Arabs Throw Stones at Ambulance Carrying Bodies of Murdered Boys

What message are the Muslims sending when they do such a thing? I have not read the Koran but seriously doubt such heathen behavior is called for.

Arabs Throw Stones at Ambulance Carrying Bodies of Murdered Boys | Truth Revolt

According to multiple reports, Arabs stoned the IDF ambulance that was carrying the bodies of the murdered Israeli teenagers. The ambulance was forced to stop, its windshield shattered. According to The Algemeiner:

“Palestinian Arabs attacked an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) ambulance humvee on Monday that was transporting the recently discovered bodies of three murdered Israeli boys who were kidnapped on June 12, an Israel source told The Algemeiner.

The Palestinians have become warped as a people. They are stewing in their own everlasting blood hatred for the Jews and it has made them grotesque and their sensibilities reflect a depravity of spirit and a lack of compassion for humanity.

To those who post on this subject, can you pass the Israel test?

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They are at war kids, stones will be thrown. Sorry but it's red hot over there because Israel refuses to make peace, they can't, the Zionists won't let them.


You pompous shit.

NO, you will not find stones being thrown at a hearse carrying the bodies of three murdered children...not anyway in the world---except where it is Muslims throwing the stones.
If it says IDF it's a target. It's a war...

Can you pass the Israel test?

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You pompous shit.

NO, you will not find stones being thrown at a hearse carrying the bodies of three murdered children...not anyway in the world---except where it is Muslims throwing the stones.
If it says IDF it's a target. It's a war...

Can you pass the Israel test?
The Israel lie. Now there's 4:38 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Sounds great, if you didn't know the actual truth, which I do...
Did someone say Israel? PMH? I know the truth, you know only propaganda.

You know what you've been told, and about Israel what you've been told are lies...

For instance?

Among other things, that God gave the Jews the Holy Land, they made that up, that they ruled the Holy Land, not even close, that they have always lived on that land, also not even close, and that they have always believed in God, which is also a lie since they believed in tribal gods both before and after Jehovah came on the scene, and that they deserve a homeland, which they don't since no other faith has one. And that's just for starters.

Herzl and Ben-Gurion knew there could never be peace there without a Nazi-worthy slaughter, the land was already owned by the Arabs.
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You know what you've been told, and about Israel what you've been told are lies...

For instance?

Among other things, that God gave the Jews the Holy Land, they made that up, that they ruled the Holy Land, not even close, that they have always lived on that land, also not even close, and that they have always believed in God, which is also a lie since they believed in tribal gods both before and after Jehovah came on the scene, and that they deserve a homeland, which they don't since no other faith has one. And that's just for starters.

Herzl and Ben-Gurion knew there could never be peace there without a Nazi-worthy slaughter, the land was already owned by the Arabs.

Why would someone as clever as those evil Jews pick the Land of Canaan when all the oil is in Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia?
There are no other faith nations?
Come on, you're not THAT stupid!

BTW, what's a Tribal God?
For instance?

Among other things, that God gave the Jews the Holy Land, they made that up, that they ruled the Holy Land, not even close, that they have always lived on that land, also not even close, and that they have always believed in God, which is also a lie since they believed in tribal gods both before and after Jehovah came on the scene, and that they deserve a homeland, which they don't since no other faith has one. And that's just for starters.

Herzl and Ben-Gurion knew there could never be peace there without a Nazi-worthy slaughter, the land was already owned by the Arabs.

Why would someone as clever as those evil Jews pick the Land of Canaan when all the oil is in Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia?
There are no other faith nations?
Come on, you're not THAT stupid!

BTW, what's a Tribal God?
They didn't want oil, they wanted a homeland for the Jews, who no one wanted. Other nations have a majority faith but no other faith has a nation. And the Jews were a tribal people with many tribal gods, of which they prayed to in the form of little idols. They were not Monotheistic, which is why the first commandment reads as it does.

"1. "We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs and we are building here a Hebrew, a Jewish state; instead of the Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You even do not know the names of those villages, and I do not blame you because these villages no longer exist. There is not a single Jewish settlement that was not established in the place of a former Arab Village." * Moshe Dyan, March 19, 1969, speech at the Technion in Haifa, quoted in Ha'aretz, April 4, 1969."

"When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched [sic] a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man." They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism's central problem ever since.6"
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Among other things, that God gave the Jews the Holy Land, they made that up, that they ruled the Holy Land, not even close, that they have always lived on that land, also not even close, and that they have always believed in God, which is also a lie since they believed in tribal gods both before and after Jehovah came on the scene, and that they deserve a homeland, which they don't since no other faith has one. And that's just for starters.

Herzl and Ben-Gurion knew there could never be peace there without a Nazi-worthy slaughter, the land was already owned by the Arabs.

Why would someone as clever as those evil Jews pick the Land of Canaan when all the oil is in Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia?
There are no other faith nations?
Come on, you're not THAT stupid!

BTW, what's a Tribal God?
They didn't want oil, they wanted a homeland for the Jews, who no one wanted. Other nations have a majority faith but no other faith has a nation. And the Jews were a tribal people with many tribal gods, of which they prayed to in the form of little idols. They were not Monotheistic, which is why the first commandment reads as it does.

"1. "We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs and we are building here a Hebrew, a Jewish state; instead of the Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You even do not know the names of those villages, and I do not blame you because these villages no longer exist. There is not a single Jewish settlement that was not established in the place of a former Arab Village." * Moshe Dyan, March 19, 1969, speech at the Technion in Haifa, quoted in Ha'aretz, April 4, 1969."

"When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched [sic] a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man." They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism's central problem ever since.6"
""The Bride Is Beautiful, but She Is Married to Another Man": Historical Fabrication and an Anti-Zionist Myth" by Afsai, Shai - Shofar, Vol. 30, Issue 3, Summer 2012 | Questia, Your Online Research Library

You omitted the part where the Jews conducted a valid transaction with Lebanese landowners who then kicked their fellow Arabs off the land in order to deliver it to it's new owner(s).
Legal transaction are a bitch, aren't they?

Now how about those Temples and that Roman Conquest?...
Oops, I forgot, according to, that stuff never happened.
Why would someone as clever as those evil Jews pick the Land of Canaan when all the oil is in Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia?
There are no other faith nations?
Come on, you're not THAT stupid!

BTW, what's a Tribal God?
They didn't want oil, they wanted a homeland for the Jews, who no one wanted. Other nations have a majority faith but no other faith has a nation. And the Jews were a tribal people with many tribal gods, of which they prayed to in the form of little idols. They were not Monotheistic, which is why the first commandment reads as it does.

"1. "We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs and we are building here a Hebrew, a Jewish state; instead of the Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You even do not know the names of those villages, and I do not blame you because these villages no longer exist. There is not a single Jewish settlement that was not established in the place of a former Arab Village." * Moshe Dyan, March 19, 1969, speech at the Technion in Haifa, quoted in Ha'aretz, April 4, 1969."

"When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched [sic] a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man." They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism's central problem ever since.6"
""The Bride Is Beautiful, but She Is Married to Another Man": Historical Fabrication and an Anti-Zionist Myth" by Afsai, Shai - Shofar, Vol. 30, Issue 3, Summer 2012 | Questia, Your Online Research Library

You omitted the part where the Jews conducted a valid transaction with Lebanese landowners who then kicked their fellow Arabs off the land in order to deliver it to it's new owner(s).
Legal transaction are a bitch, aren't they?

Now how about those Temples and that Roman Conquest?...
Oops, I forgot, according to, that stuff never happened.

They are no more evil than the usual bastards, and no better, but the problem of what to do with the Arabs has always been just that, a problem that only expulsion would fix, hence everything Israel does regardless of what it says. You will find many here to tell your lies to however don't bother me with them, I've heard it all decades ago...
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They didn't want oil, they wanted a homeland for the Jews, who no one wanted. Other nations have a majority faith but no other faith has a nation. And the Jews were a tribal people with many tribal gods, of which they prayed to in the form of little idols. They were not Monotheistic, which is why the first commandment reads as it does.

"1. "We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs and we are building here a Hebrew, a Jewish state; instead of the Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You even do not know the names of those villages, and I do not blame you because these villages no longer exist. There is not a single Jewish settlement that was not established in the place of a former Arab Village." * Moshe Dyan, March 19, 1969, speech at the Technion in Haifa, quoted in Ha'aretz, April 4, 1969."

"When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched [sic] a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man." They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism's central problem ever since.6"
""The Bride Is Beautiful, but She Is Married to Another Man": Historical Fabrication and an Anti-Zionist Myth" by Afsai, Shai - Shofar, Vol. 30, Issue 3, Summer 2012 | Questia, Your Online Research Library

You omitted the part where the Jews conducted a valid transaction with Lebanese landowners who then kicked their fellow Arabs off the land in order to deliver it to it's new owner(s).
Legal transaction are a bitch, aren't they?

Now how about those Temples and that Roman Conquest?...
Oops, I forgot, according to, that stuff never happened.

They are no more evil than the usual bastards, and no better, but the problem of what to do with the Arabs has always been just that, a problem that only expulsion would fix, hence everything Israel does regardless of what it says.

So what if Arafat did not pilfer the billions and actually used the money to build a civilized society?
But he didn't and now 3 generations of Muslims are screwed.
You omitted the part where the Jews conducted a valid transaction with Lebanese landowners who then kicked their fellow Arabs off the land in order to deliver it to it's new owner(s).
Legal transaction are a bitch, aren't they?

Now how about those Temples and that Roman Conquest?...
Oops, I forgot, according to, that stuff never happened.

They are no more evil than the usual bastards, and no better, but the problem of what to do with the Arabs has always been just that, a problem that only expulsion would fix, hence everything Israel does regardless of what it says.

So what if Arafat did not pilfer the billions and actually used the money to build a civilized society?
But he didn't and now 3 generations of Muslims are screwed.
I couldn't care less what he did since that is not the root of the problem, which is the goal of Zionism, which does not allow for any part of the Holy Land to be ruled by Arabs. You are looking at trees and ignoring the forest, like most.
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Has anyone managed to link to a news site yet?
No? well it's probably bullshit then.
Did someone say Israel? PMH? I know the truth, you know only propaganda.

You know what you've been told, and about Israel what you've been told are lies...

So much hatred and intolerance.....why you'd almost think you'd HAVE to be a Tea Party member.

Why I'll bet you even think that the evil Jew practices blood sacrifice of Palestinian children.
Did someone say Israel? PMH? I know the truth, you know only propaganda.

You know what you've been told, and about Israel what you've been told are lies...

So much hatred and intolerance.....why you'd almost think you'd HAVE to be a Tea Party member.

Why I'll bet you even think that the evil Jew practices blood sacrifice of Palestinian children.
Close enough for government work, which there that is.
What message are the Muslims sending when they do such a thing? I have not read the Koran but seriously doubt such heathen behavior is called for.

Arabs Throw Stones at Ambulance Carrying Bodies of Murdered Boys | Truth Revolt

According to multiple reports, Arabs stoned the IDF ambulance that was carrying the bodies of the murdered Israeli teenagers. The ambulance was forced to stop, its windshield shattered. According to The Algemeiner:

“Palestinian Arabs attacked an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) ambulance humvee on Monday that was transporting the recently discovered bodies of three murdered Israeli boys who were kidnapped on June 12, an Israel source told The Algemeiner.

may i suggest you buy one at a used book store, i have had mine for over 30 years, it is filled with advocating such savage behavior, such as killing your own children if they stray from the muslime norm, which is lie, steal, murder, kill, destroy and many other heinous crimes against humanity, even their own kind.

DO NOT BUY NEW, that only puts money in the pockets of the evil ones, find a used koran or read on line: The Koran -- Browse

could you quote an example, chapter and verse?

awwwww.., come on now, do a little perusing of the koran, you will find some pretty disgusting shit.

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