Arab Christians: Israel only state worth fighting for

While I favor Israel in the ongoing strife over there, I doubt that the Arab Christians could hold the highest office in Israel, as that would be reserved solely for the Jews. So, it's not total freedom, just simulated freedom, which is better than they would get than if under Islamic rule.

I am unaware of any LEGAL bar to a non-Jewish PM or President. It thus appears to me that the non-Jews in Israel are no more 'simulated' in their political freedoms, than non-Christians in the US.
I have a Arab Christian in my officre right here 8 feet away from me. he is from lebanon.

i will ask him if he prefers palestine or israel.
I have a Arab Christian in my officre right here 8 feet away from me. he is from lebanon.

i will ask him if he prefers palestine or israel.

You might also want to ask him his opinion of Muslims. This should be interesting. BTW, does your boss know how much time you fritter away at work? :eusa_shhh:
I have a Arab Christian in my officre right here 8 feet away from me. he is from lebanon.

i will ask him if he prefers palestine or israel.
After what Muslims did to Lebanon, all the years of ethnic cleansing and invasions they committed, until they turned Christian majority Lebanon into Muslim majority ruled by a band of Hezbollah thugs who even killed their Christian president?

No need to ask.

I know many Christian Arabs, you should hear the things they have to say about Muslims. And it's justified.
if they had to make a choice Christain Palesitinians would of course choose Palestine.

Palestine is their people and their heritage.

Yes because people are flocking to Palestine. :cuckoo:
Which non Muslim wouldn't want to live among a bunch of intolerant Islamic terrorist savages? :lmao:

Of course, they are much safer in Islamic countries where they are persecuted for their beliefs, slaughtered in the streets and fire bombed.
Of course, they are much safer in Islamic countries where they are persecuted for their beliefs, slaughtered in the streets and fire bombed.

Which non Muslim wouldn't want to live among a bunch of intolerant Islamic terrorist savages? :lmao:

all Muslims are savagesd and all all musilm countries slaughter christians in the strreets and firebomb them?
Of course, they are much safer in Islamic countries where they are persecuted for their beliefs, slaughtered in the streets and fire bombed.

Which non Muslim wouldn't want to live among a bunch of intolerant Islamic terrorist savages? :lmao:

all Muslims are savagesd and all all musilm countries slaughter christians in the strreets and firebomb them?

Given the gross inaccuracy and irrelevance of most of the 'links' you boast of in you siggy - it seems that's some really thin ice you're trying to skate on........
if they had to choose the Arab Christians would support Palestine ober the Zionists.
Yessiree Bob, Gardener has polled all the Christians in that area and found out their opinion. I wonder if Gardener can tell us if these Palestinian Christians (since he wants us to think he knows it all) are aware of the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries and how many Christians are being killed.
Of course, they are much safer in Islamic countries where they are persecuted for their beliefs, slaughtered in the streets and fire bombed.

Which non Muslim wouldn't want to live among a bunch of intolerant Islamic terrorist savages? :lmao:

all Muslims are savagesd and all all musilm countries slaughter christians in the strreets and firebomb them?
All? No, I'm sure you can find exceptions here and there. :cuckoo:
In a 2007 letter from Congressman Henry Hyde to President George W. Bush, Hyde stated that "the Christian community is being crushed in the mill of the bitter Israeli-Palestinian conflict" and that expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem were "irreversibly damaging the dwindling Christian community

Palestinian Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fr Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Custodian of the Holy Land, a senior Catholic spokesman, has stated that police inaction and an educational culture that encourages Jewish children to treat Christians with "contempt" has made life increasingly "intolerable" for many Christians. Fr Pizzaballa's statement came after pro-settler extremists attacked a Trappist monastery in the town of Latroun, setting fire to its door, and covering walls with anti-Christian graffiti denouncing Christ as a "monkey". The incident followed a series of acts of arson and vandalism, in 2012, targeting places of Christian worship, including Jerusalem's 11th century Monastery of the Cross, where slogans such as "Death to Christians" and other offensive graffiti were daubed on its walls. According to an article in the Telegraph, Christian leaders feel that the most important issue that Israel has failed to address is the practice of some ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools to teach children that it is a religious obligation to abuse anyone in Holy Orders they encounter in public, such that Ultra-Orthodox Jews, including children as young as eight, spit at members of the clergy on a daily basis.[26]

After Pope Benedict XVI's comments on Islam in September 2006, five churches not affiliated with either Catholicism or the Pope—among them an Anglican and an Orthodox church—were firebombed and shot at in the West Bank and Gaza. A group called "Lions of Monotheism" claimed responsibility.[27] Former Palestinian Prime Minister and current Hamas leader Ismail Haniya condemned the attacks, and police presence was elevated in Bethlehem, which has a sizable Christian community.[28]

Armenians in Jerusalem, identified as Palestinian Christians or Israeli-Armenians, have also been attacked and received threats from Jewish extremists; Christians and clergy have been spat at, and one Armenian Archbishop was beaten and his centuries old cross broken. In September 2009, two Armenian Christian clergy were expelled after a brawl erupted with a Jewish extremist for spitting on holy Christian objects.[29]

In February 2009, a group of Christian activists within the West Bank wrote an open letter asking Pope Benedict XVI to postpone his scheduled trip to Israel unless the government changes its treatment.[30] They highlighted improved access to places of worship and ending the taxation of church properties as key concerns.[30] The Pope began his five-day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Territories on Sunday, 10 May, planning to express support for the region's Christians.[21] In response to Palestinian public statements, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor criticized the political polarization of the papal visit, remarking that "t will serve the cause of peace much better if this visit is taken for what it is, a pilgrimage, a visit for the cause of peace and unity

Yes, there are Christians (the few remaining) that living amongst the Palestinian savages who are suffering because of what the Palestinian Arab Muslims are doing.

If they had a choice they would live in Israel. Just like the two million Palestinian Arab Muslims that are living in Israel and prefer to live in Israel over any Muslim country, including the Palestinian run shitholes.
In a 2007 letter from Congressman Henry Hyde to President George W. Bush, Hyde stated that "the Christian community is being crushed in the mill of the bitter Israeli-Palestinian conflict" and that expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem were "irreversibly damaging the dwindling Christian community

Palestinian Christians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fr Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Custodian of the Holy Land, a senior Catholic spokesman, has stated that police inaction and an educational culture that encourages Jewish children to treat Christians with "contempt" has made life increasingly "intolerable" for many Christians. Fr Pizzaballa's statement came after pro-settler extremists attacked a Trappist monastery in the town of Latroun, setting fire to its door, and covering walls with anti-Christian graffiti denouncing Christ as a "monkey". The incident followed a series of acts of arson and vandalism, in 2012, targeting places of Christian worship, including Jerusalem's 11th century Monastery of the Cross, where slogans such as "Death to Christians" and other offensive graffiti were daubed on its walls. According to an article in the Telegraph, Christian leaders feel that the most important issue that Israel has failed to address is the practice of some ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools to teach children that it is a religious obligation to abuse anyone in Holy Orders they encounter in public, such that Ultra-Orthodox Jews, including children as young as eight, spit at members of the clergy on a daily basis.[26]

After Pope Benedict XVI's comments on Islam in September 2006, five churches not affiliated with either Catholicism or the Pope—among them an Anglican and an Orthodox church—were firebombed and shot at in the West Bank and Gaza. A group called "Lions of Monotheism" claimed responsibility.[27] Former Palestinian Prime Minister and current Hamas leader Ismail Haniya condemned the attacks, and police presence was elevated in Bethlehem, which has a sizable Christian community.[28]

Armenians in Jerusalem, identified as Palestinian Christians or Israeli-Armenians, have also been attacked and received threats from Jewish extremists; Christians and clergy have been spat at, and one Armenian Archbishop was beaten and his centuries old cross broken. In September 2009, two Armenian Christian clergy were expelled after a brawl erupted with a Jewish extremist for spitting on holy Christian objects.[29]

In February 2009, a group of Christian activists within the West Bank wrote an open letter asking Pope Benedict XVI to postpone his scheduled trip to Israel unless the government changes its treatment.[30] They highlighted improved access to places of worship and ending the taxation of church properties as key concerns.[30] The Pope began his five-day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Territories on Sunday, 10 May, planning to express support for the region's Christians.[21] In response to Palestinian public statements, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor criticized the political polarization of the papal visit, remarking that "t will serve the cause of peace much better if this visit is taken for what it is, a pilgrimage, a visit for the cause of peace and unity

Yes, there are Christians (the few remaining) that living amongst the Palestinian savages who are suffering because of what the Palestinian Arab Muslims are doing.

If they had a choice they would live in Israel. Just like the two million Palestinian Arab Muslims that are living in Israel and prefer to live in Israel over any Muslim country, including the Palestinian run shitholes.

Western embassies are jam packed full of asylum seekers in Muslim Countries, I've seen it first hands on my deployments to the Middle East. All I hear is that Islamic law is so wonderful yet nobody wants to actually live in any of these countries that have it.:cuckoo:
if they had to choose the Arab Christians would support Palestine ober the Zionists.
Yup, just like the Arab Muslims, ha ha ha:

Poll: 77% of Arabs say won't replace Israel

Study conducted by Harvard University reveals Israeli Arabs would rather live in Jewish state than in any other country in world
Seventy-seven percent of the State of Israel's Arab citizens would rather live in the Jewish state than in any other country in the world, according to a new study titled "Coexistence in Israel".

The survey was conducted by the John Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

The study was aimed at examining the relations between Israel's Jewish and Arab citizens on the State's 60th anniversary, and included 1,721 respondents.
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