Appeals Court Rules in Favor of DoJ to Allow Govt to Continue Using Documents Seized from Mar-A-Lago

Well... the Federal government won its appeal and can continue to use the documents and materials seized in the Mar-A-Lago raid...

Government Wins Appeal on Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents

Between this new ruling, and the Special Master ( Trump appointees in both cases) calling Rump's bluff with respect to de-classification...

Not to mention the NY AG filing a mega-suit against the Donald and his grown kids involved in the Family Business...

Looks like Donald has lost this week... Bigly... :clap2: :21: :cool:
The NY AG suit is utter horseshit, and so is this.
Got a quote?
"When I saw BLM and ANTIFA burning America to The Ground, I knew The Good Guys were winning."
Joe Biden
He didn't actually say that, did he?
They didn't really try to burn America to the ground.

"ANTIFA and BLM are just harmless ideas."

And let's not forget, "Conservatives are Semi Fascist," and "We Need to KILL MAGA."

"Soccer Moms are Domestic Terrorists"

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Just more lies from a Godless Pathological liar.

  • Former President Trump met with investigators months before the FBI search on Monday, sources told CNN.
  • Investigators asked where Trump stored his documents and attorneys showed them a basement room.
  • After the meeting, Trump's attorneys received a letter asking to secure the room, sources told CNN.
Biden, The FBI, and NARA knew The President had the documents because he told them he did. They asked they be secured until they could be transferred to NARA.

So why was Bitler's and Gestapo Garland's Panty Raid needed? Why did Biden order this publicity stunt?

Since he already had declassified all the documents why did he even meet with them?

Did he just forget to tell them? Did they not get the mental memo? Surely he thought it to them and they're pretending he didn't?
They didn't really try to burn America to the ground.

"ANTIFA and BLM are just harmless ideas."

And let's not forget, "Conservatives are Semi Fascist," and "We Need to KILL MAGA."

"Soccer Moms are Domestic Terrorists"

Here is what President Biden wrote about the violence when he was running for office.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”
Since he already had declassified all the documents why did he even meet with them?

Did he just forget to tell them? Did they not get the mental memo? Surely he thought it to them and they're pretending he didn't?
Nothing you say should be taken as serious. You don't care about the documents. The documents were already secured, sealed, and under lock and key by NARA's request and NARA inspected them, and they were sealed and scheduled to be turned over. Obama has 30 million documents in a warehouse in Chicago and so does Bush. All you care is about taking any angle, and by hook, crook, theft and lying gaining some unfair advantage in the next election.

You don't care about people, or this country or some petty documents. All you care about is power. This is just another lie and more propaganda being pushed by treasonous rats like you. Same as Russian Collusion Hoax, COVID Lockdown Hysteria, January 6th Lies, and Maro Lago Panty Raid Publicity Stunt. Same shit as some moon bat accusing Kavanaugh of being a Teenage Super Pimp from "Risky Business" cuz he looked like Tom Cruise. Same as Lying scum bag so called Whistleblowers from Ukraine, called Vindman, Same as lying Shitty Schiff and his undeniable proof of Russian Collusion HE NEVER PRODUCED. Same as the lies Russia hacked The DNC servers when it was Clinton's own Pakistani Hackers and Seth Rich who were Bernie Bros who double crossed The DNC when they found out the DNC rigged the primaries in Clinton's favor. Seth Rich died for getting that info to and Assange.

BTW, why didn't The FBI and Federal Elections Commission Investigate how The DNC Rigged the primaries for Clinton? Bet they did it through Dominion Voting Machines, right dupe?

You and your friends are terrible people, morally corrupt and destined for a Hell you don't believe in by a God you reject.
Reality will only set in when you wake up in The Eternal Lake of Fire.

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Here is what President Biden wrote about the violence when he was running for office.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”
Is this before or after he called for people to Kill MAGA, and called Republicans Semi-Fascists and a threat to Democracy?
Fock Biden that China-Russia Cock Sucking Sellout.
Well... the Federal government won its appeal and can continue to use the documents and materials seized in the Mar-A-Lago raid...

Government Wins Appeal on Mar-a-Lago Classified Documents

Between this new ruling, and the Special Master ( Trump appointees in both cases) calling Rump's bluff with respect to de-classification...

Not to mention the NY AG filing a mega-suit against the Donald and his grown kids involved in the Family Business...

Looks like Donald has lost this week... Bigly... :clap2: :21: :cool:
Cannon got her pee-pee whacked. :heehee:
The Special Master called your Orange Baboon's bluff regarding lies about de-classification.

Did somebody say that, or even hint at it?

I'll defer to the courts and the jury for feedback on that one...

So long as it goes against your traitorous Orange Lying Sack-of-$hit and his Korrupt Klown Kar, it's all good... :itsok:
Where are the charges?
Here is what President Biden wrote about the violence when he was running for office.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”
After he was nagged about his failure to condemn it for over a year.
Why are you a liar for The 4th Reich?
WTF? Why was you head found in the northern hemisphere of 7th planet?
After he was nagged about his failure to condemn it for over a year.
The right never fails with bombastic lies. That'd like me proclaiming he condemned it a full year before it even happened. Ben only lied by 3 months I think....

In reality that was May 31st. Right after Floyd got snuffed and the riots started.
WTF? Why was you head found in the northern hemisphere of 7th planet?

The right never fails with bombastic lies. That'd like me proclaiming he condemned it a full year before it even happened. Ben only lied by 3 months I think....

In reality that was May 31st. Right after Floyd got snuffed and the riots started.
Floyd died of an overdose.
WTF? Why was you head found in the northern hemisphere of 7th planet?

The right never fails with bombastic lies. That'd like me proclaiming he condemned it a full year before it even happened. Ben only lied by 3 months I think....

In reality that was May 31st. Right after Floyd got snuffed and the riots started.
it was Sep 2, moron, right before the election.

By Ben Shapiro September 2, 2020 at 1:08pm
On Monday, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was finally forced to confront the left-wing violence that has been plaguing America’s major cities for months on end: riots in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Seattle and Washington, D.C., among other cities.

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