Appeals Court rules Illegals are ENTITLED to drivers license

The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Read more: Appeals court rules immigrant 'dreamers' can get driver's licenses - Washington Times
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THE 9th Circus is a joke.

Actually not.

This is fundamental, settled, and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence; any other court would have ruled the same.

If a corporation owned by communists and muslims can have citizenship bestowed on it, no birth certificate required, then why can't an illegal have a drivers license?
Either way, the Supreme Leader is in violation of the oath he swore to. He is not enforcing the Laws of the land. He doesn't get to choose to enforce only the Laws he likes. That's not what he swore to. He has gone rogue. He should be Impeached.
The Democratic Party has orchestrated this massive Illegal Immigration mess. They feel they're helping their Party achieve permanent power. It's the ultimate evil 'Party before Country' mentality. But i truly believe they've underestimated the anger and resistance. I think many Independents will turn away from them. This is a very sad mess they've created. It's gonna backfire.

Destroying this country is the plan, is it not?

It won't backfire on the dems because they benefit from the destruction. Look at how successful prior immigration of uneducated poor has been for the dems. Slums filled with welfare poor are the democrat vote centers across the country. Look at all the boat lifts of the 70s that were used to re-map florida from solid republican to 50/50 now!

It is not a coincidence that Obama is funding the drug and illegal immigration crossings, they are essentially working for Obama now.

Obama's destroying the country. Time to invoke the 2nd amendment and eject him from office, patriot.
can you please quote the language from the constitution that mandates citizenship rights for illegal aliens?

didn't think so, now, go away so the adults can discuss this

Article 1 Sec 8 clause 4
Article 1 Sec 8 clause 3

there is no mention of illegal aliens getting citizenship----------FAIL

No mention of corporations getting citizenship either --- Fail also?
Who thinks a Drivers License makes anyone a better driver?

No one.
That's just total nonsense, but it's to be expected here.
That's typical Liberal Condescension, but it's to be expected here.

A drivers license from any state changes a Constitutionally Protected Right to Travel into a state controlled Privilege.

Quiz: Which is the higher court: a State Court or THE Supreme Court?

I don't see the situation having any implication of the const right to travel. Actually, I doubt an illegal alien has such a right. The question is does a state have a legal interest in denying a license.
Well mom and pop didn't close the border now did they and who do you think all these people work for in the country, only liberals? I didn't know liberals were such great capitalists....

Mom and pop conservatives are not the "great capitalists" who have coaxed them here for their slave labor.
The people who want that labor have teamed with you libs who have the inferior bleeding hearts, to keep the illegals here. My people have NEVER wanted them here !
So all these illegals work for liberals eh? That's amazing, truly...

I didn't say they were, they are likely to be a mix of Dims and Republicans who contribute to both parties.
They team with the liberal heart bleeders like you, that claim they are compassionate, and there shouldn't be borders in the first place.
Obama another pseudo-compassionate lib, is the one putting the welcome mat out by announcing kids won't be deported. Obviously that's why this particular wave of illegals are here.
You voted for Obama, so get your ass down there and show your compassion by volunteering to help these kids !
You voted for Obama, so get your ass down there and show your compassion by volunteering to help these kids !
Yeah, it doesn't work that way, since they're in INS detention centers eh? Do you want me to break in so I can read them stories and give baths to the little ones? Maybe do some laundry and write up my report?
The Supreme Leader refuses to enforce the Laws of the land. He is in violation of the oath he swore to. He should now be Impeached.
Yes, reality can be dull and that economics thing, so boring so like reality, you reject it because life in fantasyland where 12 million people just go home on their own is so much better.

So we should just fling the door wide open then, and let another 10-20 million in then.

I'm not saying those already here will leave, that's exactly why I want the further flow stopped, because once they are here, we have people like you that not only are not willing to deport them, but you want them here in the first place. The sooner America is diluted with enough third-worlder's, the sooner America loses it's place as a superpower, which of course is what you and other libs want.

Congress should declare a refugee crisis. Countries all over the world have to deal with refugee crisis's. Some time we help cause them. Many countries with far less resources than us find help through the UN, which usually means help through the US.

The new arrivals of children and adults from the gang infested and out of control Central American nations need to be placed in a refugee status and not an immigrant status. It should be made clear that eventually these refugees will have to return to their countries unless they are adopted and transferred by other nations.

We should seek international support for the maintenance of these people. Let the South American countries pay for their maintenance.

Oh BULLSHIT.. That's what the fucking UN said this morning.. it's all a contrived plan with your messiah and you leftists.. Go fuck yourselves.
You voted for Obama, so get your ass down there and show your compassion by volunteering to help these kids !
Yeah, it doesn't work that way, since they're in INS detention centers eh? Do you want me to break in so I can read them stories and give baths to the little ones? Maybe do some laundry and write up my report?

No, but you can get down there with the other heart bleeders and duke it out with the people who are stopping the buses.
You voted for Obama, so get your ass down there and show your compassion by volunteering to help these kids !
Yeah, it doesn't work that way, since they're in INS detention centers eh? Do you want me to break in so I can read them stories and give baths to the little ones? Maybe do some laundry and write up my report?

No, but you can get down there with the other heart bleeders and duke it out with the people who are stopping the buses.
Now why didn't I think of that? That's exactly what these children from violent areas of the world need to see, Americans fighting with the cops and each other in the streets. By God man, I'd better get right to airport and help these kids out...
Yeah, it doesn't work that way, since they're in INS detention centers eh? Do you want me to break in so I can read them stories and give baths to the little ones? Maybe do some laundry and write up my report?

No, but you can get down there with the other heart bleeders and duke it out with the people who are stopping the buses.
Now why didn't I think of that? That's exactly what these children from violent areas of the world need to see, Americans fighting with the cops and each other in the streets. By God man, I'd better get right to airport and help these kids out...

You have been seeing what has been going on in Murrieta Calif right ?
So far the buses have been turned back, although there is a counter protest of heart bleeders that are losing the fight. They need your help.
No, but you can get down there with the other heart bleeders and duke it out with the people who are stopping the buses.
Now why didn't I think of that? That's exactly what these children from violent areas of the world need to see, Americans fighting with the cops and each other in the streets. By God man, I'd better get right to airport and help these kids out...

You have been seeing what has been going on in Murrieta Calif right ?
So far the buses have been turned back, although there is a counter protest of heart bleeders that are losing the fight. They need your help.
No, the Feds just need to start arresting people, all of them. It's pretty convenient actually. They drop off one group at the center, and then fill up the buses again and head to the jail. A win-win...
Uh peeps, we have a criminal foreign interloper for a President. So should this stuff really be so surprising? I know i'm not surprised. This should all be expected. He's an Anti-American Marxist Globalist. And he's violating the oath of office. He should be Impeached immediately.
The Democratic Party has orchestrated this massive Illegal Immigration mess. They feel they're helping their Party achieve permanent power. It's the ultimate evil 'Party before Country' mentality. But i truly believe they've underestimated the anger and resistance. I think many Independents will turn away from them. This is a very sad mess they've created. It's gonna backfire.

Destroying this country is the plan, is it not?

It won't backfire on the dems because they benefit from the destruction. Look at how successful prior immigration of uneducated poor has been for the dems. Slums filled with welfare poor are the democrat vote centers across the country. Look at all the boat lifts of the 70s that were used to re-map florida from solid republican to 50/50 now!

It is not a coincidence that Obama is funding the drug and illegal immigration crossings, they are essentially working for Obama now.

Obama's destroying the country. Time to invoke the 2nd amendment and eject him from office, patriot.

Guys not worth the bullet.
Things are going to quickly change in November- more so January.

Would need to take the Senate and with enough to over-ride a presidential veto. Biden would be just as bad as Obama. I don't see this getting better for for three years.

The Obama years will go down in history as the dark age of America.
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So we should just fling the door wide open then, and let another 10-20 million in then.

I'm not saying those already here will leave, that's exactly why I want the further flow stopped, because once they are here, we have people like you that not only are not willing to deport them, but you want them here in the first place. The sooner America is diluted with enough third-worlder's, the sooner America loses it's place as a superpower, which of course is what you and other libs want.

Congress should declare a refugee crisis. Countries all over the world have to deal with refugee crisis's. Some time we help cause them. Many countries with far less resources than us find help through the UN, which usually means help through the US.

The new arrivals of children and adults from the gang infested and out of control Central American nations need to be placed in a refugee status and not an immigrant status. It should be made clear that eventually these refugees will have to return to their countries unless they are adopted and transferred by other nations.

We should seek international support for the maintenance of these people. Let the South American countries pay for their maintenance.

Oh BULLSHIT.. That's what the fucking UN said this morning.. it's all a contrived plan with your messiah and you leftists.. Go fuck yourselves.

Lets hear your plan. I'll bet it is something really intellectual and scholarly like, "send them back" or "leave them in the desert".

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