AP reports Admin is releasing Haitans into US cities

They aren't migrants you idiot. They are illegal aliens and are breaking our laws by being here. They should all be bussed back to the border. Let Mexico deal with them.
I want to know why Mexico let them into their country to enter this country.
Millions of unscreened, untested, unvaccinated migrants without any background checks or any modicum of control, process, or quotas flooding illegally into any country, this is how a country commits national suicide.
Surely you want capitalism to thrive by not having to pay more for labor that has been the GOP and Dems motto for decades...Why change it now?
These Haitians are turning violent when they discover they are being flown back to Haiti...because most of them didn't come from Haiti they have been living in Brazil so claiming asylum is total BS...they should all be turned away at the border and sent home.....if they will fight and injure border agents what will they do on your streets?....
Invading Haitians are violent-------when they don't get their own way, they attack.
He doesn't care. The troll lives in the middle of nowhere Missouri with a population of a few hundred at most. A place that has no concept of what illegal immigration can do to a local economy
I do live on my own estate because I knew how to make and create money..Not bad for a high school and college drop out, eh...
Once Trump left office Bidung did away with every thing he did. One of the things he did was have Mexico at their Southern border to stop any convoys coming in trying to get to our border. Any who made it in were to be held in Mexico till their court date.

Bidung did away with it all so now we have over a million more illegals in our country. Illegals who cost we tax payers billions every year. He also handcuffed ICE and the BP. Mans a raving lunatic.
Traitor Joe's super spreader event undercuts absolutely everything he has said about covid and public
health and makes a mockery of the children and old folks who have to wear filthy face masks around
their mouths and nose for ten to twelve hours a day.

What a fucking idiot Biden is. Impeachment is the only remedy but we must wait now for the mid term
elections to begin the process of pulling up the weeds in the Capitol.
The Dimocrat party wants them here, and they will do everything they can to dump them into your neighborhood.
The Dimocrat party wants them here, and they will do everything they can to dump them into your neighborhood.
The more govt. dependent, poverty stricken crime ridden cities, the more Democrat voters they create in these cities, and continued ability to commit election fraud. This is about changing the demographics of this country In order to keep Democrats permanently in power.
I want to know why Mexico let them into their country to enter this country.
Globalist policies to weaken El Norte more and more. So they can anoint three nations into the North American Union. Are you that stupid to not see the massive rise in a nation that was one language now becoming dual language with official documents in all ways reflecting ting that? TV and movies are the same now. So Mexico lets that happen because they are corrupted and they are controlled b globalists.
Biden needs to be impeached. PERIOD!
This is war IMO!

It's only a matter of time. My local news talked about all the people coming from Afghanistan to my area in Kentucky, why the hell they are bring afghanis all the way to Kentucky is beyond me. I guess I'll see Haitians here soon also. I don't want any of them here honestly. I don't want a shit load of 3rd worlders dropped off in my area.

Fucking hell we have vets that are homeless and we're going to house folks from the other side of the world?

Trump was a pompous asshole sometimes but this shit wouldn't fly if he were in charge.
They aren't migrants you idiot. They are illegal aliens and are breaking our laws by being here. They should all be bussed back to the border. Let Mexico deal with them.
Don’t bother replying to it/them/her/him. It hates America and it gets joy out of seeing the collapse of this country. Nothing makes it happier.
About 7 months into his presidency, Biden has already far surpassed both Jimmy Carter and Hussein Obama as the most catastrophic presidency with disastrous negative consequences for the US and the world that will last for decades.
It is breath taking after some 240 days isn't it

It is a hell of a feat if you ask me
It's only a matter of time. My local news talked about all the people coming from Afghanistan to my area in Kentucky, why the hell they are bring afghanis all the way to Kentucky is beyond me. I guess I'll see Haitians here soon also. I don't want any of them here honestly. I don't want a shit load of 3rd worlders dropped off in my area.

Fucking hell we have vets that are homeless and we're going to house folks from the other side of the world?

Trump was a pompous asshole sometimes but this shit wouldn't fly if he were in charge.
Dang. Wait til they get a few shots of Kentucky Moonshine in em. Firing rifles in the air sexually hunting children

How many are going to Martha's Vineyard? Maybe next to the Kenyan fukup
The more govt. dependent, poverty stricken crime ridden cities, the more Democrat voters they create in these cities, and continued ability to commit election fraud. This is about changing the demographics of this country In order to keep Democrats permanently in power.

Well said, and spot on!
I don't know what they think they are doing. Losing power for 50 yrs I hope
As with Biden, they aren’t calling the shots either. Behinds the scenes it’s the likes of Soros, China, Russia, Arab block, Iran, Globalists, Islamist, Anarchists, Marists, and “allies” such as the Germans and French and those that are on their payroll in today’s Democratic Party that are making the decisions and pulling the levers of power In the US govt. The last thing on their minds is the interests of the American people. Trump came in and turned the tables over on our foreign enemies, as well as domestic fifth colum enemy withins, and we saw the extents to which they went in trying to stop him.
Watching CNN this morning, it becomes clear why so many Americans are ignorant on Biden's border catastrophe.
15 minutes into the news, and not one fucking word about the border.
MSM is nothing more than DNC propaganda.

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