AP Gushes Effusively Over Torrent Of Executive Orders And Regulations


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Hey, Obama's just ruling like the king he is, breaking ground for killing American citizens here on US soil with drone strikes, putting a Secretary Of Defense in who's on the Muslim Brotherhood's payroll, John Kerry, who never met an iron fisted dictatorship he didn't want to surrender the United States to, as Secretary Of State, CIA Director nominee John Brennan, a man enthralled with Islam, the honor killings, the madrassas, the suicide bombers, etc, DNI James Clapper, "The Muslim Brotherhood is mostly a secular, progressive bunch o guys ". All, the better to bring yiou Sharia law by...King Barry, the Mahdi, the Hidden Imam, the man who saved islam from destruction when Christianity had it on the ropes, nearly finished. King Barry, bringing new meaning to the phrase "Going to Hell in a handbasket"]

"WASHINGTON (AP) — This is what “Forward” looks like. Fast forward, even.

President Barack Obama’s campaign slogan is springing to life in a surge of executive directives and agency rule-making that touch many of the affairs of government. They are shaping the cost and quality of health plans, the contents of the school cafeteria, the front lines of future combat, the price of coal. They are the leading edge of Obama’s ambition to take on climate change in ways that may be unachievable in legislation.

Altogether, it’s a kinetic switch from what could have been the watchword of the Obama administration in the closing, politically hypersensitive months of his first term: pause.

Whatever the merits of any particular commandment from the president or his agencies, the perception of a government expanding its reach and hitting business with job-killing mandates was sure to set off fireworks before November.

Since Obama’s re-election, regulations giving force and detail to his health care law have gushed out by the hundreds of pages. To some extent this was inevitable: The law is far-reaching and its most consequential deadlines are fast approaching. "

AP: Hey, This Obama Guy?s Issuing A Ridiculous Amount Of Executive Orders? | Weasel Zippers

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