Appeals court upholds law barring immigrants in U.S. illegally from owning guns

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
hmmmm....wouldn’t this set a precedent for the other Amendments, ie Rights...illegals supposedly have according to some? Even the 9th Circus gets one right every once in awhile!

A law barring immigrants who are in the country without authorization from owning guns does not violate the 2nd Amendment, a federal appeals court decided Tuesday.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected an appeal by Victor Manuel Torres, a San Jose resident who was convicted of violating the federal law.


“The government’s interests in controlling crime and ensuring public safety are promoted by keeping firearms out of the hands of unlawful aliens,” wrote 9th Circuit Judge N. Randy Smith, an appointee of former President George W. Bush.

The panel noted that immigrants who lack documentation are subject to deportation and “are difficult to monitor due to an inherent incentive to falsify information and evade law enforcement.”

These immigrants “have already shown they are unable or unwilling to conform their conduct to the laws of this country,” Smith wrote, joined by 9th Circuit Chief Judge Sidney R. Thomas, an appointee of former President Clinton, and Sharon L. Gleason, a district judge from Alaska appointed by former President Obama.

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The more pressing question is how did he buy a gun in CA without being a citizen? Must be a loophole in the law somewhere.

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