Apologies in advance to Christians, but to Jews: Would Jews have been better off if Jesus hadn’t been born?

Sort of the way HAMAS rewards Palestinians‘ families when they kill Jews. Apparently, antisemites have been paying off people to murder Jews for a thousand years.
It is over land, isn't it? Territorial disputes, not really religion.
She’s actually a good example for when liberals claim being against Israel isn’t driven by antisemitism. She starts off with Israel….blah, blah, blah….and quickly devolves into her derogatory smears against Jews.
She's a real piece of garbage...Muslims all good all the time being picked on by BAD JOOOS!
She’s actually a good example for when liberals claim being against Israel isn’t driven by antisemitism. She starts off with Israel….blah, blah, blah….and quickly devolves into her derogatory smears against Jews.
Actually Israel success is driving them Islamic militants and fanatics…( not all as one can see Israel being acceptedafter all these years by more moderate enlightened states) insane because if the goal is expansion of Islam and Israel stands in their way from this goal then they cannot achieve it.. Sort of like a clam having a speck of sand in its shell… It irritates it and drives it crazy so it walls it off and creates a beutiful pearl which shines forth it’s beauty .. Of course the only way to claim or see the pearl is to kill off the clam this is something the fanatics should realize as all Israel wants is to be left alone in peace but the clam wants every speck of the shell as its own not realizing that this might lead to its own demise in the end as just like in the game of risk if you spread yourself too thin you will get beaten by a stronger more determined enemy…
First, please allow me to address this topic to Jews, as I realize the concept may be offensive to Christians.

In looking over the new thread started by an antisemite, blaming Jews for killing Jesus (despite the Pope putting that lie to rest years ago), it’s obvious that the antisemitic content of the New Testament, particularly John, has resulted in yells of “Christ-killers!” and millenia of Jewish persecution.

1. There would not have been an entire new Christian religion, and Jews would be much more numerous today.

2. There would have been no NT, and no talk of the “spawn of Satan” and hypocrites in synagogues, and so forth.

3. Without the underlying hatred of Jews to propel them, there wouldn’t have been the expulsion of the Jews from Spain…..the genocide of Jews in Nazi Germany…..and numerous other incidences of persecution.

What do fellow Jews think?
1) Thank G-d, I have almost not experienced anti-Semitism in my life. Thus I may be biased.

2) In my opinion, Christians and Muslims are mostly Noahides who respect Tanakh, which they call Old Testament. But I am not an expert.

3) My mother experienced anti-Semitism when we lived in USSR. It was not as bad as Jim Crow Laws in USA, but it was real.
In USSR , anti-Semitism reaffirmed Jewish people's identity. It was not murderous, but it set Jewish people somewhat apart.

Now, my Jewish identity mostly consists of my observance of some Laws. I observe some kosher, keep all fasts, say some prayers, and keep Sabbaths and Holidays.
Actually Israel success is driving them Islamic militants and fanatics…( not all as one can see Israel being acceptedafter all these years by more moderate enlightened states) insane because if the goal is expansion of Islam and Israel stands in their way from this goal then they cannot achieve it.. Sort of like a clam having a speck of sand in its shell… It irritates it and drives it crazy so it walls it off and creates a beutiful pearl which shines forth it’s beauty .. Of course the only way to claim or see the pearl is to kill off the clam this is something the fanatics should realize as all Israel wants is to be left alone in peace but the clam wants every speck of the shell as its own not realizing that this might lead to its own demise in the end as just like in the game of risk if you spread yourself too thin you will get beaten by a stronger more determined enemy…
That’s a beautiful analogy with the clam - and so apt.
In USSR , anti-Semitism reaffirmed Jewish people's identity. It was not murderous, but it set Jewish people somewhat apart.

Now, my Jewish identity mostly consists of my observance of some Laws. I observe some kosher, keep all fasts, say some prayers, and keep Sabbaths and Holidays.
That’s a pretty strong identity - especially if you keep all fasts. You’re more religious than 75% of Jews.
Nope! Religion.
Even though every Muslims terrorist group has no problem murdering their fellow Muslims when they can't murder Jews.

Most Jews seem to be secular..Why would they fight over religion?

The European Jews in Palestine formed their gangs in the 1920s.
1) Thank G-d, I have almost not experienced anti-Semitism in my life. Thus I may be biased.

2) In my opinion, Christians and Muslims are mostly Noahides who respect Tanakh, which they call Old Testament. But I am not an expert.

3) My mother experienced anti-Semitism when we lived in USSR. It was not as bad as Jim Crow Laws in USA, but it was real.
Yes, you‘re fortunate that you haven’t - almost - experienced antisemitism. My father found he couldn’t get hired in the city where he lived because he was a Jew (after graduating from college in a STEM field at the top of thr class) and had to relocate for a job with the federal government; our family was told on a house-hunting expedition by the sales rep that “so far we’ve held the neighborhood to only five Jewish families and we hope there won‘t be anymore”; I had my school locker scratched with “JEW” in high school and the same thing with my brand new car several years later; and on and on. These were all from Christians, as in the 70s and 80s there weren’t any Muslims around here.
Yes, you‘re fortunate that you haven’t - almost - experienced antisemitism. My father found he couldn’t get hired in the city where he lived because he was a Jew (after graduating from college in a STEM field at the top of thr class) and had to relocate for a job with the federal government; our family was told on a house-hunting expedition by the sales rep that “so far we’ve held the neighborhood to only five Jewish families and we hope there won‘t be anymore”; I had my school locker scratched with “JEW” in high school and the same thing with my brand new car several years later; and on and on. These were all from Christians, as in the 70s and 80s there weren’t any Muslims around here.
Thank you for sharing. Most of my trouble in life is due to my Moderate Autism and Depression. Perhaps I have not experienced much life because of it.
Most Jews seem to be secular..Why would they fight over religion?

The European Jews in Palestine formed their gangs in the 1920s.
Most Jews seem to be secular..Why would they fight over religion?

Because the secular Jews want the observant Jews to be secular.
Even today there are secular Jews trying to outlaw Orthodox observances.
Yes, you‘re fortunate that you haven’t - almost - experienced antisemitism. My father found he couldn’t get hired in the city where he lived because he was a Jew (after graduating from college in a STEM field at the top of thr class) and had to relocate for a job with the federal government; our family was told on a house-hunting expedition by the sales rep that “so far we’ve held the neighborhood to only five Jewish families and we hope there won‘t be anymore”; I had my school locker scratched with “JEW” in high school and the same thing with my brand new car several years later; and on and on. These were all from Christians, as in the 70s and 80s there weren’t any Muslims around here.
We are about the same age and that's our life experience.
We are about the same age and that's our life experience.
Yes, and data shows that antisemitism is on the rise. There’s an over-the-top focus on racism in the Democrat Party but a tolerance for antisemites. I just can’t process how Democrats can rile up an entire country over “systemic racism” (which does not exist) and yet not only tolerate antisemitism but actually spew it themselves. Some of the worst antisemites on this forum are liberals - going on and on about how blacks are oppressed victims of bigotry, and with the next breath say the most reprehensible things about Jews.

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