Arabs and Israelis discuss partnerships for progress. Meanwhile, “Palestinians” are partners in backwardness and terrorism

Wrong! The massacre started when a bunch of Zionists went down to the Wall and declared it "theirs". What about the over 400 Jews who's lives were saved by their Arab nieghbors?
A rumor was spread that Jew were going to take over the Temple Mount that's when the Muslims started indiscriminately killing Jews. It's great that there were some Muslims that had a little humanity still does not change the fact that a rumor caused an anti-Jewish riot that killed innocent people. History is not you strong suit so maybe you should stop while you just look ignorant.

Chopping off children's heads and stabbing women to death is self-defense,right ? I bet your one of those knuckle dragging morons who believe the holocaust never happened ?
No, thats exactly what you did. I have no problem discussing what Israel does. As I said, I dont give a shit about either group of people. But facts are facts and you dont seem to like them.

You couldn‘t function without Israeli technology. You wouldn’t exist without Israeli life science advances.
A rumor was spread that Jew were going to take over the Temple Mount that's when the Muslims started indiscriminately killing Jews. It's great that there were some Muslims that had a little humanity still does not change the fact that a rumor caused an anti-Jewish riot that killed innocent people. History is not you strong suit so maybe you should stop while you just look ignorant.

Chopping off children's heads and stabbing women to death is self-defense,right ? I bet your one of those knuckle dragging morons who believe the holocaust never happened ?
I love how you WANT to believe that! Is it your crutch, or your best friend? Anyone refusing to kiss Israeli ass, is a Jew hater? Did I get that right?
I do. No one wants peace more than the Palestinians. No one wants it less than the Israeli's. If Israel wanted peace, they would end the occupation. But they won't, so they don't. And the Arab countrys' they are claiming peace with, are just being bought off to give the illusion of peace.
The only "peace" the Palestinians will accept is no Israel. They are quite open about it. They have refused a two-country solution going as far back as Clinton's presidency.
I'm talking about Israel's cult of violence. Remember, there was no major violence in the area until the Zionists showed up at the turn of the last century.
Thats for a couple of reasons, one, the population was pretty low and Trans-Jordan was a backwater owned by a back-water empire. Two, the Ottoman Empire had a very short way of dealing with unsanctioned violence. Dead people don't become recidivists.
Thats for a couple of reasons, one, the population was pretty low and Trans-Jordan was a backwater owned by a back-water empire. Two, the Ottoman Empire had a very short way of dealing with unsanctioned violence. Dead people don't become recidivists.
Zionists drove out 750,000 indigenous non-Jewish residents at the point of a gun. Using Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

I don't care who you are, you can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there!
That was almost all land LOST to Israel during the unprovoked Arab attack in 1948. You know, the FIRST time the Arabs tried to exterminate the Jews.
You gotta be shitting me with this 'unprovoked' garbage! Those Arab armies went in to protect the civil rights of the non-Jewish residents in that area.
It doesn't matter! The only thing that matters, is that land is not Israel's.
Your silly. "...because I say so" claim is nonsense. The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians never had and still don't have sovereign control of any territory.
You gotta be shitting me with this 'unprovoked' garbage! Those Arab armies went in to protect the civil rights of the non-Jewish residents in that area.
Ha! They went in to wipe Israel and her Jews into oblivion. If they want to try it again, they’re likely to lose more land.
Eye witness accounts from British citizens but you probably think it's a Zionist conspiracy, fucking nutbag.
The Democrat Party is definitely the anti-Israel Party. It has to do with their hostility to people who are intelligent and successful.
Zionists drove out 750,000 indigenous non-Jewish residents at the point of a gun. Using Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

I don't care who you are, you can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there!
Arabs drove out 800,000 Jews throughout the Middle East, and unlike Israel, didn’t pay them a cent for their land. They stole their property, their homes, all their worldly assets.

But for some reason you don’t complain about THAT. Oh right, different standards depending on whether they’re Jews or not.

”Zionist” is the hate word for Jews.
You gotta be shitting me with this 'unprovoked' garbage! Those Arab armies went in to protect the civil rights of the non-Jewish residents in that area.
Yeah right, Israel hadn't been a nation five hours when the Arab armies invaded. And their openly declared objective was to kill off the Jews and give their land and property to the resident Arabs. Notice I didn't say Palestinians because Palestine didn't exist. The part of Trans-Jordan that was to be Arab became Jordan, the remainder was to go to the Jews as Israel.
You gotta be shitting me with this 'unprovoked' garbage! Those Arab armies went in to protect the civil rights of the non-Jewish residents in that area.
Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: “The UN vote in 1947 was viewed as Israel's basic title to independence and statehood. The Palestinians and the Arab powers had rejected partition and chosen the path of war. Their choice was to prove calamitous. Palestine became a great Arab shame. Few Arabs were willing to tell the story truthfully, to face its harsh verdict”

The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State
Your silly. "...because I say so" claim is nonsense. The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians never had and still don't have sovereign control of any territory.
Well, that part is true. But it doesn't take from the fact that they have a right to that land and the Israeli's do not.

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