Appeals Court rules Illegals are ENTITLED to drivers license

The "writer" began his writing with interviews and correspondence with the writers of the Constitution. He was born in 1763. There is not a law library in America that does not have his books and not a law school in America that does not require the reading and study of his works, the four volumes of his "Commentaries".

the "writer" began his writing with interviews and correspondence with the writers of the constitution. He was born in 1763. There is not a law library in america that does not have his books and not a law school in america that does not require the reading and study of his works, the four volumes of his "commentaries".

(kent said:
the act of congress confines the description of aliens capable of naturalization to "free white persons." i presume that this excludes the inhabitants of africa, and their descendants; and it may become a question, to what extent persons of mixed blood, as mulattoes, are excluded, and what shades and degrees of mixture of colour disqualify an alien from application for the benefits of the act of naturalization. Perhaps there might be difficulties also as to the copper-coloured natives of america, or the yellow or tawny races of asiatics, though i should doubt whether any of them were "white persons" within the purview of the law. It is the declared law of this state, that indians are not citizens, but distinct tribes, living under the protection of the government, and, consequently, they never can be made citizens under the act of congress.

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and i see once again the facts of the story is going to be ignored for sensationalism.
Obviously the Supreme Leader and Democratic Party have orchestrated this awful Illegal Immigration mess. They are Traitors.
The Democratic Party has orchestrated this massive Illegal Immigration mess. They feel they're helping their Party achieve permanent power. It's the ultimate evil 'Party before Country' mentality. But i truly believe they've underestimated the anger and resistance. I think many Independents will turn away from them. This is a very sad mess they've created. It's gonna backfire.

Destroying this country is the plan, is it not?

It won't backfire on the dems because they benefit from the destruction. Look at how successful prior immigration of uneducated poor has been for the dems. Slums filled with welfare poor are the democrat vote centers across the country. Look at all the boat lifts of the 70s that were used to re-map florida from solid republican to 50/50 now!

It is not a coincidence that Obama is funding the drug and illegal immigration crossings, they are essentially working for Obama now.
The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Read more: Appeals court rules immigrant 'dreamers' can get driver's licenses - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

THE 9th Circus is a joke.

Since it seems that they are not going back anytime soon then I am thinking that if they are going to drive then they should be required to first show proficiency in English so we know they can read the signs posted in English. Second they know that this license does not in any way effects their citizenship.

And yes, the 9th circuit court is out to lunch.

Proficiency in English? It's easier for them to demand bilingual signs. :eusa_whistle:
:lol: :eek:

Did you read that? Omg!!! The writer had me laughing so hard!

the "writer" began his writing with interviews and correspondence with the writers of the constitution. He was born in 1763. There is not a law library in america that does not have his books and not a law school in america that does not require the reading and study of his works, the four volumes of his "commentaries".

(kent said:
the act of congress confines the description of aliens capable of naturalization to "free white persons." i presume that this excludes the inhabitants of africa, and their descendants; and it may become a question, to what extent persons of mixed blood, as mulattoes, are excluded, and what shades and degrees of mixture of colour disqualify an alien from application for the benefits of the act of naturalization. Perhaps there might be difficulties also as to the copper-coloured natives of america, or the yellow or tawny races of asiatics, though i should doubt whether any of them were "white persons" within the purview of the law. It is the declared law of this state, that indians are not citizens, but distinct tribes, living under the protection of the government, and, consequently, they never can be made citizens under the act of congress.


He began his commentaries in 1794 and began publishing in book form in the 1820's. He interpreted the laws as they were written in that time period. If you don't like him, see if you can deal with Blackstone.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 (Citizenship): St. George Tucker, Blackstone's Commentaries 1:App. 184--85, 254--59; 2:App. 90--103

If you still have a problem, it is with the founders, not the authors of law books.
Obviously the Supreme Leader and Democratic Party have orchestrated this awful Illegal Immigration mess. They are Traitors.

You know what we do with traitors don't you? We elect and re-elect them as POTUS.

My country isn't me, putrid bile they be, of thee I sing....
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the "writer" began his writing with interviews and correspondence with the writers of the constitution. He was born in 1763. There is not a law library in america that does not have his books and not a law school in america that does not require the reading and study of his works, the four volumes of his "commentaries".

(kent said:
the act of congress confines the description of aliens capable of naturalization to "free white persons." i presume that this excludes the inhabitants of africa, and their descendants; and it may become a question, to what extent persons of mixed blood, as mulattoes, are excluded, and what shades and degrees of mixture of colour disqualify an alien from application for the benefits of the act of naturalization. Perhaps there might be difficulties also as to the copper-coloured natives of america, or the yellow or tawny races of asiatics, though i should doubt whether any of them were "white persons" within the purview of the law. It is the declared law of this state, that indians are not citizens, but distinct tribes, living under the protection of the government, and, consequently, they never can be made citizens under the act of congress.


He began his commentaries in 1794 and began publishing in book form in the 1820's. He interpreted the laws as they were written in that time period. If you don't like him, see if you can deal with Blackstone.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 (Citizenship): St. George Tucker, Blackstone's Commentaries 1:App. 184--85, 254--59; 2:App. 90--103

If you still have a problem, it is with the founders, not the authors of law books.

I'm saying oh my god... as in oh my goodness this guy is poking so much fun at the xenophobes and racists who put white europeans above all others.
Obviously the Supreme Leader and Democratic Party have orchestrated this awful Illegal Immigration mess. They are Traitors.

ur dum

Well, did it go like this? The gop refused any compromise not involving deportation, which isn't gonna happen because the courts simply can't process enough deportations to even keep up with the illegal immigrants coming in?

So, faced with the gop's refusal to let Obama fulfill his promise to Latino voters by getting immigration reform, Obama weaseled in this "dream" via executive order to not deport younger illegal immigrants.

The Court, faced with an apparent reality that these guys have some legal status, acknowledged that there's no legal basis to not issue drivers' licences?

I admit, immigration isn't an issue I follow too closely. The refusal to reach any accommodation has rendered the entire issue a sad absurdity. But, I'm asking.
Think so huh? Learn the math. Start with losing the spending of 12 million people in the American economy. You think this costs you? Wait until you find out what the bill is if they suddenly weren't here, which is why no sane person is calling for anything of the kind.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz
Yes, reality can be dull and that economics thing, so boring so like reality, you reject it because life in fantasyland where 12 million people just go home on their own is so much better.

So we should just fling the door wide open then, and let another 10-20 million in then.

I'm not saying those already here will leave, that's exactly why I want the further flow stopped, because once they are here, we have people like you that not only are not willing to deport them, but you want them here in the first place. The sooner America is diluted with enough third-worlder's, the sooner America loses it's place as a superpower, which of course is what you and other libs want.

He began his commentaries in 1794 and began publishing in book form in the 1820's. He interpreted the laws as they were written in that time period. If you don't like him, see if you can deal with Blackstone.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 (Citizenship): St. George Tucker, Blackstone's Commentaries 1:App. 184--85, 254--59; 2:App. 90--103

If you still have a problem, it is with the founders, not the authors of law books.

I'm saying oh my god... as in oh my goodness this guy is poking so much fun at the xenophobes and racists who put white europeans above all others.

OK, I misinterpreted your meaning. Sorry. Ya, when you read those old essays and commentaries from the time period you get a sort of new education. At least I did.
Ame®icano;9404585 said:
The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Read more: Appeals court rules immigrant 'dreamers' can get driver's licenses - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

THE 9th Circus is a joke.

Since it seems that they are not going back anytime soon then I am thinking that if they are going to drive then they should be required to first show proficiency in English so we know they can read the signs posted in English. Second they know that this license does not in any way effects their citizenship.

And yes, the 9th circuit court is out to lunch.

Proficiency in English? It's easier for them to demand bilingual signs. :eusa_whistle:

Interesting. I say that, because I frequently drive in Mexico, and they do not require me to be proficient in Spanish in order for me to do that.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz
Yes, reality can be dull and that economics thing, so boring so like reality, you reject it because life in fantasyland where 12 million people just go home on their own is so much better.

So we should just fling the door wide open then, and let another 10-20 million in then.

I'm not saying those already here will leave, that's exactly why I want the further flow stopped, because once they are here, we have people like you that not only are not willing to deport them, but you want them here in the first place. The sooner America is diluted with enough third-worlder's, the sooner America loses it's place as a superpower, which of course is what you and other libs want.

Congress should declare a refugee crisis. Countries all over the world have to deal with refugee crisis's. Some time we help cause them. Many countries with far less resources than us find help through the UN, which usually means help through the US.

The new arrivals of children and adults from the gang infested and out of control Central American nations need to be placed in a refugee status and not an immigrant status. It should be made clear that eventually these refugees will have to return to their countries unless they are adopted and transferred by other nations.

We should seek international support for the maintenance of these people. Let the South American countries pay for their maintenance.
Mexico doesn't have the welcome mat out, we do...

No, you are the one putting the welcome mat out. Mom and pop conservatives have NEVER put the welcome mat out for illegals.

That's for bleeding heart morons, and slave driving business owners.
Well mom and pop didn't close the border now did they and who do you think all these people work for in the country, only liberals? I didn't know liberals were such great capitalists....

Mom and pop conservatives are not the "great capitalists" who have coaxed them here for their slave labor.
The people who want that labor have teamed with you libs who have the inferior bleeding hearts, to keep the illegals here. My people have NEVER wanted them here !
Ame®icano;9404585 said:
Since it seems that they are not going back anytime soon then I am thinking that if they are going to drive then they should be required to first show proficiency in English so we know they can read the signs posted in English. Second they know that this license does not in any way effects their citizenship.

And yes, the 9th circuit court is out to lunch.

Proficiency in English? It's easier for them to demand bilingual signs. :eusa_whistle:

Interesting. I say that, because I frequently drive in Mexico, and they do not require me to be proficient in Spanish in order for me to do that.

Do they require that you enter Mexico legally?
By the way, have you asked for Mexican drivers license?
Are there no conservative congressmen with the balls to confront this bullshit ?? WTF ?

There are few if any. They know if they speak out asshole libs will immediately start throwing out the race card, and the fact that they have no heart, etc.
Never forget their #1 priority is getting re-elected, and they cannot afford to be painted as a racist.
This is why term limits are the only solution for getting real change. Once you've limited that incentive for re-election, these people will be forced to work for what the people want, and in this case most Americans want illegals deported.
No, you are the one putting the welcome mat out. Mom and pop conservatives have NEVER put the welcome mat out for illegals.

That's for bleeding heart morons, and slave driving business owners.
Well mom and pop didn't close the border now did they and who do you think all these people work for in the country, only liberals? I didn't know liberals were such great capitalists....

Mom and pop conservatives are not the "great capitalists" who have coaxed them here for their slave labor.
The people who want that labor have teamed with you libs who have the inferior bleeding hearts, to keep the illegals here. My people have NEVER wanted them here !
So all these illegals work for liberals eh? That's amazing, truly...

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