Appeals Court rules Illegals are ENTITLED to drivers license

LOL You bad.. Does that Pat McCrory approved it you think?

It passed the very Conservative republican house and senate and Pat must have signed it

Tillis and Burger are no liberals

Nope.. That they are not. I read in that story that the gentleman who went to get this license has been here for 13 years. I have no problem with someone who has been here and worked hard, followed the laws of this country.. that's who should get amnesty- Not millions upon millions of new illegals.

Ayup... that whole path thing that Rubio talked about made sense. Document the ones that are here. Send them back if they don't have a job. No welfare. Do it as a work visa.
You're not a Liberal little friend. You've been lied to, and you believed it.

You have nothing in common with liberals like Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, or Tom Paine. Nothing at all in common.

You have a great deal in common with leftists like Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, and Ho Chi Mihn.

I am a liberal, I support and promote liberty, both civil and economic.

You are a leftist, you support totalitarianism, collectivist dominance by the central authority in both matters of civil issues and economic.

Post some classic Liberal positions on issues and I'll show you how you don't match up. Start with banning Islam, in Angola. Then flag burning, in America.

Banning Islam in Angola? Did Obama claim that Angola is one of the 57 states he visited?

What is your view of children praying around a flag pole at a government school? Do you think they should be billy clubbed, or just have a fire hose turned on them?

Criticism of any policy of Barack Obama is racism, what do you think the punishment for this hate crime should be?
Obama ruled with the pen violating the law. Now we have the 9th Circus demanding we give Illegals a drivers license. The left is out of control in this nation in violating the law.

Both are within their rights to make said calls. That's our system, but you are free to leave if you hate it here so much...

Can we ask them for a birth certificate before issuing a license?
The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Read more: Appeals court rules immigrant 'dreamers' can get driver's licenses - Washington Times
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THE 9th Circus is a joke.

Disgusting, but no surprise coming from this particular court.

In my state (Oregon) our Dim dominated legislature and Dim governor last year took it upon themselves to approve of drivers licenses for illegals.
It wasn't until the people took matters into their own hands and gathered enough signatures to allow the people to vote on it this November.
We at least now have a fighting chance to stop it from happening. Not sure how it will go, this is a Dim dominated state, so our measure could easily be defeated and illegals would get the licenses anyway.

For the last time people, if you are against illegals being here, getting licenses, stealing our jobs, YOU HAVE TO STOP VOTING FOR DIMOCRATS !!!
They don;t have to defeat it. They'll just get a federal judge to override the voting outcome. Just like they do in California.
Go for it. Wait until you see the bills on that one...

Money well spent, especially when you consider how much money illegals cost American taxpayers.
Think so huh? Learn the math. Start with losing the spending of 12 million people in the American economy. You think this costs you? Wait until you find out what the bill is if they suddenly weren't here, which is why no sane person is calling for anything of the kind.
The spending money for 47% of them comes from us being force to pay taxes to support them.
I don't recall seeing this many conservatives with their hair on fire since they lost the last presidential election....
From the ruling:

“The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment commands that no State shall ‘deny to any
person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the
laws,’ which is essentially a direction that all persons
similarly situated should be treated alike.” City of Cleburne
v. Cleburne Living Ct
r., 473 U.S. 432, 439 (1985) (citing
Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202, 216 (1982)).

We discern no rational relationship between [Arizona's]
policy and a legitimate state interest. Instead, in purporting
to distinguish between these categories, Arizona assumes for
itself the federal prerogative of classifying noncitizens —
despite the fact that “[t]he States enjoy no power with respect
to the classification of aliens.” Plyler, 457 U.S. At 225.

Arizona violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment by denying this class of deferred noncitizens licenses to drive while issuing licenses to other noncitizens similarly situated, where both classes of noncitizens have yet to have a determination made as to their immigration status.
Law-Breakers are the Good Guys and American Citizens are the Bad Guys. Welcome to the new America. It's a very ugly O-bomination now. Enjoy.
Arizona should simply stop issuing all D/L to anyone who is not here legally.

Immediate revocation of all issued licenses to Illegals should happen today.
Law-Breakers are the Good Guys and American Citizens are the Bad Guys. Welcome to the new America. It's a very ugly O-bomination now. Enjoy.

But it's working so well in Detroit and Chicago slums, what could go wrong?

Yeah, it seems if you're an Illegal, you can get away with anything. But my God, the Gestapo is all over Citizens for even the most minor infractions. They're spied on, harassed, and hit up for money on a daily basis. Big Brother is not treating Citizens nearly as well he's treating the Law-Breakers. Maybe these Illegals should reconsider becoming American Citizens?

Anyway bottom line is, who's representing American Citizens anymore? Our Government is in collapse. It has violated the peoples' trust. So where do we go from here? I just don't know.
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Obama ruled with the pen violating the law. Now we have the 9th Circus demanding we give Illegals a drivers license. The left is out of control in this nation in violating the law.

Both are within their rights to make said calls. That's our system, but you are free to leave if you hate it here so much...

Can we ask them for a birth certificate before issuing a license?

As part of asking them for ID, sure, but the BC could be from anywhere.
Arizona should simply stop issuing all D/L to anyone who is not here legally.

Immediate revocation of all issued licenses to Illegals should happen today.
Revoke all licenses in the state.

Establish that a new license requires a verified visa or verified proof of citizenship, and a verified home address where you have lived for at least 3months.
Law-Breakers are the Good Guys and American Citizens are the Bad Guys. Welcome to the new America. It's a very ugly O-bomination now. Enjoy.

But it's working so well in Detroit and Chicago slums, what could go wrong?

Yeah, it seems if you're an Illegal, you can get away with anything. But my God, the Gestapo is all over Citizens for even the most minor infractions. They're spied on, harassed, and hit up for money on a daily basis. Big Brother is not treating Citizens nearly as well he's treating the Law-Breakers. Maybe these Illegals should reconsider becoming American Citizens?

Anyway bottom line is, who's representing American Citizens anymore? Our Government is in collapse. It has violated the peoples' trust. So where do we go from here? I just don't know.

We get behind a third party. We use social media to get referendums placed on ballots, that will fix this mess.

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