Appeals Court rules Illegals are ENTITLED to drivers license

Article 1 Sec 8 clause 4
Article 1 Sec 8 clause 3


Perhaps your copy of the Constitution is different from mine...

That is not what it says..

Section 8.

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization,

What part of "establish a uniform rule of naturalization" confuses you?

What part of this being the Congress's job, not the President's job confuses you?
What we are looking at today is the result of allowing Bleeding Heart Liberals to get their way too many times.

Like a Spoiled Child, they don't know what is good for the Country and what isn't. They only know what they "Feel" think their "Feelings" should be all that matters.

We can actually track this whole mess back to one man.. One man who lied to the Country and started the changing of the laws based upon his "feelings" and not upon facts.

Ted Kennedy.

Without his pushing of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, it never would have passed. That law is the basis for the screwed up mess we are in now.
Gee, and I thought it was our need for cheap labor and our uncontrolled 2,000 mile border?

If you knew the history of the IaNa of 1954, you might be able to actually post something of substance. But you don't so you don't.
American Citizens are on the ropes these days. It's all about catering to Illegals now. It seems they can get away with anything. But my God, the Gestapo sure is all over average Citizens for even the most silly minor offenses. Who's representing Americans these days? So you say you wanna a Revolution?... I hear ya.
What we are looking at today is the result of allowing Bleeding Heart Liberals to get their way too many times.

Like a Spoiled Child, they don't know what is good for the Country and what isn't. They only know what they "Feel" think their "Feelings" should be all that matters.

We can actually track this whole mess back to one man.. One man who lied to the Country and started the changing of the laws based upon his "feelings" and not upon facts.

Ted Kennedy.

Without his pushing of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, it never would have passed. That law is the basis for the screwed up mess we are in now.

What we are looking at today is a totally dysfunctional and useless congress due to it's control by extreme tea party adherents who can not operate as a unit that can pass laws to solve problems. There is absolutely nothing stopping the congress from reaching a compromise that would solve this and other problems except for the intransigence of tea party politicians, self serving stubbornness, priority of satisfying a low information base and egos.

You are right, the Congress is broken.. Mostly because Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats refuse to vote on the Bills passed by the House.

The House has passed nearly 300 Bills and Resolutions while the Senate has passed less than 60.
The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Read more: Appeals court rules immigrant 'dreamers' can get driver's licenses - Washington Times
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THE 9th Circus is a joke.

A three-judge panel on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Dreamers — so-named because of pending federal legislation known as the Dream Act — are in the same situation as other illegal immigrants who have applied for legal status and to whom Arizona law grants driver’s licenses while they await a final ruling in their cases.
The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

from your link. Reading, it makes you smarter....Or make you look more stupid when you have things pointed out for you.

In reality the court is right. They are in limbo via the dream act and under Arizona law, illegals can still get a license if they are waiting on the status of their citizenship.

You are literally crying about the federal government following a state law already in place. You dont even know what you are mad about
What we are looking at today is the result of allowing Bleeding Heart Liberals to get their way too many times.

Like a Spoiled Child, they don't know what is good for the Country and what isn't. They only know what they "Feel" think their "Feelings" should be all that matters.

We can actually track this whole mess back to one man.. One man who lied to the Country and started the changing of the laws based upon his "feelings" and not upon facts.

Ted Kennedy.

Without his pushing of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, it never would have passed. That law is the basis for the screwed up mess we are in now.
Gee, and I thought it was our need for cheap labor and our uncontrolled 2,000 mile border?

If you knew the history of the IaNa of 1954, you might be able to actually post something of substance. But you don't so you don't.
'52 you mean, right before Operation Wetback? Carry on...

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act (McCarran-Walter Act)
Disgusting, but no surprise coming from this particular court.

In my state (Oregon) our Dim dominated legislature and Dim governor last year took it upon themselves to approve of drivers licenses for illegals.
It wasn't until the people took matters into their own hands and gathered enough signatures to allow the people to vote on it this November.
We at least now have a fighting chance to stop it from happening. Not sure how it will go, this is a Dim dominated state, so our measure could easily be defeated and illegals would get the licenses anyway.

For the last time people, if you are against illegals being here, getting licenses, stealing our jobs, YOU HAVE TO STOP VOTING FOR DIMOCRATS !!!

Sure thing, you want people on the roads, who don't bother with the DMV, or insurance, and the like.

No asshole, want I want is for these people to not be here in the first place.
Giving them a legal right to drive here is just another step to legitimizing their presence here. Which of course is what you want.

then change the Arizona state law.
Drivers Licenses show that you have demonstrated the necessary skills and knowledge to safely operate a motor vehicle

Why wouldn't we want illegals to safely drive on our roadways?

I should copy this and use it for a sig line ! :lol:

the lunacy of the left--------amazing.

It is startling to say the least, to see someone post that they acknowledge the individual is here legally, but we should give them a legal drivers license ! You can't make this shit up ! :lol:

It's like saying that you acknowledge that a person stole goods from a WalMart, but then saying we should offer them help hauling the goods away. Fucking amazing ! :cuckoo:

Perhaps your copy of the Constitution is different from mine...

That is not what it says..

What part of "establish a uniform rule of naturalization" confuses you?

What part of this being the Congress's job, not the President's job confuses you?

The legislature branch passes laws and the executive branch executes the implementation of those laws as it interprets. When there is a disagreement about the interpretation between the legislature and the executive the third branch of government, the courts, is called in to make the finale authoritative judgement. A federal court just ruled in favor on the executive branch of this issue. Last week they voted against the executive branch. The governor of Arizona can appeal the courts decision on this case. The cases the executive branch lost last week in the Supreme Court can not be appealed.
You know this stuff don't you?
American Citizens are 'Bad.' Illegals are 'Good.' It seems if you're an Illegal, you can get away with anything. But man, that certainly isn't true if you're an American Citizen. The Gestapo sure ain't cutting y'all any breaks. So what happened? And what do we do? Looks like the Politicians don't represent Citizens anymore. It's a total collapse and breach of public trust.
They are here

Which do you prefer?
1. They drive without a license
2. They demonstrate they can safely operate a motor vehicle

A drivers license is not citizenship. It is a license to drive

If you enter Mexico illegally, will the mexican government give you a drivers license? No, they would put you in some hellhole prison and forget about you.

I ask again--------what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Mexico doesn't have the welcome mat out, we do...

No, you are the one putting the welcome mat out. Mom and pop conservatives have NEVER put the welcome mat out for illegals.

That's for bleeding heart morons, and slave driving business owners.
The judges said to treat the Dreamers differently violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

Read more: Appeals court rules immigrant 'dreamers' can get driver's licenses - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

THE 9th Circus is a joke.

So now the court wants to give illegal residents of a State the same privileges reserved for citizens.

Brewer should tell those judges to come on down to AZ and issue the DL's themselves. The States decide who are eligible for their DL's, not the feds.
American Citizens are just gonna have to face it. They're being sold out. Their elected Representatives no longer represent their interests. It's a very sad & cold fact to face. But it is the current reality. So what's the answer? I just don't know.
If you enter Mexico illegally, will the mexican government give you a drivers license? No, they would put you in some hellhole prison and forget about you.

I ask again--------what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Mexico doesn't have the welcome mat out, we do...

No, you are the one putting the welcome mat out. Mom and pop conservatives have NEVER put the welcome mat out for illegals.

That's for bleeding heart morons, and slave driving business owners.
Well mom and pop didn't close the border now did they and who do you think all these people work for in the country, only liberals? I didn't know liberals were such great capitalists....
What part of "establish a uniform rule of naturalization" confuses you?

What part of this being the Congress's job, not the President's job confuses you?

The legislature branch passes laws and the executive branch executes the implementation of those laws as it interprets. When there is a disagreement about the interpretation between the legislature and the executive the third branch of government, the courts, is called in to make the finale authoritative judgement. A federal court just ruled in favor on the executive branch of this issue. Last week they voted against the executive branch. The governor of Arizona can appeal the courts decision on this case. The cases the executive branch lost last week in the Supreme Court can not be appealed.
You know this stuff don't you?

The legislature branch passes laws and the executive branch executes the implementation of those laws as it is written.

There fixed it for you.

That is the way it is supposed to be. Obama has been ignoring laws he doesn't like, re-writing laws to suit his purpose, and making new laws by passing Congress.
What part of this being the Congress's job, not the President's job confuses you?

The legislature branch passes laws and the executive branch executes the implementation of those laws as it interprets. When there is a disagreement about the interpretation between the legislature and the executive the third branch of government, the courts, is called in to make the finale authoritative judgement. A federal court just ruled in favor on the executive branch of this issue. Last week they voted against the executive branch. The governor of Arizona can appeal the courts decision on this case. The cases the executive branch lost last week in the Supreme Court can not be appealed.
You know this stuff don't you?

The legislature branch passes laws and the executive branch executes the implementation of those laws as it is written.

There fixed it for you.

That is the way it is supposed to be. Obama has been ignoring laws he doesn't like, re-writing laws to suit his purpose, and making new laws by passing Congress.

They know that.. Liberals don't give a shit because it's their boy in office..
The Democratic Party has orchestrated this massive Illegal Immigration mess. They feel they're helping their Party achieve permanent power. It's the ultimate evil 'Party before Country' mentality. But i truly believe they've underestimated the anger and resistance. I think many Independents will turn away from them. This is a very sad mess they've created. It's gonna backfire.
Are there no conservative congressmen with the balls to confront this bullshit ?? WTF ?

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