AP Fact Checkers Confirm Michelle Obama Is A Propaganda-Pushing Liar After Checking Her DNC Convention Diatribe

About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

OP is malignant or dumb or both?

she clearly is not saying "unlike".

Did you play the 6:02 segment?
She clearly pompously said "UNLIKE so many of you!!!

yeah, no. seek help.

Who should seek help as those of you that believe Obama is as HE said back in 2008...you need counseling!
View attachment 376534

excuse me while I kiss this guy. i am farting carrots. tony danza. funny misheard lyrics.

the idiocy in this thread is malignant dumbassery.
Just another strong American woman, making a fool out of the Moscow backed, son of a klansman and those foolish enough to support him.
I don't know what the dude said, but I'll bet it was highly condescending and filled with hate for America. That's a given.
The kids in cages pictures were rubbed in the marxist shitstain's faces for months after they were outed as vintage 2014. Does anybody not remember who was potus in 2014? I had a field day with that shit in different forums. Did the First Tranny not get the memo? She might have been getting her nutsack waxed.... special request from barry...
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

She said 'and like', not 'unlike', you trifling, lying, Cult45 piece of shit.

Clean out your ears, they're full of crap.

You're a weak ass troll. You already know this.

Grow the F* up...then clean out your ears.
About the 6 minute mark. "Unlike so many of you, Barrack and I have tried our best to instill in our girls a strong moral foundation". WTF Michelle, that's no way to talk to other Democrats.

She said 'and like', not 'unlike', you trifling, lying, Cult45 piece of shit.

Clean out your ears, they're full of crap.

You're a weak ass troll. You already know this.

Grow the F* up...then clean out your ears.

FOAD, liar.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"

Honestly, I'm so busy wondering why we're supposed to care about the opinion of someone who's just the wife of some retired guy who used to be important, I didn't even pay attention to the meaningless blather this meaningless bitch spewed.
I can't think of one politician that doesn't lie. Yet you people never call out your side for the lies told daily.
Accusing someone of sticking children in cages when it was yur husband who built the cages and used them 1st as pens for children in not just a 'lie', snowflake. The fact that youcan't tell the difference is probably why you are a sheep/ snowflake who still defends this criminal family.
Obama administration never packed kids in cages..nice try.

So they just built the "cages" to not use them? Interesting talking point.
The Associated Press fact-checked Michelle Obama's Democratic National Convention speech after she condemned Trump for using "cages" to house migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border while failing to note that the same facilities were used during her husband's administration.

“She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before but what she did not say is that the very same ‘cages’ were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids..."

The former first lady said Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages"...but fails to mention Democrats had no problem with her husband's administration throwing kids into cages...before the Trump administration ever thought about doing so.

“Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

The AP then noted that photos famously circulated by Democrats “at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border” were famously taken “in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.”

The AP fact-check Michelle Obama after her DNC speech when she failed to mention the facilities she condemned Trump for using to house children were built during her husband’s administration. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

"I'm Michelle Obama, and the AP just proved that I am a lying shit bag who can' tbe trusted as far as you can throw my big ass....but the sheep / snowflakes will still believe it and defend me...just watch......"
Detention facilities were used during Obama's time BUT families were not separated and kids were not crammed together in cages at the disgusting level Trump's people took it. The only time children were pulled apart from a group was when there was a question of possible child trafficking in that the peope they were with were not their actual parents. No comparison to Trump's brutal seperation policy. Nice try.

Then why were most of the images used by the PMS/DSA Democrat Left taken during the Obama administration?

It was not an Obama policy to deliberately separate children from families as it was under Trump's Zero Tolerance policy. The children in those pictures came here unaccompanied or were separated from people who 'claimed' they were parents but border agents found something fishy about that so the children were taken into protective custody..those are the pictures the tin foil hats are proudly showing...Fox News's Shep Smith fact-checks Trump saying Obama separated children from families at the border

Nice attempt at twisting the truth. The reality is that it was not the Obama policy to prosecute adults for the CRIME of violating our immigration laws, as Trump does.

In other news, people who commit crimes and are prosecuted for them are routinely separated from their families by the whole "being punished for committing crimes" scenario.
Honestly, I'm so busy wondering why we're supposed to care about the opinion of someone who's just the wife of some retired guy who used to be important, I didn't even pay attention to the meaningless blather this meaningless bitch spewed.

Perhaps because Obama is not 'some retired guy who used to be important' but is instead the most criminal President in US history, who illegally spied on American / reporters / the media / US Senators / USSC justices / presidential nominees / presidents and their team, who initiated and attempted to affect a political coup to overthrow the government of the United States...and so much more. The fact is that this bit@h is an accomplice to all of that and is still lying and spreading division.

Her husband should be in Gitmo, and she should probably be in a cell not far from him.

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