Arabs and Israelis discuss partnerships for progress. Meanwhile, “Palestinians” are partners in backwardness and terrorism

I'm talking about Israel's cult of violence. Remember, there was no major violence in the area until the Zionists showed up at the turn of the last century.
No major violence ? You are historically retarded. The Middle East has been a battle ground for as long as man has been building cities.
Gaza, Golan Heights, West Bank and East Jerusalem.
They have no troops in Gaza. It isnt "occupied"
Golan heights is Syria. What does that have to do with Palestinians? I might be missing something on this one. See, I actually dont give 2 shits about this hundred year conflict. I just know Israel has an older claim to the land.
East Jerusalem is the West bank.
So you are saying if they leave the West bank, Palestine will chill the fuck out?
Using schools and hospitals to launch rockets into Israel is self-defense.

Yes. Unfortunately for Hamas, since the Rockets are indiscriminate, that makes them war crimes. But the reason for their firing, is legal self defense. Israel, on the other hand, as an occupational force, cannot claim self defense.
Yes. Unfortunately for Hamas, since the Rockets are indiscriminate, that makes them war crimes. But the reason for their firing, is legal self defense. Israel, on the other hand, as an occupational force, cannot claim self defense.
Not so. There was no major violence in that area for almost a 100 years until the Hebron riots which Zionists started.
Sure no major violence during the Roman occupation, Arab conquests or, Crusades. The first recorded battle in history was fought at a place called Megiddo, guess what part of the world that's in genius. I blame the education system you loons just keep getting dumber and dumber.
They have no troops in Gaza. It isnt "occupied"
Golan heights is Syria. What does that have to do with Palestinians? I might be missing something on this one. See, I actually dont give 2 shits about this hundred year conflict. I just know Israel has an older claim to the land.
East Jerusalem is the West bank.
So you are saying if they leave the West bank, Palestine will chill the fuck out?
Israel maintains 'effective control' over 80% of Gaza. That makes it occupied. If there is no occupation of Gaza, then why can't they leave? Why can't they receive humanitarian aid without Israeli interference?
The land seized in the '67 war.
Israelis offered Pestilinians statehood. Pestilinians rejected statehood…

Israel maintains 'effective control' over 80% of Gaza. That makes it occupied. If there is no occupation of Gaza, then why can't they leave? Why can't they receive humanitarian aid without Israeli interference?

Sure no major violence during the Roman occupation, Arab conquests or, Crusades. The first recorded battle in history was fought at a place called Megiddo, guess what part of the world that's in genius. I blame the education system you loons just keep getting dumber and dumber.
Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived in relative peace until the Zionists showed up!
Yes. Unfortunately for Hamas, since the Rockets are indiscriminate, that makes them war crimes. But the reason for their firing, is legal self defense. Israel, on the other hand, as an occupational force, cannot claim self defense.
They are using the sick and children as human shield you lunatic and Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by the US , UK, and European Union.

I'm talking about Israel's cult of violence. Remember, there was no major violence in the area until the Zionists showed up at the turn of the last century.

Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: Palestinians’ terrifying cult of violence…


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