Apologies in advance to Christians, but to Jews: Would Jews have been better off if Jesus hadn’t been born?

Ther descendants of Shem lived with those other tribes, you moron.
The term Hebrew, Ivrit, was a derogatory term used to insult honest people.
You really are an ignoramus.

I am sorry. I didn't know Hebrew was an insult. What would you prefer to be called?

The Noah story is a myth the Jews borrowed in Babylon.
So you are saying that without Jesus, and the resulting Christian religions, the world would be primarily Muslims, Jews, and I suppose, the Indian religions?

Without xtianity The Greek / Roman gods might have never gone out of style.

Every suburban neighborhood might have a temple to Apollo or Athena.
I am sorry. I didn't know Hebrew was an insult. What would you prefer to be called?

The Noah story is a myth the Jews borrowed in Babylon.
The word was like calling an educated person, "Professor" in a resentful manner.
Shem and his descendants kept it as a badge of honor.
First, please allow me to address this topic to Jews, as I realize the concept may be offensive to Christians.

In looking over the new thread started by an antisemite, blaming Jews for killing Jesus (despite the Pope putting that lie to rest years ago), it’s obvious that the antisemitic content of the New Testament, particularly John, has resulted in yells of “Christ-killers!” and millenia of Jewish persecution.

1. There would not have been an entire new Christian religion, and Jews would be much more numerous today.

2. There would have been no NT, and no talk of the “spawn of Satan” and hypocrites in synagogues, and so forth.

3. Without the underlyimg hatred of Jews to propel them, there wouldn’t have been the expulsion of the Jews from Spain…..the genocide of Jews in Nazi Germany…..and numerous other incidences of persecution.

What do fellow Jews think?
The Jews would have been better off if Hitler had not been born.
What part of j ESUS God of the Gauls don’t they get…Since the letter J has only been around for three or four centuries… Talk about revision and placing the idol Jesus where he does not belong…
Seriously people need to take the time to look up that Tri-god, the similarities along with the exact name is part of the many convergences of mythologies into the one world religion Rome was creating to be the authority and benefactors of.
Except that there were lots of Jewish teachers who had an impact on Jews of their time. It was only Jesus who ”caught on,“ decades after which came the NT, and its antisemitic rhetoric.
Yes, I am not saying there were not. I am saying he was one of that group. It appears that prior to Medieval times, Jews and Christians (at least in many places) lived side by side without conflict. In fact, they even shared oxen, which is an indication they also shared other things.

If great conflict did not develop until nearly a thousand years later, there were probably a couple of other reasons for conflict, not just religion.
Seriously people need to take the time to look up that Tri-god, the similarities along with the exact name is part of the many convergences of mythologies into the one world religion Rome was creating to be the authority and benefactors of.
Ritually Stabbed ( By a Spear?) and hung on a tree(Crucifiction) Close enough to take the god of the Gauls which made up a large percentage of the population of the Roman Empire, combine the tales and myths of the Greeks and to tie it centrally the hope of the Jews for their messiah … That way this figure could be all things to all peoples and the Romans would control their subjects with their authority out of Rome pretty good plan since it has stood the test of time for these last two milliniems
I don't get any of my facts from Arab sites..
That is because your “ facts” and your “ sight” has been blinded by your untruths and lies and distortions which have been shone over and over in many places and by many people
That is because your “ facts” and your “ sight” has been blinded by your untruths and lies and distortions which have been shone over and over in many places and by many people

Are you appealing to a collective hive?

The Jews sought sanctuary in Palestine and immediately proceeded to demean and disenfranchise the Palestinians. They formed their terror gangs in the early 1920 and killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
First, please allow me to address this topic to Jews, as I realize the concept may be offensive to Christians.

In looking over the new thread started by an antisemite, blaming Jews for killing Jesus (despite the Pope putting that lie to rest years ago), it’s obvious that the antisemitic content of the New Testament, particularly John, has resulted in yells of “Christ-killers!” and millenia of Jewish persecution.

1. There would not have been an entire new Christian religion, and Jews would be much more numerous today.

2. There would have been no NT, and no talk of the “spawn of Satan” and hypocrites in synagogues, and so forth.

3. Without the underlyimg hatred of Jews to propel them, there wouldn’t have been the expulsion of the Jews from Spain…..the genocide of Jews in Nazi Germany…..and numerous other incidences of persecution.

What do fellow Jews think?

Jesus was born for everyone, Gentiles and Jews, muslim, hindu and Buddhists

Even godless libs if they were not so hardheaded to accept God’s grace
Yes, I am not saying there were not. I am saying he was one of that group. It appears that prior to Medieval times, Jews and Christians (at least in many places) lived side by side without conflict. In fact, they even shared oxen, which is an indication they also shared other things.

If great conflict did not develop until nearly a thousand years later, there were probably a couple of other reasons for conflict, not just religion.

1034, Crusaders in Germany celebrated the start of the Crusades by slaughtering hundreds of Jews and their families.
Are you appealing to a collective hive?

The Jews sought sanctuary in Palestine and immediately proceeded to demean and disenfranchise the Palestinians. They formed their terror gangs in the early 1920 and killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
You are using the old Arab doublespeak again aren’t you but your lies always come to the forefront.. We’re you there Surada did you see it yourself or are you spouting nonsense off sites you visit… Since you lived in Libya that you yourself claimed how is it that you being at least a thousand miles away would know this for a fact.. You have claimed on numerous times to lived in many places in the Middle East how can we trust or verify your “ truths” that the Jews did this to the palestinians considering the fact that the Jews live in a mere slice of what was originally Palestine that encompassed Transjordan and other areas such as Gaza and the West Bank where no Jews are allowed to live and yet millions of arabs are living in the really small section the Jews were allowed to take from the Palestinians according to your tall tales…Humorous and laughable are your claims to say the least…
You are using the old Arab doublespeak again aren’t you but your lies always come to the forefront.. We’re you there Surada did you see it yourself or are you spouting nonsense off sites you visit… Since you lived in Libya that you yourself claimed how is it that you being at least a thousand miles away would know this for a fact.. You have claimed on numerous times to lived in many places in the Middle East how can we trust or verify your “ truths” that the Jews did this to the palestinians considering the fact that the Jews live in a mere slice of what was originally Palestine that encompassed Transjordan and other areas such as Gaza and the West Bank where no Jews are allowed to live and yet millions of arabs are living in the really small section the Jews were allowed to take from the Palestinians according to your tall tales…Humorous and laughable are your claims to say the least…

The population of all of Palestine was only about 600.000.. and that doubled in 15 years in the 1920s and 1930s. They were given land for a home. They have since taken the Golan Heights, Shaaba Farms, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

I made 3 two weeks trips to the Holy Lands before the 1967 war.. so I remember.

You might want to read Moshe Dayan.

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