Apple or IBM. Which is the best computer? I need you all to vote.

I have six computers. I have an Apple MacBook Pro and five PC's. The Apple by far is the better computer. I can't wait for my grandkids to come up for a visit this summer so I can start doleing out the PC's to get rid of them. I will replace my desk top computer with an Apple Mac. The Mac and the MacBook Pro will be the only two computers I need. Mac rocks.
Indeed. Those who dis Apple are just pressing their sour grapes.

*happy Mac user since 1987*

Depends what you want it for. I bought a Mac over three years ago after two PCs crapped out on me in 18 months. I was so POed that I walked into the store and bought a Mac on the spot. Haven't looked back since. I love my Mac.

But I use a lot of excel at work and Mac is 10x worse in user functionality for Office. If I ran my own business, I would have PCs.
I am thinking about buying a computer. I have narrowed it down to two. IBM or Apple
I need USMB, computer geeks to vote. Then I will make my decision based on your vote tally.

Thank you all,


If you are thinking about business applications, many, many applications are based on Excel. Communicating and sending documents may not open in PC's if sent from Macs.

If the use is in-house and internet surfing, Apple is very intuitive and will teach you how to use it as you grow into it. The viruses that attack PC's on the web are not written for Macs so they are pretty safe in the internet world.

If I was in your position, I would do what you're doing and try to get all the facts then pull the trigger.

The next time I buy, I'm getting a bigger screen.
That depends, 52nd.

Is the computer case white or black? Is the black one cheaper than the white one?

I'll need to think on this some....can you help me out? :lol: :rofl:
That depends, 52nd.

Is the computer case white or black? Is the black one cheaper than the white one?

I'll need to think on this some....can you help me out? :lol: :rofl:

Oh please, You Jews are always looking for trouble.
I prefer the Black one of course. Black looks better , for computers. IBM's are black
apples are white.!
Why don't you get your husband to sleep with you or something ,and leave me alone!?.
Having used PCs before they were even called that, I can say with certainty that people who are not "tech savvy" are generally happier with Apple.
If you want a working computer, get a MacBook Pro. If you want a piece of junk that'll break down after a few months of heavy use, get a PC.
I am thinking about buying a computer. I have narrowed it down to two. IBM or Apple
I need USMB, computer geeks to vote. Then I will make my decision based on your vote tally.

Thank you all,


It depends, if you want to do something with your computer, get a PC. If you want to have a pretty brick, get a Mac.

Joking aside, I am a PC user for life. The apple UI annoys the heck out of me. Everything is backwards. But if you like doing a lot of graphics, I have heard that Macs are slightly better for that kind of stuff.
If you want a working computer, get a MacBook Pro. If you want a piece of junk that'll break down after a few months of heavy use, get a PC.

Macs never crash because you can't do anything on them. Bricks also last a long time too. :lol:
If you want a working computer, get a MacBook Pro. If you want a piece of junk that'll break down after a few months of heavy use, get a PC.

Macs never crash because you can't do anything on them. Bricks also last a long time too. :lol:

I'm assuming you're speaking from personal experience, therefore I assume you can't do anything on one because...well, you don't know how to do anything. But please, correct me if I'm wrong.
If you want a working computer, get a MacBook Pro. If you want a piece of junk that'll break down after a few months of heavy use, get a PC.

Macs never crash because you can't do anything on them. Bricks also last a long time too. :lol:

I'm assuming you're speaking from personal experience, therefore I assume you can't do anything on one because...well, you don't know how to do anything. But please, correct me if I'm wrong.

I was just joking.

But yes, I do speak from personal experience. The Mac UI is just a little backwards to me and sometimes Steve Jobs likes to "hold your hand" so to speak. And I don't mean to diminish the capabilities of the Mac, because I know when it comes to movie editing and graphics it seems to be the producers weapon of choice. I suppose if I used it enough, I'd get used to it, but Windows just feels like home to me. I do a lot of graphics as well, but I just grin and bear it. all comes down to, I like to give Mac users a hard time.:razz:
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Macs never crash because you can't do anything on them. Bricks also last a long time too. :lol:

I'm assuming you're speaking from personal experience, therefore I assume you can't do anything on one because...well, you don't know how to do anything. But please, correct me if I'm wrong.

I was just joking.

But yes, I do speak from personal experience. The Mac UI is just a little backwards to me and sometimes Steve Jobs likes to "hold your hand" so to speak. And I don't mean to diminish the capabilities of the Mac, because I know when it comes to movie editing and graphics it seems to be the producers weapon of choice. I suppose if I used it enough, I'd get used to it, but Windows just feels like home to me. I do a lot of graphics as well, but I just grin and bear it. all comes down to, I like to give Mac users a hard time.:razz:

I would give you less than a day of working in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop using Snow Leopard before you would say..... shit, I could have been having this much fun all of this time, curse you Microsoft!
I am thinking about buying a computer. I have narrowed it down to two. IBM or Apple
I need USMB, computer geeks to vote. Then I will make my decision based on your vote tally.

Thank you all,


what will be its purpose.....if posting here and genrallfucking a mac....

i have both....
I am thinking about buying a computer. I have narrowed it down to two. IBM or Apple
I need USMB, computer geeks to vote. Then I will make my decision based on your vote tally.

Thank you all,


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