You hear what you want to hear. Obama didn't separate families simply because they crossed the border as a warning to others.

Nope. I hear the truth that you're trying to hide from with your spin. Don't blame me if you don't like hearing the facts behind your euphemisms.

Facts are being exposed on how the cruel policy was devised and accepted by the heartless Banana Republicans. When compared, Trumpybear's policy was designed to be a cruel as possible.
Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.


When Trump puts kids in holding facilities it's disgusting and shameful..... But when Obama did the exact same thing it was humane.

ANY person who believes that narrative is dumber than a box of rocks.

I can't help it if you're to brain washed to know the difference. Once again, Trumpybear's policy difference is that they classify everyone who crosses the border as a criminal deserving to separated from their children. Furthernore, they let everyone know that the migrant children were being taken from the parents as a way to discourage future immigrants. Obama's policy did separate children from criminals who crimes were more serious than just crossing into our country seeking refuge.
Obama's purpose was for humanitarian reasons to protect the children from predators.


When Trump puts kids in holding facilities it's disgusting and shameful..... But when Obama did the exact same thing it was humane.

ANY person who believes that narrative is dumber than a box of rocks.

I can't help it if you're to brain washed to know the difference. Once again, Trumpybear's policy difference is that they classify everyone who crosses the border as a criminal deserving to separated from their children. Furthernore, they let everyone know that the migrant children were being taken from the parents as a way to discourage future immigrants. Obama's policy did separate children from criminals who crimes were more serious than just crossing into our country seeking refuge.


Whether it’s by crossing the U.S. border with a "coyote" or buying a fake U.S. passport, a foreign national who enters the U.S. illegally
can be both convicted of a crime and held responsible for a civil violation under the U.S. immigration laws.

HEY DUMMY!!! If you are convicted of a crime, i.e. crossing the border YOU ARE A CRIMINAL!!!
Why is that so complicated?

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