Apple And Amazon Share An Ugly Truth - They Exploit Us


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2015
Both Apple and Amazon share an ugly truth and that is their strong ties to America's government has in many ways allowed them to create a persona or facade that far outshines reality. This allows each company in its own way to exploit us while masking the huge amount of income they pluck from our government on all levels. The article below explores how each of these companies feed at the tit of our government sucking in a slew of American tax dollars while displaying tactics that harm the society they claim to serve.

Advancing Time: Apple And Amazon Share An Ugly Truth - They Exploit Us
They are merely following in the footsteps of many other large corporations, just doing it better.

It is clear that our crony capitalist Fascist economic system, needs a major overhaul. Of course, it won't happen.

If only we had a government of the people, by the people and for the people...rather than a government of the Oligarchy, by the Oligarchy and for the Oligarchy.

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