Apple is censoring Chinese civilians for China.

Irrelevant, hardware has always been benign. If China makes it's own products and services and uses said services the hardware remains benign. China was purchasing hardware and reverse engineering it long before American companies entered their markets. This whole thing relates to a specific product/service provided by Apple, which leads directly to Apple's customers who support that specific product/service.

Technology, not hardware.
Apple and all their crappy products
Technology, not hardware.
Not really, China had satellite technology in the 70's. What they got from the West was manufacturing potential. Factories are expensive, more importantly breaking into decades established markets is difficult. China offered cheap labor and dangled 1+ billion person markets to get Western rubes to build world class factories for them.
This is the fault of Apple customers that accept and continue to support Apple.
Have you ever heard of any common peripheral - mouse, monitor, keyboard, scanner, printer, on and on - that worked on a Windows machine but did not work on an Apple machine? It doesn't matter which printer you connect to an Apple, they have the driver ready and it works flawlessly. Even with a driver from the printer manufacturer on my Windows it still screws up constantly. It's the same with countless interactions. Apple makes very good software and very good hardware. You just pay a lot for it.

Why are there no Apple viruses costing companies millions of dollars, halting productivity, and threatening all sorts of security?

You wingnuts would be hilarious if your ideas weren't so dangerous. You rail against an all-American success story, Bill Gates, with bullshit about chips in vaccines and other lunacy, then turn around and bash their biggest competition, Apple? So if we boycott Apple Bill Gates gets even richer.
Have you ever heard of any common peripheral - mouse, monitor, keyboard, scanner, printer, on and on - that worked on a Windows machine but did not work on an Apple machine? It doesn't matter which printer you connect to an Apple, they have the driver ready and it works flawlessly. Even with a driver from the printer manufacturer on my Windows it still screws up constantly. It's the same with countless interactions. Apple makes very good software and very good hardware. You just pay a lot for it.

Why are there no Apple viruses costing companies millions of dollars, halting productivity, and threatening all sorts of security?

You wingnuts would be hilarious if your ideas weren't so dangerous. You rail against an all-American success story, Bill Gates, with bullshit about chips in vaccines and other lunacy, then turn around and bash their biggest competition, Apple? So if we boycott Apple Bill Gates gets even richer.
This is about Apple actively participating in censorship. Their second rate products should be discussed in a separate thread. You fanbois are pathetic.
This is about Apple actively participating in censorship. should be discussed in a separate thread.

Companies must abide by the laws of the countries that they operate in. Thjis is not hard. At some point, Apple may decide that they can go no further in complying with China's government but they're not going to shut down operations overnight to satisfy some guy with Cheeto dust all over his t-shirt, furiously typing his hatred and impotence on a political messageboard.

Their second rate products
We already debunked that.

You fanbois are pathetic.
I've never owned a Macintosh in my life. The only Apple product I've ever owned is my current iPad Pro 12:9. I don't need to own a Ferrari to know that it's much faster than a Rolls Royce.
Companies must abide by the laws of the countries that they operate in. Thjis is not hard. At some point, Apple may decide that they can go no further in complying with China's government but they're not going to shut down operations overnight to satisfy some guy with Cheeto dust all over his t-shirt, furiously typing his hatred and impotence on a political messageboard.

We already debunked that.

I've never owned a Macintosh in my life. The only Apple product I've ever owned is my current iPad Pro 12:9. I don't need to own a Ferrari to know that it's much faster than a Rolls Royce.
China has laws that demand foreign companies assist them in the repression of their people? Link?

I don't doubt you are covered in Cheeto dust, but now things make sense. It's all transference, the real orange man you hate is yourself.
Not really, China had satellite technology in the 70's. What they got from the West was manufacturing potential. Factories are expensive, more importantly breaking into decades established markets is difficult. China offered cheap labor and dangled 1+ billion person markets to get Western rubes to build world class factories for them.

And made them turn over the technology. Companies obliged because all they cared about was the short term gain.
Why are there no Apple viruses costing companies millions of dollars, halting productivity, and threatening all sorts of security?

Because Apple computers occupy a very small portion of the market. Only about 15% of PC's that are sold in the US are apple (and about half that internationally). Almost all of those are used in a personal capacity meaning that the real available targets for hackers are almost exclusively Microsoft computers. No one really wants to hack your desktop. They want to hack major businesses.

And there are 'Apple viruses,' quite a lot of them actually. The fact they are not generally targeted by hackers has, quite literally, nothing to do with a 'quality' product. It has everything to do with not having many of them out there. And a small market share is not an indication of a top quality product....
Have you ever heard of any common peripheral - mouse, monitor, keyboard, scanner, printer, on and on - that worked on a Windows machine but did not work on an Apple machine? It doesn't matter which printer you connect to an Apple, they have the driver ready and it works flawlessly. Even with a driver from the printer manufacturer on my Windows it still screws up constantly. It's the same with countless interactions. Apple makes very good software and very good hardware. You just pay a lot for it.

Why are there no Apple viruses costing companies millions of dollars, halting productivity, and threatening all sorts of security?

You wingnuts would be hilarious if your ideas weren't so dangerous. You rail against an all-American success story, Bill Gates, with bullshit about chips in vaccines and other lunacy, then turn around and bash their biggest competition, Apple? So if we boycott Apple Bill Gates gets even richer.
I have been working on Macs for over 15 years and the saying is once go Mac never go back...

Employees in my company hate seeing anyone choosing a PC... They say when they need help we have to work with that shit..

Make very good machines..

Mac's best product is tough to say...
Apple TV is very good if not wanting to go outside the lines... Best box for IPTV..
iPhone is super simple to use, loads of people know it and it easy to ask for help... Most of my non Tech friends have move to iPhone and stayed, they need their tech friend(me) to be happy to fix any thing if it goes wrong.

So Mac is a bit over priced in some areas but their stuff just works... Has high build quality and simple to use...
So apple computers is censoring Chinese civilians but disabling services that allow people in China to talk directly to each other at the behest of the Chinese government.

Of course this should come as a surprise as apple is a part of the new world order "you'll own nothing and be happy group known as the world economic forum, a horrible group trying to reshape our world in their image.

Tim Cook was questioned in person about his support for China's draconian COVID policy and censorship....

While he did not have much to say, maybe he will respond to this letter from Josh Hawley...


Tim Cook was questioned in person about his support for China's draconian COVID policy and censorship....

While he did not have much to say, maybe he will respond to this letter from Josh Hawley...



Josh Hawlet is a J6 traitor... Find a non traitor and might listen.. That fucker should be fucked out of the Senate...
Apple doesn't want to pay $48m a month to advertise on a platform that is a dumpster fire of misinformation...
Can you provide an example of this misinformation?

Then tell me what is worse, misinformation, or supporting an authoritarian regime that oppresses and murders its people

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