AR15s are not military grade... not even close

As much as you anti-gun nutters like Darrell hunt want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens. Fortunately for second amendment enthusiasts, Donald Trump will veto any frivolous gun Legislation, And the Supreme Court will stop the socialists from getting rid of the Second Amendment.

I just want to take YOUR away since I find you to be dangerous with or without a gun. Check you into the nearest loony bin and seize your guns that you have on you so you can't have them to harm the other fruitcakes. Now, that would make your head explode. :290968001256257790-final:
you are more accurate with semi-auto than with auto = more kill shots/more hits
You do realize in military training they train that full auto is the last resort, Prayn spray is not accurate.
You need to ignore the mainstream media’s influence on you...

LOL, idjit, it's been decades since the term spray and pray has been used in the Military. The last versions that used full auto was the AR-15 Model 601 and the AR-15 Model 602 (M-16A-1). The M-16A-2 and above have all been single or 3 shot burst since 1986 when the A-2 was adopted and they upgraded the A-1s to the A-2. This happened during the time I was in the Military. In fact, many of the mods were done just the other side of the town I live in by a company named Capco.

You really need to stop just making shit up.
I was just stating what the main stream media says, They think full auto is accurate, Obviously they’ve never shot anything full auto.

Yet you presented it like it was fact. Still making shit up and then trying to cover it up, I see. You want your ass back now?
It's illegal to guy one with it............LOL

Have to be a licensed gun collector or seller to buy one......and that isn't cheap.........
I am aware of this. I think pretty much everyone is.
Perhaps here.........not the weapon in full auto illegal to own or not........

Let's cut to the's illegal............

There are only a few Full Auto Weapons legal to have and none of them are new. Anything newer than 1986 is banned. For instance, you can by an old Thompson 45 but it's going to set up back a bunch. If you want a basket case M-16 then you had better have at least 15K handy. Or you can buy an AR-15 Model 601 for around 3 grand. But all of them, a Federal License will be required even prior to you trying to buy it. But it is still your right to own them. If you can pass a standard Gun Check, you can probably pass a FL to obtain an old Automatic Weapon depending on the area you are living in. Some areas won't allow you to possess it but that's the state and or the county not the feds. A couple of notes here, while it's your right, you will have to follow the laws of possession in storage and use. Sorry, you can't go running around with it on your Gun Rack in your Pickup or leaning against the fireplace at home. I would really love to have an AR-15 Model 601. Out of those 3, that's most rare but not the most sought after hence the price. But I really don't have an undying need to own one.
The violin case for the Thompson is not cheap either.

You can buy cheap Violin Cases from Rustic.
I'll look, my son did get the longer barrel version.Thanks..
Don't be stupider than you have to be. I already said they lacked the select fire.
You don’t know anything about firearms do you, what do you think you can just buy a select fire switch and it makes them auto?
Actually it is you who knows nothing about firearms, as this thread has proven.

Where did I say "buy a select fire switch"?
Do you have a clue how hard it is to make An ar15 select fire? Reliably

Yes, you'd need a new bolt and a full auto lower. I would imagine you could rig it some way or another but you said "reliably".
Na, not really
you need a military grade barrel, The lower is the easiest part, You need m-4 ramps, You need a trigger that’s up to spec... And that’s just for starters. you need the tools to even get started And most importantly the gun smith knowledge to complete the task.

I am not a gunsmith but I imagine I could fashion most of the parts needed. But, you see, that would be not just a sick bird. It would be illegal and I have no need to do such a thing. It's easier and safer just to get a Firearms License and buy one of the AR-15 Model 601 M-16s that are out there for 3 grand. And own a piece of history.
you are more accurate with semi-auto than with auto = more kill shots/more hits
You do realize in military training they train that full auto is the last resort, Prayn spray is not accurate.
You need to ignore the mainstream media’s influence on you...

LOL, idjit, it's been decades since the term spray and pray has been used in the Military. The last versions that used full auto was the AR-15 Model 601 and the AR-15 Model 602 (M-16A-1). The M-16A-2 and above have all been single or 3 shot burst since 1986 when the A-2 was adopted and they upgraded the A-1s to the A-2. This happened during the time I was in the Military. In fact, many of the mods were done just the other side of the town I live in by a company named Capco.

You really need to stop just making shit up.
I was just stating what the main stream media says, They think full auto is accurate, Obviously they’ve never shot anything full auto.

Yet you presented it like it was fact. Still making shit up and then trying to cover it up, I see. You want your ass back now?
It is a fact, the mainstream media have no clue about anything firearms...
They are 100% ignorant on the subject, and let Emotion determine their opinion.
AR15s are just sporting rifles... Always have been always will be
The drumbeat starts again, Really ignorant people saying things they have no business saying because they have no clue on the facts.
Other countries do not have the right to firearm ownership, Not even the right to freedom of speech for that matter.
Bringing other countries into the conversation is irrelevant, The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws… Only a fool would ever believe more frivolous gun control laws will save a single soul.
Don't be stupid. They lack a select fire switch, that's all.

Yes....which means they are not military fact, the AR-15 has never been used in a war...

However, in Crimea this week, a shooter using a pump action shotgun murdered 21 people compared to the 8 murdered today.....using the AR-15...which shows that the pump action shotgun is a deadlier weapon...right?

The pump action shotgun is an actual weapon of war and is a current weapon of war....the AR-15, not so much.

The US Army and the US Air Force both may issue you an AR-15. Yes, it will have M-16 stamped on it but it's identical right down to the single shot capability and won't have either full auto or 3 shot burst settings. And it will cost the Military less than 1000 bucks rather than the over 3000 for the M-16 or M-4. I already posted a post from a retired Army SSgt that was issued the semi auto M-16. And THAT is the only difference when all things are equal. You want your ass back now?


That's it? Wrong? You can do better than that, cupcake. I guess you know more than those of us that have served and retired from the Military and have used the weapons we are discussing and the ones you are just blurting out BS about. Do better on your responses or I may not give your ass back to you.
I am aware of this. I think pretty much everyone is.
Perhaps here.........not the weapon in full auto illegal to own or not........

Let's cut to the's illegal............

There are only a few Full Auto Weapons legal to have and none of them are new. Anything newer than 1986 is banned. For instance, you can by an old Thompson 45 but it's going to set up back a bunch. If you want a basket case M-16 then you had better have at least 15K handy. Or you can buy an AR-15 Model 601 for around 3 grand. But all of them, a Federal License will be required even prior to you trying to buy it. But it is still your right to own them. If you can pass a standard Gun Check, you can probably pass a FL to obtain an old Automatic Weapon depending on the area you are living in. Some areas won't allow you to possess it but that's the state and or the county not the feds. A couple of notes here, while it's your right, you will have to follow the laws of possession in storage and use. Sorry, you can't go running around with it on your Gun Rack in your Pickup or leaning against the fireplace at home. I would really love to have an AR-15 Model 601. Out of those 3, that's most rare but not the most sought after hence the price. But I really don't have an undying need to own one.
The violin case for the Thompson is not cheap either.

You can buy cheap Violin Cases from Rustic.
I'll look, my son did get the longer barrel version.Thanks..

You missed the Joke. Say, this IS a tough crowd, isn't it.
You don’t know anything about firearms do you, what do you think you can just buy a select fire switch and it makes them auto?
Actually it is you who knows nothing about firearms, as this thread has proven.

Where did I say "buy a select fire switch"?
Do you have a clue how hard it is to make An ar15 select fire? Reliably

Yes, you'd need a new bolt and a full auto lower. I would imagine you could rig it some way or another but you said "reliably".
Na, not really
you need a military grade barrel, The lower is the easiest part, You need m-4 ramps, You need a trigger that’s up to spec... And that’s just for starters. you need the tools to even get started And most importantly the gun smith knowledge to complete the task.

I am not a gunsmith but I imagine I could fashion most of the parts needed. But, you see, that would be not just a sick bird. It would be illegal and I have no need to do such a thing. It's easier and safer just to get a Firearms License and buy one of the AR-15 Model 601 M-16s that are out there for 3 grand. And own a piece of history.
True, Making one full auto is not anything like the main stream media says it is, in fact they have no clue.
The main stream media lives to alienate second amendment enthusiasts, that’s their job.
you are more accurate with semi-auto than with auto = more kill shots/more hits
You do realize in military training they train that full auto is the last resort, Prayn spray is not accurate.
You need to ignore the mainstream media’s influence on you...

LOL, idjit, it's been decades since the term spray and pray has been used in the Military. The last versions that used full auto was the AR-15 Model 601 and the AR-15 Model 602 (M-16A-1). The M-16A-2 and above have all been single or 3 shot burst since 1986 when the A-2 was adopted and they upgraded the A-1s to the A-2. This happened during the time I was in the Military. In fact, many of the mods were done just the other side of the town I live in by a company named Capco.

You really need to stop just making shit up.
I was just stating what the main stream media says, They think full auto is accurate, Obviously they’ve never shot anything full auto.

Yet you presented it like it was fact. Still making shit up and then trying to cover it up, I see. You want your ass back now?
It is a fact, the mainstream media have no clue about anything firearms...
They are 100% ignorant on the subject, and let Emotion determine their opinion.

I have decided to just keep your ass. I'll put it in a jar over the fireplace or maybe take it out to the range and put man sized holes in it from 500 yrds.
Perhaps here.........not the weapon in full auto illegal to own or not........

Let's cut to the's illegal............

There are only a few Full Auto Weapons legal to have and none of them are new. Anything newer than 1986 is banned. For instance, you can by an old Thompson 45 but it's going to set up back a bunch. If you want a basket case M-16 then you had better have at least 15K handy. Or you can buy an AR-15 Model 601 for around 3 grand. But all of them, a Federal License will be required even prior to you trying to buy it. But it is still your right to own them. If you can pass a standard Gun Check, you can probably pass a FL to obtain an old Automatic Weapon depending on the area you are living in. Some areas won't allow you to possess it but that's the state and or the county not the feds. A couple of notes here, while it's your right, you will have to follow the laws of possession in storage and use. Sorry, you can't go running around with it on your Gun Rack in your Pickup or leaning against the fireplace at home. I would really love to have an AR-15 Model 601. Out of those 3, that's most rare but not the most sought after hence the price. But I really don't have an undying need to own one.
The violin case for the Thompson is not cheap either.

You can buy cheap Violin Cases from Rustic.
I'll look, my son did get the longer barrel version.Thanks..

You missed the Joke. Say, this IS a tough crowd, isn't it.
Nope, I've had three ex-wives this is a cakewalk.
You do realize in military training they train that full auto is the last resort, Prayn spray is not accurate.
You need to ignore the mainstream media’s influence on you...

LOL, idjit, it's been decades since the term spray and pray has been used in the Military. The last versions that used full auto was the AR-15 Model 601 and the AR-15 Model 602 (M-16A-1). The M-16A-2 and above have all been single or 3 shot burst since 1986 when the A-2 was adopted and they upgraded the A-1s to the A-2. This happened during the time I was in the Military. In fact, many of the mods were done just the other side of the town I live in by a company named Capco.

You really need to stop just making shit up.
I was just stating what the main stream media says, They think full auto is accurate, Obviously they’ve never shot anything full auto.

Yet you presented it like it was fact. Still making shit up and then trying to cover it up, I see. You want your ass back now?
It is a fact, the mainstream media have no clue about anything firearms...
They are 100% ignorant on the subject, and let Emotion determine their opinion.

I have decided to just keep your ass. I'll put it in a jar over the fireplace or maybe take it out to the range and put man sized holes in it from 500 yrds.
Actually it is you who knows nothing about firearms, as this thread has proven.

Where did I say "buy a select fire switch"?
Do you have a clue how hard it is to make An ar15 select fire? Reliably

Yes, you'd need a new bolt and a full auto lower. I would imagine you could rig it some way or another but you said "reliably".
Na, not really
you need a military grade barrel, The lower is the easiest part, You need m-4 ramps, You need a trigger that’s up to spec... And that’s just for starters. you need the tools to even get started And most importantly the gun smith knowledge to complete the task.

I am not a gunsmith but I imagine I could fashion most of the parts needed. But, you see, that would be not just a sick bird. It would be illegal and I have no need to do such a thing. It's easier and safer just to get a Firearms License and buy one of the AR-15 Model 601 M-16s that are out there for 3 grand. And own a piece of history.
True, Making one full auto is not anything like the main stream media says it is, in fact they have no clue.
The main stream media lives to alienate second amendment enthusiasts, that’s their job.

Yet I could do it considering I have all the machining tools to almost build one from scratch. But it would be illegal to put the stamp of Military Specs on it,not to mention building it in the first place. And I would have to have a real good reason. It would end up costing more than just buying one of your 500 buck pieces of crap. If I were to go that far, I would either buy the Colt LE6920 or go for the FL License and get the AR-15 Model 601 (M-16) and be done with it. Every once in awhile, they are busting illegal M-16 manufacturing shops who's main sales is done to the various Militia groups.
I have always wanted the Hawkens 50 Caliber assault rifle...............LOL

Most favorite gun I've ever shot............
Do you have a clue how hard it is to make An ar15 select fire? Reliably

Yes, you'd need a new bolt and a full auto lower. I would imagine you could rig it some way or another but you said "reliably".
Na, not really
you need a military grade barrel, The lower is the easiest part, You need m-4 ramps, You need a trigger that’s up to spec... And that’s just for starters. you need the tools to even get started And most importantly the gun smith knowledge to complete the task.

I am not a gunsmith but I imagine I could fashion most of the parts needed. But, you see, that would be not just a sick bird. It would be illegal and I have no need to do such a thing. It's easier and safer just to get a Firearms License and buy one of the AR-15 Model 601 M-16s that are out there for 3 grand. And own a piece of history.
True, Making one full auto is not anything like the main stream media says it is, in fact they have no clue.
The main stream media lives to alienate second amendment enthusiasts, that’s their job.

Yet I could do it considering I have all the machining tools to almost build one from scratch. But it would be illegal to put the stamp of Military Specs on it,not to mention building it in the first place. And I would have to have a real good reason. It would end up costing more than just buying one of your 500 buck pieces of crap. If I were to go that far, I would either buy the Colt LE6920 or go for the FL License and get the AR-15 Model 601 (M-16) and be done with it. Every once in awhile, they are busting illegal M-16 manufacturing shops who's main sales is done to the various Militia groups.
A lot of firearm manufacturers/gun smiths are moving to South Dakota because of the very friendly firearm manufacturing/gun smithing environment. Not to mention no state income tax.
Smith and Wesson M&p 15’s make wonderful starter rifles for youth, that’s a lot of who I sell to.
AR15s are just sporting rifles... Always have been always will be
The drumbeat starts again, Really ignorant people saying things they have no business saying because they have no clue on the facts.
Other countries do not have the right to firearm ownership, Not even the right to freedom of speech for that matter.
Bringing other countries into the conversation is irrelevant, The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws… Only a fool would ever believe more frivolous gun control laws will save a single soul.
I work on them and they are not even close to Mil grade.
True, I sell firearms and ammo have for over 25 years. They ar15’s are nothing more than sporting rifles, and nothing less.
They would not even come close to passing military muster

Then you sell 399 buck junk. If I were to have the undying need to own one, I would go for the Colt LE6920. And it has Military Grade stamped on almost EVERY part. Do I spend 500 bucks for a piece of crap or do I go the 1000 or less and buy the best AR-15 made? Not much of a choice here.
I sell everything from $469 Smith and Wesson m&p15 to a few thousand for bravo company depending on the furniture...
The Smith and Wesson does very fine, because it’s just a sporting rifle and does what it’s meant to do… Kill varmints. Very good value
I’ve shot tens of thousands of rounds through Smith and Wesson M&p15’s, One hell of a value for 469 bucks.
Every time there’s a shooting like this my sales skyrocket... Because of the hype unnecessarily.

So you are using this site to sell more guns. You do know that advertising like that is against the policy.
Yes, you'd need a new bolt and a full auto lower. I would imagine you could rig it some way or another but you said "reliably".
Na, not really
you need a military grade barrel, The lower is the easiest part, You need m-4 ramps, You need a trigger that’s up to spec... And that’s just for starters. you need the tools to even get started And most importantly the gun smith knowledge to complete the task.

I am not a gunsmith but I imagine I could fashion most of the parts needed. But, you see, that would be not just a sick bird. It would be illegal and I have no need to do such a thing. It's easier and safer just to get a Firearms License and buy one of the AR-15 Model 601 M-16s that are out there for 3 grand. And own a piece of history.
True, Making one full auto is not anything like the main stream media says it is, in fact they have no clue.
The main stream media lives to alienate second amendment enthusiasts, that’s their job.

Yet I could do it considering I have all the machining tools to almost build one from scratch. But it would be illegal to put the stamp of Military Specs on it,not to mention building it in the first place. And I would have to have a real good reason. It would end up costing more than just buying one of your 500 buck pieces of crap. If I were to go that far, I would either buy the Colt LE6920 or go for the FL License and get the AR-15 Model 601 (M-16) and be done with it. Every once in awhile, they are busting illegal M-16 manufacturing shops who's main sales is done to the various Militia groups.
A lot of firearm manufacturers/gun smiths are moving to South Dakota because of the very friendly firearm manufacturing/gun smithing environment. Not to mention no state income tax.
Smith and Wesson M&p 15’s make wonderful starter rifles for youth, that’s a lot of who I sell to.

A much better starter rifle for a youth is the Model 60 and it costs about a quarter as much as your junk does. More shooters started out on the Model 60 than any other gun. And you just about have to have the building burn down around one to get rid of it or wreck your wood chipper by feeding the model 60 through it.

You are trying to make sales. Naughty, Naughty.
AR15s are just sporting rifles... Always have been always will be
The drumbeat starts again, Really ignorant people saying things they have no business saying because they have no clue on the facts.
Other countries do not have the right to firearm ownership, Not even the right to freedom of speech for that matter.
Bringing other countries into the conversation is irrelevant, The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws… Only a fool would ever believe more frivolous gun control laws will save a single soul.
I work on them and they are not even close to Mil grade.
True, I sell firearms and ammo have for over 25 years. They ar15’s are nothing more than sporting rifles, and nothing less.
They would not even come close to passing military muster

Then you sell 399 buck junk. If I were to have the undying need to own one, I would go for the Colt LE6920. And it has Military Grade stamped on almost EVERY part. Do I spend 500 bucks for a piece of crap or do I go the 1000 or less and buy the best AR-15 made? Not much of a choice here.
I sell everything from $469 Smith and Wesson m&p15 to a few thousand for bravo company depending on the furniture...
The Smith and Wesson does very fine, because it’s just a sporting rifle and does what it’s meant to do… Kill varmints. Very good value
I’ve shot tens of thousands of rounds through Smith and Wesson M&p15’s, One hell of a value for 469 bucks.
Every time there’s a shooting like this my sales skyrocket... Because of the hype unnecessarily.

So you are using this site to sell more guns. You do know that advertising like that is against the policy.
Nice try...
Politically correctness sells firearms and ammo for me... I don’t need to even try and certainly not this site.


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