Way to go Obama, Ramadi falls to ISIS!

RW's want American taxpayers to pay for everything.

Way to go Obama, save my money, let em fight their own damn battles.
And when ISIS hits us here, like they want to do?

How nice of you to put party above American lives, and demonstrate "Democrat values" for everyone to see...
Bush did not get the SOFA agreement signed. Too bad for the Iraqis.

And you phqwitz neo-cons? We are not sending an army back to Iraq. If they can't do it without our trainers, advisers, supplies, and airlift and air attack, then too bad.
ISIS peaked a while ago. They are weakening and have been steadily losing territory.

I know how much this upsets the people who orgasm over ISIS victories. Sorry about that, assholes. Stop putting your partisanship over country.
RAMADI has just fallen to ISIS with the take over of the central government Headquarters. RAMADI is the provincial capital of Al Anbar province. It is the fourth to be taken by ISIS since 2014, although ISIS lost control of Baquba and Tikrit in 2015. So now ISIS controls two provincial capitals in Iraq, Mosul and RAMADI. Ramadi is 60 miles from Baghdad. Hundreds of US troops are stationed at Al Assad Airbase within 20 miles of Ramadi.

IS group seizes government compound in Iraq's Ramadi
BAGHDAD (AP) — Islamic State militants on Friday captured the main government compound in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's western Anbar province, after fierce clashes with security forces.

Ramadi's Mayor Dalaf al-Kubaisi says the militants raised the black flag of the IS group over the area after troops were forced to withdraw from the compound, which houses most of the city's government offices.

He said the IS militants, who also seized other parts of the city, are now attacking the Anbar Operation Command, the military headquarters for the province.

Dalaf said at least 10 policemen were killed in the fighting and dozens of other security forces were wounded. He said IS militants killed several captured policemen and army officers in the city, where most civilians have fled.

U.S. troops saw some of the heaviest fighting of the eight-year Iraq intervention in Anbar, and Ramadi was a major insurgent stronghold. The IS group captured the nearby city of Fallujah and parts of Ramadi in January 2014, months before its main sweep across northern and western Iraq.

The IS assault on the Ramadi government compound began with three nearly simultaneous suicide car bombings. Two Humvees previously seized from the Iraqi army were used in Friday's attack, al-Kubaisi said.

Dozens of families were forced to flee their homes in the area, said Athal al-Fahdawi, an Anbar councilman.

The head of Anbar's provincial council, Sabah Karhout, appealed to the central government in Baghdad to send reinforcements and urged the U.S.-led coalition to increase airstrikes against the militants in Ramadi.

"The city is undergoing vicious attack by Daesh and we are in dire need of any kind of assistance," Karhout said, using the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

Obama's light military footprint has helped this to happen. There needs to be a far more aggressive Air Campaign and larger number of US and coalition troops on the ground. Intervention weakly done produces mixed results at best.

Why should Americans die defending Iraq when Iraq won't defend itself?
ISIS peaked a while ago. They are weakening and have been steadily losing territory.

I know how much this upsets the people who orgasm over ISIS victories. Sorry about that, assholes. Stop putting your partisanship over country.

Says the far left drone..
ISIS loses over quarter of territory in Iraq says U.S. - CNN.com

CNN: What about Ramadi? ISIS seems to be winning there.

AA: Ramadi has been a potential battlefield for the past decade. But in this context (ISIS) will ... be pushing in Ramadi because that's an area they have lots of support. It also diverts their attention away from losses to their gains. The concept of success is hugely important to them -- it's what sustains the recruitment effort of ISIS.

Nobody wants to join a bunch of losers, so it's very important for them to be seen to be succeeding.

You dumbshits are playing right into their propaganda. Well done!
ISIS peaked a while ago. They are weakening and have been steadily losing territory.

I know how much this upsets the people who orgasm over ISIS victories. Sorry about that, assholes. Stop putting your partisanship over country.
Gee, tell that to the folks in Ramadi... Apparently they didn't get a copy of the Democrats' talking points.

Gee, you haven't heard that ISIS wants to hit us here? By saying ISIS needs to be ignored, it almost sounds as if you don't care if innocent Americans die ( unless they promise to vote for Hillary)...
American talking points, you loser. ISIS has lost a 1/4 of its Iraqi gains, so you help them over magnify a local success and undermine the good guy Iraqi effort. And every effort to hinder American terrorist fighting here in the homeland is only far right Obiwan treason.

Far right treason.

Gee, you haven't heard that ISIS wants to hit us here? By saying ISIS needs to be ignored, it almost sounds as if you don't care if innocent Americans die ( unless they promise to vote for Hillary)...

Yes, and Saddam was the next Hitler. Hitler with atomic bombs.

I repeat the question:

Why do you want Americans to die defending Iraq when Iraq won't defend itself?
RW's want American taxpayers to pay for everything.

Way to go Obama, save my money, let em fight their own damn battles.
And when ISIS hits us here, like they want to do?

How nice of you to put party above American lives, and demonstrate "Democrat values" for everyone to see...

hits here with what, their army, air force. or navy ???

hits here>>>> :lmao::lmao::lmao:

So you are still against us taking out terrorists who want to kill innocent Americans? Even if the Iraqis' don't want to defend themselves, WE have an obligation to defend our own people!

Just like we needed to take out Bin Laden for 9/11....

That says a lot when the liberals celebrate burning down our cities and putting innocent people out of business over a black thug getting shot while attacking the police, like happened in Ferguson....
And when ISIS hits us here, like they want to do?

Please stop shitting your pants. The fear stench is bad enough around here.

You are being conditioned by doom music and emotional manipulation. If and when a terrorist attacks a mall or a bus or a restaurant, you and the rest of the well-trained herd will react out of fear. You'll be donning armbands, waterboarding double parkers, and shooting darkies on sight.

Man up, chickenheart.

Even the DHS (under Obama), admits that we have people that go over there and train, then come back here...

Are you calling your master a liar?

Even the DHS (under Obama), admits that we have people that go over there and train, then come back here...

Are you calling your master a liar?

nah, I'm calling you a moron.
How you get from, "WE have an obligation to defend our own people!" to "liberals celebrate burning down our cities and putting innocent people out of business over a black thug getting shot while attacking the police, like happened in Ferguson...." . . . is an amazing piece of demagoguery.

Son, we are not shit kicking far right reactionary retards like you and yours, moron.

We can fully protect the homeland with far less destruction to Americans and property than fielding an army in Iraq.

Stop your shitting, please, in the corner.

Even the DHS (under Obama), admits that we have people that go over there and train, then come back here...

Are you calling your master a liar?

nah, I'm calling you a moron.
Apparently, you're also trying to say Obama is trying to get us into a needless war, since he went to Congress for Congressional approval to fight ISIS...

Now be honest... Do you really want to insult your leader that way?:badgrin:

Even the DHS (under Obama), admits that we have people that go over there and train, then come back here...

Are you calling your master a liar?

nah, I'm calling you a moron.
Apparently, you're also trying to say Obama is trying to get us into a needless war, since he went to Congress for Congressional approval to fight ISIS...

Now be honest... Do you really want to insult your leader that way?:badgrin:

I do. Unlike you I'm not a robot.

So you are still against us taking out terrorists who want to kill innocent Americans? Even if the Iraqis' don't want to defend themselves, WE have an obligation to defend our own people!

Just like we needed to take out Bin Laden for 9/11....

That says a lot when the liberals celebrate burning down our cities and putting innocent people out of business over a black thug getting shot while attacking the police, like happened in Ferguson....

Our own people aren't in Iraq, or at least they shouldn't be. Meddling needlessly in ME affairs is what got us in trouble in the first place.
RAMADI has just fallen to ISIS with the take over of the central government Headquarters. RAMADI is the provincial capital of Al Anbar province. It is the fourth to be taken by ISIS since 2014, although ISIS lost control of Baquba and Tikrit in 2015. So now ISIS controls two provincial capitals in Iraq, Mosul and RAMADI. Ramadi is 60 miles from Baghdad. Hundreds of US troops are stationed at Al Assad Airbase within 20 miles of Ramadi.

IS group seizes government compound in Iraq's Ramadi
BAGHDAD (AP) — Islamic State militants on Friday captured the main government compound in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's western Anbar province, after fierce clashes with security forces.

Ramadi's Mayor Dalaf al-Kubaisi says the militants raised the black flag of the IS group over the area after troops were forced to withdraw from the compound, which houses most of the city's government offices.

He said the IS militants, who also seized other parts of the city, are now attacking the Anbar Operation Command, the military headquarters for the province.

Dalaf said at least 10 policemen were killed in the fighting and dozens of other security forces were wounded. He said IS militants killed several captured policemen and army officers in the city, where most civilians have fled.

U.S. troops saw some of the heaviest fighting of the eight-year Iraq intervention in Anbar, and Ramadi was a major insurgent stronghold. The IS group captured the nearby city of Fallujah and parts of Ramadi in January 2014, months before its main sweep across northern and western Iraq.

The IS assault on the Ramadi government compound began with three nearly simultaneous suicide car bombings. Two Humvees previously seized from the Iraqi army were used in Friday's attack, al-Kubaisi said.

Dozens of families were forced to flee their homes in the area, said Athal al-Fahdawi, an Anbar councilman.

The head of Anbar's provincial council, Sabah Karhout, appealed to the central government in Baghdad to send reinforcements and urged the U.S.-led coalition to increase airstrikes against the militants in Ramadi.

"The city is undergoing vicious attack by Daesh and we are in dire need of any kind of assistance," Karhout said, using the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

Obama's light military footprint has helped this to happen. There needs to be a far more aggressive Air Campaign and larger number of US and coalition troops on the ground. Intervention weakly done produces mixed results at best.

Why hasn't the Republican Congress done something in support of the Commander in Chief?

Have they even brought the matter up at all?

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