AP: Obama’s aunt living in U.S. illegally

Yep, I'm digging for the article now. I'm having a little trouble finding it. Guess I'll try LexisNexis.

I can't find it either, I did find these though:

Federal Election Commission records show Onyango donated at least five times to the her nephew's campaign in July and September of this year. Three of the donations were for $5 apiece, and two of the donations were for $25. Records compiled by The Huffington Post show she gave a total of $260 to the campaign.

Obama campaign confirms his aunt lives in Boston - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

An official at Boston City Hall said Ms Onyango was a resident of Flaherty Way but not registered to vote on the electoral roll. However, the fact that Ms Onyango made a contribution to the Obama campaign would indicate that she is a US citizen. Records at the Boston City Hall confirmed Ms Onyango's birth date as May 29, 1952.

emphasis added

Barack Obama's aunt found living in rundown public housing estate | The Australian
What this auntie has to do with Obama is beyond me...

She donated money to his campaign she is not here legally ( so the donations are illegal) an aside this is the aunt that helped sell his book ,"Dreams From My Father," he speaks of her in his book. So I'd say it is just a little more than some obscure relative that comes out of the closet to haunt someone.

And on top of that she is living off my dollar in public housing—the relative of someone who is mentioned so lovingly in Obama’s book, living here illegally and we as taxpayers are paying her way public housing--- while her nephew is spending near a billion dollars. It just screams wrong!
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how is it bullshit if she is here illegally?

It won't matter. Won't matter if she voted, won't matter if she donated.
You know it, and I know it. :evil:
CaféAuLait;872533 said:
She donated money to his campaign she is not here legally ( so the donations are illegal) an aside this is the aunt that helped sell his book ,"Dreams From My Father," he speaks of her in his book. So I'd say it is just a little more than some obscure relative that comes out of the closet to haunt someone.

And on top of that she is living off my dollar in public housing—the relative of someone who is mentioned so lovingly in Obama’s book, living here illegally and we as taxpayers are paying her way public housing--- while her nephew is spending near a billion dollars. It just screams wrong!

Sure, it's your problem if she is living off your dime. Why's it Obama's fault? If I'm a law abiding citizen, and my uncle is a mass murderer, do I go to jail, too??
Sure, it's your problem if she is living off your dime. Why's it Obama's fault? If I'm a law abiding citizen, and my uncle is a mass murderer, do I go to jail, too??

No, but if you know he's a mass murderer and don't tell anyone, you fail at being an honest human being. Obama knew she was in this country illegally.
Sure, it's your problem if she is living off your dime. Why's it Obama's fault? If I'm a law abiding citizen, and my uncle is a mass murderer, do I go to jail, too??

She is here illegally, she is donating money illegally to a man who is spending near a billion dollars and my tax dollars are financing such though her donations—money she should not be getting as she was denied the right to live here 4 years ago.

She even helped Obama make money in the fact she was a character in his book-- yet, it seems she is inconsequential enough to Obama that she is living off of public assistance—even after he made millions on his books. The man is running on a ticket that promises change—but his aunt is having a hard time living her American dream- you have no problem with such?
Obama n'a rien fait de mal so why persist with personal attacks and smears on Obama?

I have found that “attack” is used a little too freely with those who support Obama. Look at Joe the Plumber-- he was accused of attacking Obama--after he questioned his tax plan- I question why Obama's aunt is living the way she is since Obama lovingly referred to her in his book and he made millions from it. His aunt, who is living in poverty, is sending HIM money-- seems that there is something wrong with this picture.

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