AP Trying to 'Out-Reuter' Reuters?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Take a look at this blurb from 'Top Stories':

Gunmen Kill 10 in Saudi Housing Compound
AP - 3 minutes ago
Suspected Islamic militants wearing military-style uniforms sprayed gunfire inside two office compounds in the heart of the Saudi oil region Saturday, killing at least 10 people — including an American — and then seizing dozens of hostages at a luxury resort.

"Islamic militants"=extreme Islamics or al Queda terrorists?

They make it sound like they may have a legitamate role in society. Weird. These wackos claim responsibility, nothing suspected about it.
I don't make a distinction between extreme Islamists and al Queda terrorists. They are all a liability to America's safety
Originally posted by JohnGalt
I don't make a distinction between extreme Islamists and al Queda terrorists. They are all a liability to America's safety

would christian militants be better?
DK have you ever heard Christian militant anywhere?

They are whack jobs. We all know it and acknowledge it. If we were chosen to sit on a jury, they would be given the stiffest penalty possible.

Really, the equivalency thing must stop.
Originally posted by Kathianne
DK have you ever heard Christian militant anywhere?

They are whack jobs. We all know it and acknowledge it. If we were chosen to sit on a jury, they would be given the stiffest penalty possible.

Really, the equivalency thing must stop.

I have heard the term 'christian militant', it made it in public about 5 seconds before my Gunny sergeant told me to shut the fuck up. I think I said it right after the newscast about the sniper that shot the doctor in his home and then fled.
I remember the story you are speaking of I think. Is that the wacko that fled I believe to France, then was finally extradited?

I have always heard them referred to as extreme conservative Christians. Never Christian militants, then again, I don't live down South, perhaps it's different down there.
And the big difference is that Christians disagree WHOLE-HEARTEDLY with the these christian militants actions where as Islamists do not condemn the actions of their extremists. They either are apathetic to their actions or they condone their actions.

That is the difference bewtween Christians and their Extremists and Islamists and their Extremists.

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