Appeals court sides with Barr. Flynn freed.

I hope Barr can get my cousin Mookie out of prison....all she did was take a chunk out of a guys dick, when he forced her into a blow job.....13 years she got for dat. Hey, if Flynn can suck Barr's dick.....just sayin

Annnnnnd Today's MOST TRIGGERED AWARD has been claimed
Where was Flynn freed from and what is over

Um his guilty plea? And what is over is the nightmare he's been living the last couple of years thanks to the Obama justice department.

What rock have you been living under?
He was never in prison and until he wins a 20 to 50 million dollar settlement this is not over for him in any way
The man has been in prison for 4 yrs you God Damned fool. Set up by Strok. Son threatened. Bankruptcy. Life ruined.
God if I had your thinking I would not have retired at 50 and calling every single shot in my life. Glad you know more.
The man has been in prison for 4 yrs you God Damned fool. Set up by Strok. Son threatened. Bankruptcy. Life ruined.
God if I had your thinking I would not have retired at 50 and calling every single shot in my life. Glad you know more.

And just think....people who think JUST LIKE HER want to seize absolute power and rule over us all
It might just be state action only. But there are ways of removing a judge.

The case could be taken from the judge.

I've read that article before. It's interesting theory and I tend to think accurate theory. It's never been tested, not even raised in an actual case, and never will be tested. The only way to remove a federal judge is through impeachment.
Back to the subject - not the rally, but the Obama Administration right to the very top were involved in the railroading of Gen. Flynn and I hope he sues their pants off. Every single one of them including the Dept. of Justice who put him thru this. Reading that evil Strzok's notes they all should be hung out to dry!

How did that 1 million-person Trump rally go in Tulsa again?

Pretty darn good!

7 million watched it over the internet.
11 million watched in on TV.
It was fox news channels highest ratings EVER!

And the biden rally?

Oh please. Links to this little wet dream dressed up as reality in la-la-land.
As I mentioned, I personally know three people who watched the rally - all hate Trump. Went to watch a train wreck and got one.
Has the judge complied?

is flynn free now?
Flynn is free now. The Judge has not yet dismissed the charges. Flynn is a free man. There is nothing Sullivan can really do. If he continues to violate the court order he risks his seat on the bench.

Sullivan has already committed impeachable offenses by going against existing Supreme Court rulings on this case. Do you think he has any fear that Pelosi is going to bring impeachment to the floor in the House? Sullivan isn't worried about impeachment.
Judge Sullivan really stepped in it with General Flynn's case
Sullivan violated Flynn's Rights.
Fourteenth Amendment Right to Due Process
Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial

I don't know if you'd call it exonerated. He pled guilty then the charges were dropped.
He pled guilty and one has to wonder why. My gut says he pled guilty because they threatened to go after to his son. And they tried to get Flynn on violating the Logan Act which has never been enforced. There was no crime committed and the FBI agents even claimed he did not lie. YES, he is exonerated...NO CRIME. This whole thing on Russia, Russia, Russia was total bogus.

Well exonerated means you pled not guilty, went to trial and were found not guilty.

That's not at all what happened to Flynn.
Have ever heard of the term "under duress"
duress refers to wrongful or unlawful coercion

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