Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden's Demise


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden's Demise, Hamas Angry


Arabs in the village of Silwan, adjacent to the City of David neighborhood in Jerusalem, rioted Monday night in protest over the elimination of Osama Bin-Laden. The rioters were throwing stones at police and attempting to block roads.

While most of the free world praised the United States for having rid it of arch-terrorist Bin Laden, the Hamas organization - which has recently all but merged with Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas - condemned the act.

The Gaza-based website Al Qassam reports that Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the local Hamas chapter that runs Gaza, told reporters on Monday that Bin Laden was an "Arab holy warrior."

Meeting with journalists in his office in Gaza City, Haniyeh said, "If this news [of Bin Laden's killing] is true, then this means that it is part of the American policy based on the oppression and bloodshed in the Muslim and Arab world."

Haniyeh expressed his strong condemnation for the killing or assassination of Bin Laden, whom he referred to as "Mujahed" - someone in engaged in jihad, holy war against infidels. He said he was praying for mercy for Bin Laden.

Hamas reached a "reconciliation" agreement with Fatah last week, calling for the formation of a joint interim government in the coming days, and preparations for elections a year from now throughout Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The agreement was hailed by most left-wing and anti-Israel organizations

Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden's Demise, Hamas Angry - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News
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Fucking Hamas and their stupid fucking antics. Thankfully, the vast majority of Palestinian totally disagree with this, and I hope they vote those pieces of shit out of office:

Hamas slams killing of 'holy warrior' Osama bin Laden - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Haaretz said:
Haniyeh's reported comments came following an earlier remark by a Palestinian Authority spokesman who said Monday the killing of Osama bin Laden by U.S. forces was "good for the cause of peace".

"Getting rid of Bin Laden is good for the cause of peace worldwide but what counts is to overcome the discourse and the methods -- the violent methods -- that were created and encouraged by Bin Laden and others in the world," PA spokesman Ghassan Khatib said.

Poll: Palestinians retained highest support of Osama bin Laden since 2003 - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Haaretz said:
The survey showed how support for the al-Qaida leader had dropped drastically across the board since 2003, with the greatest decline occurring in Jordan, where the support for bin Laden dropped from 56 percent in 2003 to 13 percent in the current poll.

Palestinian Muslims offered more positive opinions of the terror group relatively, (28% favorable), but about more than 68 percent of the Muslim population viewed al-Qaida unfavorably.
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Fucking Hamas and their stupid fucking antics. Thankfully, the vast majority of Palestinian totally disagree with this, and I hope they vote those pieces of shit out of office:

Hamas slams killing of 'holy warrior' Osama bin Laden - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Haaretz said:
Haniyeh's reported comments came following an earlier remark by a Palestinian Authority spokesman who said Monday the killing of Osama bin Laden by U.S. forces was "good for the cause of peace".

"Getting rid of Bin Laden is good for the cause of peace worldwide but what counts is to overcome the discourse and the methods -- the violent methods -- that were created and encouraged by Bin Laden and others in the world," PA spokesman Ghassan Khatib said.

Poll: Palestinians retained highest support of Osama bin Laden since 2003 - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Haaretz said:
The survey showed how support for the al-Qaida leader had dropped drastically across the board since 2003, with the greatest decline occurring in Jordan, where the support for bin Laden dropped from 56 percent in 2003 to 13 percent in the current poll.

Palestinian Muslims offered more positive opinions of the terror group relatively, (28% favorable), but about more than 68 percent of the Muslim population viewed al-Qaida unfavorably.

Hamas and fatah are merging, you're not going to be able to tell the difference soon. Abbas and fatah lost, they gave in to the hard-line hamas terrorist’s thugs
(RTTNews) - Hamas, the radical Islamist group that controls the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip, on Monday condemned the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden by American ground troops as an "assassination" of an "Arab holy warrior".

"We condemn the assassination of a Muslim and Arab warrior and we pray to God that his soul rests in peace," Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said Monday. "We regard this as the continuation of the American oppression and shedding of blood of Muslims and Arabs."

His reaction came just days after an Hamas police operation resulted in deaths of two members of an al-Qaeda inspired group allegedly responsible for the abduction and murder of Italian Gaza activist Vittorio Arrigoni in April.

Hamas Condemns Killing Of Osama Bin Laden

I wonder how the State Department will spin this.
Hamas and fatah are merging, you're not going to be able to tell the difference soon. Abbas and fatah lost, they gave in to the hard-line hamas terrorist’s thugs

Why must we assume that? Maybe Hamas lost and are giving in to the soft-liner Fatah "doves." We have yet to see the details of their agreement. I'd see the latter as much more likely, because Palestinians are tired of getting pounced on over and over again and the majority realize that violence and extremism are not going to help - in fact, Hamas' hardline and oppressive approach since the intra-Palestine conflict began has probably done more to delegitimize it in the eyes of the Palestinian people than Israel's bombs have. The entire Arab world is moving towards non-violent resistance, and I fully expect Palestinians, even in Gaza, to follow suit.
Hamas and fatah are merging, you're not going to be able to tell the difference soon. Abbas and fatah lost, they gave in to the hard-line hamas terrorist’s thugs

Why must we assume that? Maybe Hamas lost and are giving in to the soft-liner Fatah "doves." We have yet to see the details of their agreement. I'd see the latter as much more likely, because Palestinians are tired of getting pounced on over and over again and the majority realize that violence and extremism are not going to help - in fact, Hamas' hardline and oppressive approach since the intra-Palestine conflict began has probably done more to delegitimize it in the eyes of the Palestinian people than Israel's bombs have. The entire Arab world is moving towards non-violent resistance, and I fully expect Palestinians, even in Gaza, to follow suit.

Please don't take offense by this, but I really think there is so much hate on both sides, Bitterness, Generations need to literally die out before People can move on. Intermarriage, relating in general, socializing, what have you, is far from being the norm. Time heals, there hasn't been enough of it yet.
at the end of the day, really, what did you expect?I am sorry to say they did what I expected....

I would like to if possible make a count of arab nations that congratulated us, publicly of course, I am sure there are a few who did, but wanted it kept between them and us....hopefully.
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Hamas and fatah are merging, you're not going to be able to tell the difference soon. Abbas and fatah lost, they gave in to the hard-line hamas terrorist’s thugs

Why must we assume that? Maybe Hamas lost and are giving in to the soft-liner Fatah "doves." We have yet to see the details of their agreement. I'd see the latter as much more likely, because Palestinians are tired of getting pounced on over and over again and the majority realize that violence and extremism are not going to help - in fact, Hamas' hardline and oppressive approach since the intra-Palestine conflict began has probably done more to delegitimize it in the eyes of the Palestinian people than Israel's bombs have. The entire Arab world is moving towards non-violent resistance, and I fully expect Palestinians, even in Gaza, to follow suit.

Please don't take offense by this, but I really think there is so much hate on both sides, Bitterness, Generations need to literally die out before People can move on. Intermarriage, relating in general, socializing, what have you, is far from being the norm. Time heals, there hasn't been enough of it yet.

There is no intermarriage with Radical Islam. Remember the basic teaching of their faith is the extermination of infidels. In that regard the human blood sacrifice beheading ceremony to Allah is the most high ceremony in Radical Islam.

They follow the procedure exactly as Mohamed taught them In Medina where he had all of the men of two Jewish tribes executed so he and his men could steal their possessions and rape their women. If they liked the women they called them their wives, if not, they sold them into slavery.

Remember, according to Radical Islam, in the last days, all Christians and Jews must be beheaded in the Holy ceremony to Allah. Even the trees will cry out to the Muslim warriors telling where the Jews or Christians are hiding so the Muslim warriors can behead them.
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Why must we assume that? Maybe Hamas lost and are giving in to the soft-liner Fatah "doves." We have yet to see the details of their agreement. I'd see the latter as much more likely, because Palestinians are tired of getting pounced on over and over again and the majority realize that violence and extremism are not going to help - in fact, Hamas' hardline and oppressive approach since the intra-Palestine conflict began has probably done more to delegitimize it in the eyes of the Palestinian people than Israel's bombs have. The entire Arab world is moving towards non-violent resistance, and I fully expect Palestinians, even in Gaza, to follow suit.

Please don't take offense by this, but I really think there is so much hate on both sides, Bitterness, Generations need to literally die out before People can move on. Intermarriage, relating in general, socializing, what have you, is far from being the norm. Time heals, there hasn't been enough of it yet.

There is no intermarriage with Radical Islam. Remember the basic teaching of their faith is the extermination of infidels. In that regard the human blood sacrifice beheading ceremony to Allah is the most high ceremony in Radical Islam.

They follow the procedure exactly as Mohamed taught them In Media where he had all of the men of two Jewish tribes executed so he and his men could steal their possessions and rape their women. If they liked the women they called them their wives, if not, they sold them into slavery.

Remember, according to Radical Islam, in the last days, all Christians and Jews must be beheaded in the Holy ceremony to Allah. Even the trees will cry out to the Muslim warriors telling where the Jews or Christians are hiding so the Muslim warriors can behead them.

[ame=]YouTube - Hamas: Kill Christians and Jews "to the last one"[/ame]
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Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden's Demise, Hamas Angry


Arabs in the village of Silwan, adjacent to the City of David neighborhood in Jerusalem, rioted Monday night in protest over the elimination of Osama Bin-Laden. The rioters were throwing stones at police and attempting to block roads.

While most of the free world praised the United States for having rid it of arch-terrorist Bin Laden, the Hamas organization - which has recently all but merged with Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas - condemned the act.

The Gaza-based website Al Qassam reports that Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the local Hamas chapter that runs Gaza, told reporters on Monday that Bin Laden was an "Arab holy warrior."

Meeting with journalists in his office in Gaza City, Haniyeh said, "If this news [of Bin Laden's killing] is true, then this means that it is part of the American policy based on the oppression and bloodshed in the Muslim and Arab world."

Haniyeh expressed his strong condemnation for the killing or assassination of Bin Laden, whom he referred to as "Mujahed" - someone in engaged in jihad, holy war against infidels. He said he was praying for mercy for Bin Laden.

Hamas reached a "reconciliation" agreement with Fatah last week, calling for the formation of a joint interim government in the coming days, and preparations for elections a year from now throughout Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The agreement was hailed by most left-wing and anti-Israel organizations

Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden's Demise, Hamas Angry - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

Your source is a far right settlers paper and this is reported nowhere else that I can find.

I would like to if possible make a count of arab nations that congratulated us, publicly of course, I am sure there are a few who did, but wanted it kept between them and us....hopefully.

You can find the responses here Reactions: Bin Laden's death - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

I was watching Al Jazeera last night and the interview with Robert Fisk at the bottom of the above link goes with the gist of what they were saying, that is that Al Qaeda is what could have come but the Arab Spring provided opposing ideology and orientation i.e non violent revolution and democracy.

That is what is gaining momentum.
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[ame=]YouTube - 'OSAMA IS DEAD' Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox)[/ame]

I saw your video and thought you were going to be providing proof of the rioting yesterday!!

Was it not in Gaza that the celebrations were had for 9/11? The BBC showed both Palestinians celebrating and Palestinians in shock and horror like the rest of the world.

There is here confirmation that there was mourning for Bin Laden in Swilan but not rioting

Palestinian Arabs pour into the streets to mourn Osama bin Laden | Spero News

and up to date on what the other responses were. Again Gaza seems to be worse
Hamas and fatah are merging, you're not going to be able to tell the difference soon. Abbas and fatah lost, they gave in to the hard-line hamas terrorist’s thugs

Why must we assume that? Maybe Hamas lost and are giving in to the soft-liner Fatah "doves." We have yet to see the details of their agreement. I'd see the latter as much more likely, because Palestinians are tired of getting pounced on over and over again and the majority realize that violence and extremism are not going to help - in fact, Hamas' hardline and oppressive approach since the intra-Palestine conflict began has probably done more to delegitimize it in the eyes of the Palestinian people than Israel's bombs have. The entire Arab world is moving towards non-violent resistance, and I fully expect Palestinians, even in Gaza, to follow suit.

Please don't take offense by this, but I really think there is so much hate on both sides, Bitterness, Generations need to literally die out before People can move on. Intermarriage, relating in general, socializing, what have you, is far from being the norm. Time heals, there hasn't been enough of it yet.

I disagree with that point of view simply because I feel like it only serves as an excuse to allow the hate to keep going (At the same time, I'm not implying this is what you mean or what you want).

Basically, generations have died out. Almost 40% of the population of the West Bank and almost half of Gaza is below the age of 15 years old! Not even 4% of West Bankers or even 3% of Gazans were born before 1947. Israel, while older, is still a youthful country too (~30% below 15 and ~10% above 64). [Just compare it to the United States, where only 20% are 14 and below and 13% are 65 or above, it is even a more skewed ratio of young to old in most of Europe]. This vast bulks of Palestinian and Israeli societies are not yet even capable of manifesting this hate, but they absolutely will if things keep going the way they are going. Neither of these two groups have any special capacity for hate specific to them or their circumstances and apart from the rest of humanity.

Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians and many others withstood almost 70 years of brutal Soviet occupation, but you don't see either Russians and Estonians lobbing bombs at each other. Hutus and Tutsis coexist today in Rwanda and Burundi despite a horrifying genocide only 17 years ago. Today and for a good part of the last 50 years, any American Jew or Israeli Jew can stroll down the streets of Frankfurt, along with the 200,000-strong and growing Jewish community of modern Germany.

The only way to stop violence is to stop violence. It can't wait until there's nobody left to kill.
A terrorist organisation is upset that a terrorist was killed? I thought it was their job to be killed. Isn't the ultimate goal of a terrorist to die a violent and bloody death?

Nah....Thats only for the brainwashed young people, the leaders hide behind women.
Hamas and fatah are merging, you're not going to be able to tell the difference soon. Abbas and fatah lost, they gave in to the hard-line hamas terrorist’s thugs

Why must we assume that? Maybe Hamas lost and are giving in to the soft-liner Fatah "doves." We have yet to see the details of their agreement. I'd see the latter as much more likely, because Palestinians are tired of getting pounced on over and over again and the majority realize that violence and extremism are not going to help - in fact, Hamas' hardline and oppressive approach since the intra-Palestine conflict began has probably done more to delegitimize it in the eyes of the Palestinian people than Israel's bombs have. The entire Arab world is moving towards non-violent resistance, and I fully expect Palestinians, even in Gaza, to follow suit.

You think Hamas is going to give in to the softer Fatah agenda? no way in hell.
Granny say he dead - get over it...
Ethics of assassination: Was it right to kill bin Laden?
5/2/2011 - Amid the celebrations over the death of al-Qaida's leader, Art Caplan weighs in on the ethics of assassination
When Osama bin Laden’s death was announced there was no doubt how Americans felt about his passing. Joy erupted all across the country. People ran into the streets to celebrate. Cheers broke out at sporting events. The families of those murdered in the 9/11 attacks stated their relief. Politicians took quiet pride in his killing. President Barack Obama declared, in a curt phrase that may well become the signature statement of his presidency, “justice has been done.” Yet, there are ethical questions that some are quietly asking on the occasion of the killing of the world’s most notorious terrorist: Do we condone killing without a trial? Is assassination ever an ethical act?

While it is tough to raise these questions about the demise of a despised figure like bin Laden, I think his killing was ethical. If any terrorist was ever a candidate to be deliberately wiped out, Osama bin Laden is surely that person. At a White House briefing Monday, Homeland Security advisor John Brennan said "we would have taken bin Laden alive if we could," although the team of U.S. Special Forces trained for both eventualities — taking him alive or engaging in a fight. The American government has been trying to take out this man for a nearly decade. They finally did.

Press reports say that the military team that killed Osama Bin Laden is an elite special forces group unofficially called SEAL Team 6 . Officially, the team's name is classified and not available to the public. Technically there is no team 6. The members of Team 6 are all "black" operatives. They exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification and often outside the boundaries of international law. To maintain plausible deniability in case they are caught, records of black operations are not kept.

Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden's Demise, Hamas Angry


Arabs in the village of Silwan, adjacent to the City of David neighborhood in Jerusalem, rioted Monday night in protest over the elimination of Osama Bin-Laden. The rioters were throwing stones at police and attempting to block roads.

While most of the free world praised the United States for having rid it of arch-terrorist Bin Laden, the Hamas organization - which has recently all but merged with Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas - condemned the act.

The Gaza-based website Al Qassam reports that Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the local Hamas chapter that runs Gaza, told reporters on Monday that Bin Laden was an "Arab holy warrior."

Meeting with journalists in his office in Gaza City, Haniyeh said, "If this news [of Bin Laden's killing] is true, then this means that it is part of the American policy based on the oppression and bloodshed in the Muslim and Arab world."

Haniyeh expressed his strong condemnation for the killing or assassination of Bin Laden, whom he referred to as "Mujahed" - someone in engaged in jihad, holy war against infidels. He said he was praying for mercy for Bin Laden.

Hamas reached a "reconciliation" agreement with Fatah last week, calling for the formation of a joint interim government in the coming days, and preparations for elections a year from now throughout Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The agreement was hailed by most left-wing and anti-Israel organizations

Arabs Riot in Jerusalem Over Bin Laden's Demise, Hamas Angry - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

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